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Author Topic: Sleep deprivation anyone else?  (Read 3164 times)


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2022, 03:05:01 PM »

I’m also 52 so I doubt my ovaries will be doing anything?

Hi Louise, your ovaries are probably still functioning, albeit in a very erratic way, which is precisely the root of your symptoms, caused by peaks and throughs in oestrogen levels. Your progesterone levels on the other hand are dropping steadily. You probably need a very high dose of oestrogen to try to override your cycle or progesterone to counteract the oestrogen peaks, which is quite tricky because we don't know when they're happening, it's trial and error, I'm afraid.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2022, 03:08:28 PM »

I really hope the mirtazapine works for you, it was a real life saver for me after my op. It's so good for sleep xx

Amazing grace

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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2022, 03:10:35 PM »

Hi Louise, sorry to hear things have got to melt down point, I've been there, I spoke to soon as I had a terrible night last night wide awake till 5am then only got 3 hours broken sleep, it does make you feel totally insane being sleep deprived, is the new med gp gave you a anti depressant or sleeping aid? , good luck with it I really hope it works for you, and will be really interested to see if it works for you, I did the self referral not for sleep but for anxiety a few years ago I had cbt it is really helpful good luck with that to it will definitely benefit you, take care and hopefully hear a update from you with positive results x


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2022, 03:50:05 PM »

Hi Uptick
Thank you for that info that would make sense. I’ve heard that sometimes ovaries can just poop out after being left due to poor blood flow/scar tissue but it’s not unreasonable to think they could be adding in fits and starts now and again.
The progesterone dropping off makes massive sense too. I know that oestrogen AND progesterone play a part in the pineal relationship with melatonin production. Melatonin gets you to sleep and drops off in the morning when cortisol takes over to get you up. I can go off ok it’s the staying asleep part I’m not good at 🤣
I know there’s loads of concerns over using progesterone when you don’t have a womb but again I wonder whether like Amazing grace said we are quite behind with the idea of using it in small amounts with women who’ve had a surgical menopause or natural and just can’t sleep ?🤔
Be interested to know what info you find at LN clinic Gnatty.
quote author=Uptick link=topic=61282.msg854288#msg854288 date=1648566301]
I’m also 52 so I doubt my ovaries will be doing anything?

Hi Louise, your ovaries are probably still functioning, albeit in a very erratic way, which is precisely the root of your symptoms, caused by peaks and throughs in oestrogen levels. Your progesterone levels on the other hand are dropping steadily. You probably need a very high dose of oestrogen to try to override your cycle or progesterone to counteract the oestrogen peaks, which is quite tricky because we don't know when they're happening, it's trial and error, I'm afraid.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2022, 03:52:10 PM »

I really hope the mirtazapine works for you, it was a real life saver for me after my op. It's so good for sleep xx

Thanks Gnatty. I’m hoping it does. I’ve tried a few things and the disappointment of waking up yet again wide awake is so demoralising so sadly I’m a bit pessimistic. Really hope I’m proved wrong.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2022, 04:01:59 PM »

Hi Louise, sorry to hear things have got to melt down point, I've been there, I spoke to soon as I had a terrible night last night wide awake till 5am then only got 3 hours broken sleep, it does make you feel totally insane being sleep deprived, is the new med gp gave you a anti depressant or sleeping aid? , good luck with it I really hope it works for you, and will be really interested to see if it works for you, I did the self referral not for sleep but for anxiety a few years ago I had cbt it is really helpful good luck with that to it will definitely benefit you, take care and hopefully hear a update from you with positive results x

Oh no I’m sorry to hear this Amazing grace I hope I’ve not jinxed you 😫 I really hope you can get a better night tonight.
The new med is an antidepressant for anxiety and depression. It works on neurotransmitters noradrenaline and serotonin. My old AD was just working on serotonin and I took it in the morning. This new one mirtazapine is taken at night and makes you drowsy apparently. The doctor said I may still wake up to begin with but it will help me to perhaps get better quality sleep in the time I do. Right now I’d take never having a lie in again if I could just sleep till 6am! But that may be a bridge too far 🤣 will let you know


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2022, 08:11:09 AM »

Just to say I really feel for you! I’m suffering too with terrible sleep last few nights. I’m going to try to have a nap before work as I don’t feel very safe to drive, I’ve had such a rubbish night. Luckily there is a train option for me.

