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Author Topic: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?  (Read 4518 times)


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2022, 12:48:00 PM »

@Taz2. Good to hear it has been partially successful.  I’m feeling quite overwhelmed, as it feels like everything has changed over night!  I am
On Everol 25 patches and take Utrogestan 100mg nightly for 25 days then 3 days break.   My anxiety has got worse which I don’t know is due to the drugs or me!  I feel really edgy and like im not in control, really strange feeling.  The feeling comes and goes, but it’s draining trying to carry on with work and be happy!   The nurse said to keep going for 3 months before any changes made.. I am one month in.


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2022, 02:25:10 PM »

Thankyou Louise 😊..  I am going to pay to go and see a specialist I think .. still waiting for GP to get back to me but as you say will probably just be fobbed off 🙄.   Are you okay now?

That sounds a good plan Sarah.
In terms of prolapse I’m physically ok. I had fibroids which meant I had to have a hysterectomy at the same time as a repair. But I saved to get a private op because I wasn’t getting anywhere with NHS sadly.  Always been v active and now have local oestrogen, systemic oestrogen and of course pelvic floor exercises too to keep it all where it should be.
You sound like you’re on the right track so keep going 👍🏼 


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2022, 08:36:41 AM »

@louise2010. Saw the nurse yesterday who confirmed stage 1 prolapse.  She said my pelvic floor muscles are very weak, so need to focus on the exercises.  She also have me a pessary and reduced my Evorel to 25 from 50.  I thought I was already on 50!   I told her felt very edgy and just not myself, she said the Evorel normally helps anxiety but we are all different!  She then said  you have had a hysterectomy, ummmm no! When she examined me she said I think your vagina wall is sagging but didn’t seem too sure 🙄.. I am going to pay and see a pelvic floor physiotherapist..
I have the videos to watch on pelvic exercises.. I have also considered buying a Kegal 8.. has anyone used one of these?


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2022, 10:47:29 AM »

I think reducing to 25 might not prevent worsening of prolapse as it is a small dose but obviously she had her reasons. Vaginal walls sagging is linked to prolapse. Do you mean a vagifem pessary?

Kegel 8 is supposed to be good.



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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2022, 11:04:02 AM »

Hi Taz, 

Yes vagifem, have to use nightly for 2 weeks then twice weekly.  Plus stick with lower patch.  She said I could increase the AD I take ( citalapram) but to see what happens with the patch first.   

I don’t really have much confidence in the nurse at our practice.  It feels like most of us end up having to do our own research!


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2022, 12:25:45 PM »

Not prolapse related but my pelvic floor improved markedly with testosterone so that might be worth investigating. It improved muscle tone in all muscles including pelvic floor so I no longer need to do pelvic floor exercises. I agree reducing your oestrogen is not a good move.
 I think going privately is a good idea if there's a wait for the nhs. No experience with people but lots with sheep (put one back in this morning, now covered in sheep wee again  >:(). I know it's different but in my experience the longer you delay the less likely it is ever to stay put and approx 50% are terminal because of it.


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2022, 02:20:07 PM »

As you say you are going to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist I would advise waiting until you have seen her before buying a Kegel 8.  I bought one and made my atrophy worse (without realising it as it was before I had major symptoms and atrophy was diagnosed) and also over-tightened my pelvic floor muscles!    The physio I saw did say that as and when I was able to use it again she would advise taking it along to her and she would examine me again and make sure I was using it on the right setting for me.   I haven’t done so as it’s just too irritating and painful with the atrophy,  but if this isn’t something you suffer from I’d still suggest you discuss with your physio before buying one, particularly as they’re so expensive. 


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2022, 05:58:01 PM »

Thankyou ladies 😊.

Shelia I think some days I would prefer sheep to people! Not sure about the wee though 🤣.

Haydo I had no idea you can over tighten!  Sorry to hear you are suffering with Atrophy.  I feel like I have a whole new language to learn.

