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Author Topic: UTI and fear of antibiotics  (Read 5164 times)


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2022, 12:39:59 PM »

Hello jessieblue. I read your thread last night and it has been on my mind. I can really relate to your despair and sadness because I have several mental health conditions. I can understand what you mean about your GPs not caring or taking you seriously. I have found that as well. They just do not seem to understand mental health and it was a sad day when people were discharged from psychiatrists and sent back to GPs who cannot understand mental health in the same way.

It is very poor of the mental health team not to call you back. It is hard but I think you need to really fight to be heard and to get treatment. I would call back again even though I know it is horrible having to explain yourself again.

You mentioned having therapy and not feeling any different. I wonder if the type of therapy you had was not suitable. There are so many different types and we all respond to different ones. What I have learned after trying therapy for many years is that it cannot 'fix' me. I am still the same person but I have more understanding as to why I feel the way I do. I first expected therapy to cure me and was so upset when I was the same.

I know how hard it is to get NHS therapy now as the first thing is to have CBT and then keep referring yourself back for more treatment. I can understand how lonely you feel. It is even harder when loved ones do not seem to grasp how we feel. If it helps then you could use the forum for support. Another idea is a mental health forum were members understand things like health anxiety.

I am concerned about you. I can imagine how overwhelmed you feel. I just want you to know that things can improve. It can take time but it does not mean you are going to feel this way forever. I think once you get the right support it will help.


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2022, 12:59:20 PM »

Yes things can improve.  I saw several therapists over the years: sometimes I could tell them which page there were reading from the books!  One told me that I had to have a thought pattern B4 panic attacks would start - I walked from the session.  My panic begins in my gut ....... I am still angry that she should try to tell me how my anxiety materialises.  Also if it were 'that easy' to feel better by reading a book ?  :-\

MayB MIND could advocate for you as it can be difficult to raise the energy or courage to keep asking for assistance.  Fortunately I have had support from my GP and Staff (long story short).  Samaritans are on the end of a 'phone at all times.

A sample showing 'leukocytes' is within normal limits in most cases.  They won't suggest treatment until the sample is returned either 'normal' or with which specific bug has grown in the Lab..  That way the correct ABs will be prescribed to tackle the problem.  A 5 or 7 day course is often required rather than the 3 day 'usual' treatment. 

How is your diet?  I have found that LIVE yoghurt helps ease the digestive tract from top to bottom, literally.  Keep with the regime in the vaginal area as often as possible.  Try not to despair.  If necessary find a quiet spot in the sunshine or when you need to, sleep.  Sleep heals. 


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2022, 02:39:15 PM »

Thank you Flossie.  I am so grateful to all that have replied.  Your kindness and concern is a real comfort.

CLKD I have bought some kefir and biomel coconut drink, both good probiotics.  I will keep topping up on them. I will continue with the D mannose and water and hope I can wait it out.  The nurse said she will prescribe antibiotics if I want them in the hope they cover the bacteria.  Last time I had 3 days macrobid and then a negative microscopy which suggested the bug had been cleared, but I still had some lingering symptoms for a while which I treated with d mannose and water.

I think having leukocytes and symptoms they usually treat as infection, at least my doctors seem to.  I am getting very worn out now.  The frequency is increasing and the pressure is there all the time.  I am taking my temperature to watch for fever.  Afraid of sepsis too. Well of course I am. xx


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2022, 02:53:11 PM »

Your Nurse is wrong.  ABs should be given if an infection is found on the slide i.e. growth.  U do not need any ABs if there isn't, leukocytes are often found in samples  :-\. Many GPs do this without sending samples to a Lab., mine was furious with his Staff when he found out! 

If U are concerned, I wouldn't take the ABs but ask for a referral to a urologist for specific advice. 

Do take pain relief which will relieve the need2P sensation as the spincter closes the flow of urine.  It can be really niggling, I find 2 neurone capsules 3 times a day for 3 days stops it.


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2022, 03:32:37 PM »

CLKD I wouldn't be able to see a urologist for weeks though.  I doubt my gp would refer me until MSU result comes back.  Even privately I would need to wait a week at least.  Couldn't this infection go to my kidneys or sepsis by then?  Or even before the MSU result comes back?  I am so confused because so many doctors have just given me antibiotics after symptoms and a positive dip.  Once I was given 10 days of cipro!

When I first had this issue I was in Florida and again nothing showed on the slide but they gave me 10 days cipro.   I only took 2 as it made me feel so ill.

Yesterday I thought it was improving and ibuprofen eased the symptoms completely, but today the urgency frequency and pain is getting worse.  Im worried...... again.


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2022, 03:40:49 PM »

Asking for an appt with an appropriate consultant will get you onto a waiting list and ease the worry.  Eventually ABs will no longer work for any bugs ........ continue with the Ibuprofen regularly to give the bladder irritation time to settle. As with any medication, it can take a few days to ease symptoms.

In the US they treat conditions differently so stop hinging on 'then'. 



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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #36 on: March 16, 2022, 12:21:11 AM »

Jessieblue: "Moonflower, I am so sorry you had c diff.  How awful for you.  It is one of my worst fears and I know with a phobia of vomiting and diarrheoa I could not cope.  Can you tell me if the s boulardi makes you feel unwell at all?  How did you know you had c diff and were your symptoms really bad?  I worry because I take ompeprazole too and that reduces immunity."

Hi Jessieblue,
To answer your question above, I felt fine with S Boulardii.  It's just a probiotic yeast.  I take it sometimes if I have a dodgy tum.  The brand I buy is by Optibac.  It has a good range of probiotics.

