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Author Topic: Sleep deprivation anyone else?  (Read 3123 times)


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Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« on: March 28, 2022, 08:35:17 AM »

For the last 2 weeks or more (I’ve lost count) I’ve been waking at 3.30 or 4 in the morning completely wide awake. My heart rate is up like I’ve been exercising. Sometimes I can lie there and doze but mostly my mind won’t switch off and I literally feel like I’m losing it. The lack of sleep now means I have to shut down my business as I’m a wreck during the day.
I exercise regularly and get outside everyday. I have a normal bmi and healthy diet. I go to bed at a reasonable time, I wind down with no screens and I set an alarm and get up at the same time every day. All the rules of good sleep hygiene.

I’ve read that surgical menopause can really mess with sleep more than natural menopause and that for some oestrogen only hrt can make this worse.
Has anyone taken progesterone after a hysterectomy/ partial hysterectomy to balance things?
Does anyone use a progesterone cream to help with sleep?
I feel like I’m literally losing my mind and it’s very frightening. 🥲


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2022, 08:57:55 AM »

My insomnia and anxiety was caused by oestrogen deficiency, gone after 3 months on HRT. Symptoms were fairly similar, I could get to sleep OK but woke at 2-3am every morning and couldn't get back to sleep. As you say you can't function in the day when you can't sleep. Utro does help some people sleep, it doesn't for me but it does make me dopey in the day. Normal meno not hysterectomy.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2022, 09:23:50 AM »

Hi Sheila thanks for replying & the info. 🙂I’m on a high dose of oestrogen and other symptoms are under control. I know there is a link between adrenals and progesterone. However progesterone is rarely /never prescribed (or at least that’s what I’ve heard) after hysterectomy because it’s “not needed”. I’ve read articles that show in some women it can help with anxiety and nighttime waking/ poor sleep quality.
I feel so physically and mentally ill through just mere sleep deprivation this that I feel like I can’t go on anymore.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2022, 09:32:33 AM »

Have you had your levels tested? We're your ovaries removed? Testing is more useful if you're not producing your own. Symptoms of too much oestrogen can be very similar to those of too little. What dose are you on and for how long?
  Might be worth trying a search as there have been threads on this before. It seems that most women don't need it to feel good, many (including me) are worse on it but there are a few who do seem to benefit. As you say getting it prescribed may be problematic.
  There are threads too with advice on other things you can do to aid sleep.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2022, 09:43:46 AM »

My ovaries were left. My oestrogen levels were around 350. I’m on 2 pumps gel in morning 2 at night.
Prior to surgery I was on 1 in morning 1 at night with testogel in morning and utrogestan 10 days a month. Hated the 10 days but I slept like a log. Hysterectomy was for huge fibroids which were a pain but right now I’d take them back just to feel sane and not suicidal.🥲


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2022, 11:00:09 AM »

If your ovaries were left why did they double your gel? Did/do you have any other uncontrolled meno symptoms? Before the op were you OK on the oestrogen phase or is it a problem that pre dates the op? How long have you been on the higher dose (assume you know you should give it 3 months)? If it's recent perhaps you might be better on 3 for now to give your body time to adjust.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2022, 11:22:01 AM »

After my op I stuck to 1 pump am 1 pump pm but I started having night sweats, muscle and bone aches, low mood, fatigue, anxiety - the symptoms I had before I started hrt 5 years ago.
Back then the oestrogel sorted most of them out very quickly.
So I guess that was the reasoning behind upping the dose. All other symptoms disappeared except waking up and inability to sleep. But I’d say I’m now very depressed from lack of sleep.
I’ve been on higher dose for nearly a month. I did try 3 but still had night sweats. I could try again to see if it helps.
Prior to my op I had no menopause symptoms.


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2022, 11:38:03 AM »

I’m also 52 so I doubt my ovaries will be doing anything?