I have an appointment now booked with the physio ( end of April), as you say prob best to see what she says regarding the Kegal 8.  Will be interesting to see what she says about the HRT too. 
I would ideally like to have a full MOT! I am going to try and find a menopause clinic too.
Really appreciate your advice x
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 06:03:46 PM by Sarah48 »


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2022, 09:57:15 AM »

Hi Sarah I’m glad you got to see the nurse and have an app with the physio. Stage 1 is like it sounds not severe so that’s positive. Vagifem will definitely help.
I have a kegel 8 but haven’t been able to use it due to VA which I’m treating now so after another week I’ll give it a go. I had a hysterectomy so different situation to you but still trying to keep things where they should be!
Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2022, 11:57:21 PM »

Just seen this thread.  I had some awful symptoms at the start of the lockdown and I too had a chest infection (probably covid), I had stress incontinence while coughing, which I'd never had, it was an overnight change.

A lot of that changed back by itself, so I think I was having major hormone swings at the time and then I decided to go on evorel sequi and vagifem and that seemed to resolve it.

Unfortunately I think I've got some potential for mild bowel prolapse.  It's noticeable just before my period more and not at other times.  I think going to see a physio would be a good thing and will look into it.  I worry that my posture when sitting at my desk might have affected it, as I sit on my tail bone and with feet up on desk  ::)


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2022, 10:02:26 AM »

Me!! Estrogen levels are non-existent... and as a result, mild prolapse. I was prescribed Vagifem which definitely helps, but pelvic floor exercises are what make a difference. Good luck!

Hi Ladies,

I am 4 weeks into starting HRT, having good and bad days 😕.  I have just found out that prolapse can occur during the menopause, due to drop in Estrogen levels.. YAY 🙄.. yet another issue!   I have had mild symptoms of prolapse for over a year, but more recently, and probably bought on by having a chest infection,  i can feel a definite change.. I can also see a bulge   :-\.       Going to make another call to my GP( seems to be weekly!) but has anyone else had/got this problem? Interested to know what advice you have been given.   It honestly feels like my body is falling apart! Xx


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2022, 01:13:31 PM »

Quite a lot has happened since I posted about my prolapse!   Basically gyno confirmed front and back prolapse, stage 2.   Pessary didn’t help so now having prolapse repair surgery and hysterectomy end of July.   I get a constant ache in my lower stomach,  my bladder doesn’t seem to empty properly and some days feel like I constantly need to pee.
Taking Evorel 50 and Utrogestan now.. seem to be okay on that, night sweats gone but also have a good few days feeling on edge.. I am
Wondering whether gel absorbs better than patches?   I have accepted getting HRT right takes time!


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2022, 08:52:30 AM »

Quite a lot has happened since I posted about my prolapse!   Basically gyno confirmed front and back prolapse, stage 2.   Pessary didn’t help so now having prolapse repair surgery and hysterectomy end of July.   I get a constant ache in my lower stomach,  my bladder doesn’t seem to empty properly and some days feel like I constantly need to pee.

Hi Sarah - It's good you have a proper diagnosis now. Was it a vaginal ring pessary you tried to push the prolapses back up? This works well for sometimes so sorry it didn't work for you.  Do you also have a uterine prolapse if you are having a hysterectomy? I only ask as one of the causes of future prolapses is the removal of the womb. Since my hysterectomy and bladder repair almost eight years ago I now have a new bladder prolapse plus a small rectal prolapse and scar tissue from the operation which affects my bowel slightly. I was told that in some women the prolapse repairs last around five years.  I just wanted to make sure that the hysterectomy is absolutely  necessary.  Also, stage 2 is still quite small so I'm wondering whether, with an exercise programme to follow you could improve things enough to avoid major surgery? Have you been given a programme to follow to strengthen the pelvic floor as much as possible before the op? This made a lot of difference to me before my op.

As for the bladder have you had a cystoscopy to check the function? 

Taz x  :)



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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2022, 11:02:58 AM »

Hi Sarah.  I have a stage 2 prolapse, anterior and posterior.  I was offered the operation to repair both, but at the time (a year ago) my VA was so bad that I couldn’t entertain it, and the gynaecologist agreed with me.  With exercise and oestrogen treatment the constant weeing, back ache and feeling like I was sitting on a brick has gone.  Having said that I would have surgery if it gets worse, but I am delaying surgery for as long as I can, because of the length of time prolapse repairs are supposed to last.    We are all different and obviously we don’t know all the ins and outs but, as Taz says, I would be absolutely sure that the surgery is necessary and that you know the pros and cons of it. 


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Re: Has anyone had/got Prolapse?
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2022, 11:05:36 AM »

Hi Haydo. I'm glad you are feeling more comfy now.

Taz x  :)
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