I am also transitioning from SSRI to SNRI to try to help the flushes sweats etc and improve mood swings. I am now off the SSRI and start the other Sunday. It’s quite scary isn’t it. I’ve been on the SSRI for 15 years!

I’ve also just finished 4 months of CBT which has been very helpful.

I hope you see some improvement soon.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2022, 08:14:40 AM »

I definitely have the adrenaline rush/cortisol surge thing you describe too. I’ve had that at night for ages to start with and now it’s kind of morphed into adrenaline rush plus horrible night sweats as time has gone on.

Anyway you have my sympathies!



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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2022, 09:30:31 AM »

Hi there

I was having really bad morning adrenaline rushes which have completely stopped since I started taking magnesium glycinate at night.  It took a while (I guess for it to build up in my system) but I've really noticed a difference.  I also take a melatonin supplement (bought online) which is also helping me sleep.  You can buy melatonin patches too.  Not licenced in the UK but it seems you can buy them in most other countries (and online).

Hope you find something that helps. 



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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2022, 09:42:01 AM »

I’m so sorry to hear that Vanillalover it’s really horrible and frustrating. I hope it calms down and you’re able to sleep tonight. I’m not driving at the mo either. What AD are you changing to?

So I took the Mirtazapine last night and don’t actually remember falling asleep. I very vaguely remember waking up but it’s really hazy so that is an improvement. Then I woke in a bit of a sweat but it was 6.50am. I feel slightly drowsy, woolly headed like I could go back to sleep this morning and still worn out but have to say I feel better than yesterday because I feel very calm if not a bit sloth-like. 🦥
But beggars can’t be choosers so I’m not going to moan too much about that!
I may take it a bit earlier tonight. Gnatty when do you take yours?


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2022, 09:44:26 AM »

Hi there

I was having really bad morning adrenaline rushes which have completely stopped since I started taking magnesium glycinate at night.  It took a while (I guess for it to build up in my system) but I've really noticed a difference.  I also take a melatonin supplement (bought online) which is also helping me sleep.  You can buy melatonin patches too.  Not licenced in the UK but it seems you can buy them in most other countries (and online).

Hope you find something that helps. 

Thank you JoannFran that’s really useful info I’m going to do a bit of scouting about for these. Which brands do you use?


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2022, 10:16:46 AM »

Louise thank you. Often I think I just wake up while it’s light/dawn sort of time so I am getting decent sleep in somewhere. And then sometimes like last night I seem to be tossing and turning sweating cold you name it all bloody night! And feel wrecked the next day!

Changing from fluoxetine to venlafaxine. I work in a school so break up for Easter next week so if I have any side effects  from the new antiD I can suffer in peace at home while my own kids are at their school! The dr did say that venlafaxine is better tolerated, fewer side effects to begin with -  than fluoxetine so fingers crossed


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2022, 10:24:19 AM »

Hi Louise, don't worry about feeling drowsy first thing. It's like any new medication, your body takes time to get used to it. As you say it's such a relief just to sleep. I like to go to bed quite early so at first I was taking it about 9.30. Now I have more energy it's more like 10, 10.15. What you can do, say you need to be alert at a certain time in the morning is take it  45 minutes before you go to bed.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2022, 02:38:51 PM »

Keeping everything crossed for you Vanillalover and hoping you enjoy a well deserved Easter break.🐣

Thank you Gnatty yes you’re right it is a god send to hopefully get out of that waking cycle- fingers crossed it continues 🤞🏻
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