Amazing grace

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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2022, 12:06:30 PM »

Hi Louise, I am in almost same situation as you, I had a total hysterectomy almost 5 years ago, but I retained my ovaries, within weeks of having my hysterectomy I started suffering awful insomnia, I had the problem that I just couldn't sleep wide awake all night till 6am then up at 8, it made me very unwell, never had a problem with sleep until the hysterectomy, 7 months post op my gp did a blood test that said I was menopausal I was 43 at that time, put me on estrogel, Over the last almost 5 years nothing worked and I tryed everything including changing to patches then back to gel up down the doses with no relief, don't know if you go on the hystersisters website it's very good, in the USA its common for women to use progesterone after a hysterectomy with or without ovaries I decided on there advice to buy otc progesterone, I did buy it from the USA, and honestly have to say for me it's helped with insomnia and anxiety, it's not the same as the prescription progesterone, I can now fall asleep by midnight and stay asleep for at least 5 hours which is a huge improvement for me, it may be worth you trying, my gp would not give me progesterone as he bluntly said I don't need it, I to had hysterectomy for huge fibriods I also would take them back if I'd of known how the hysterectomy was going to mess with my mind and body, I also found on higher doses of estrogen the insomnia got worse so did the hot sweats, I only wish now I'd tryed the otc progesterone sooner, not an instant cure but definitely helps. X

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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2022, 12:09:40 PM »

Sorry I see you do still have your ovaries, so I am in same situation as you, I thought I read it that you didn't have ovaries sorry just thought I'd acknowledge I read it wrong x


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2022, 12:33:53 PM »

Sorry I see you do still have your ovaries, so I am in same situation as you, I thought I read it that you didn't have ovaries sorry just thought I'd acknowledge I read it wrong x

No worries atall I do this a lot 🙂
Thank you for your reply. I’m so sorry you’ve been suffering like that too. I completely get it and it’s literally torture not having enough sleep.

So pleased you’ve managed to at least be getting some sleep now. It’s really difficult to find information on this as like you say progesterone is not prescribed after hysterectomy. But surely if progesterone had uses in your body before alongside oestrogen then it’s needed to balance your hormones?!
From what I can tell from researching it is it does a bit more than just thicken the lining of the womb and keep pregnancy viable.
Which cream do you use ? Was it really pricey to get it from the US?


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2022, 01:13:16 PM »

Hi there, this is something I am going to ask about next Monday when I have a follow up at NH. Just a thought, have you tried taking the gel all in one go in the morning? For some it can be too stimulating to take it in the evening. For me I seem to be better taking it all in the morning. Having said that my circumstances are a bit different as I take 15 mg of Mirtazapine at night time which is really good for sleep or so I understand. I would like to come off but not at the expense of sleep!


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2022, 01:54:11 PM »

Hi Gnatty yes I tried that and ended up with the night sweats returning. I’m leaning towards it being an adrenals/cortisol issue because of the way my heart pounds like I’m exercising and I’m instantly jolted awake. Which makes me wonder if progesterone despite its horrible  other effects is the missing link.
I’ve read a thread on here about sleep and menopause. I think taking mirtazapine is a good move if it helps you to sleep.

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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2022, 07:02:55 PM »

Hi Louise, I agree that progesterone does alot more than just protect the womb, I think hrt after hysterectomy is outdated in the UK, its much better in the USA, I currently use imagine dermatology Pro relief 2000mg bio-identical progesterone USP cream which gives approximately 20mg with each dose, its a pump style bottle, I use one pump a day, but I started of only using a small amount to see if I could tolerate it, it cost me around £22 for a bottle which includes shipping fees from the states, one bottle lasts ages, I've now found biovea UK which sell it so I will order from there next time, I was told to make sure it's USP progesterone as the ones without it are just skin care products and won't do anything, if you decide to try it make sure you read the instructions well and read reviews if there are any, I ordered the one I use now of amazon USA, not amazon UK as its not licenced here, its amazing how they can just buy it from a chemist or health shop over there, we are so behind times here in the UK, its worth a try it definitely helped me, I hope you manage to get some much needed sleep. X


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Re: Sleep deprivation anyone else?
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2022, 02:08:32 PM »

Thanks Amazinggrace ❤️
After having a complete melt down today my husband phoned the gp and she has got me to self refer for CBT and wants me to start Mirtaprizone (not sure of spelling can hardly see I’m blooming delirious).
Have to phase out the Fluoxetine. As I’m at my wits end and my very patient and wonderful husband is flagging bless him I really need to give this a go. Will update if it helps others to know how I get on.
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