When I started getting diarrhea I suspected I had it, as C-diff was making headline news at the time.  It was really scary.  I did a stool sample and sure enough it was confirmed.  I had diarrhea only, no vomiting. I was just reluctant to eat or drink much as it would pass right through me at the beginning.  It did take a while for my tummy to feel better.  I still managed to go to work so I can't have been too bad. The worst of the diarrhea lasted 2-3 days for me.  I think the media did a good job of scaring me.   

It's so easy to get crippled by health anxiety but you are doing the right thing by trying to sort out your health problems. 

Take care,
Moonflower x



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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #37 on: March 16, 2022, 08:57:53 AM »

Thanks Moonflower.  It really helps to hear of your experience.  I had campylobacter 6 months ago and I had green watery diarrheoa for 3.5 weeks.  I felt absolutely terrible and lost 2 stones in weight.  I could not eat for the best part of 2 months.  I am still not right now really, but of course a lot might be anxiety as I have always had an anxious tummy.  I am traumatised by it and recently had a private CT scan as I was so terrified I had cancer somewhere in there.  I cannot have a colonoscopy because of my fears.

I fear having diarrheoa every day.  I have weird bowels and a feeling of always needing to go.  Again might be anxiety, but how can you know?  I get nausea a lot and because of my phobia of vomiting I get really scared.

I know what you mean about the media frightening you.  I think we have all been conditioned by fear to be honest. xx


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2022, 09:01:19 AM »

Oh another emitophobe ...........  :hug:  makes two of us  ;)

We are certainly conditioned by family constraints in that many habits are handed down through the generations  >:(

My bottom feels though it needs to 'empty' nearly all the while  :( even after I've been.  Sometimes I have to go back to sit for a while on an 'in case' basis, especially if we are leaving the house  >:(  >:(.  It's a real bummer  :-X

If I 'go' really quickly I have to sit quietly until the nausea recedes. 


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #39 on: March 16, 2022, 03:53:49 PM »

CLKD you have emetophobia too? And the sitting on the toilet thing feeling like you still need to go is so me!!!

This has been worrying me for a while.  I know I have prolapse down there, rectocele and I suspect bladder or urethra as well.  I think everything has fallen down and feels heavy.  So pooping is an art form.  I always get the feeling of  a little bit of poop nearly popping out but when I try to go I have to strain and splint to get it out.  My husband says its just my piles, but I get all worried its a tumour.

I get soft poop too a lot, but then I take omeprazole too which can do that.  Soft poop terrifies me in case it get the runs again.  The campylobacter really did a number on me.

I had a ton of bloods taken today so now scared to death what they will show.  Anxiety loves tests.

I am also trying to find a private psychiatrist, but they are so expensive.

Bladder symptoms are much less today and the nurofen you suggested seems to have helped.  Don't really have any symptoms at the moment, so am waiting for the test result to come back hopefully.  If the symptoms go away, do I still need the antibiotics? xx


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #41 on: March 16, 2022, 04:29:23 PM »

Nope 2 ABs unless a bug has been grown in the Lab., when you will be prescribed appropriate treatment rather than a wide spectrum.

You will need to see an appropriate consultant in order to talk about the prolapse.  Or, self refer to a physiotherapist who deals in women's health who can teach proper exercises to ease symptoms.  Sometimes Kegel exercises are 'the wrong' thing to do.

What is the reason for the blood tests?  If you weren't told then ring for a list.  Some take 24 hours to come back, others may take 10-14 days depending on what was requested. 

If we don't eat regularly the body won't digest and process the intake in the 'right way'.  Different food stuffs take a different time to move through the system.  Apparently.  Dr Michael Mosley wrote a good book about the gut (name escapes me)  ::)

Sometimes I have slow transit followed by a sudden rush of small pellets.  Job done.  Occaionsally my bowel feels empty.  Other times it's a long wait B4 I get a result at all  ::).  Sometimes the poo is dry so that I don't need to wipe - I always do - so there's no rhyme nor reason and put me onto a UK motorway and I'm needing the loo immediately  >:(


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #42 on: March 16, 2022, 09:59:05 PM »

hi , just wanted to quickly tell you what helped me. I had UTIs back to back , every different strain of bacteria, antibiotic resitiant, bladder retention, weeing continuous, pain excruciating etc for FIVE years. I nearly hung myself.

Yes I was given vagifem and ovestin but just flared my bladder even more. Was prescribed over 30 courses of horrific antibiotics including the "domestos" type, ie destroy your entire gut wipe everything out. I was thin, malnourished on an accute version of the IC diet, antihistamine diet, etc etc

In the end, going onto SYSTEMIC HRT is what helped. The local estrogen was too inflammatory . A year now, and I am a million miles better thank God. Please take systemic hrt, not one of the useless 18 consultants suggested it to me. In the end, I read a great book called My menopausal Vagina all about vaginal atrophy

Good luck


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #43 on: March 17, 2022, 05:32:19 PM »

Thank you Bananacarnival.  Its a relief that you too couldn't tolerate topical oestrogen!  Everyone talks about it like a miracle cure, but I just could not deal with the pain and inflammation plus yeast infections and utis that came as soon as I used it.  I thought I was the only one.  I haven't tried systemic HRT.  Of course I am fearful of taking it, do you have bio identical hormones?  Are they patches or tablets?  Thank you. xx


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #44 on: March 18, 2023, 02:57:52 PM »

Hi I had exactly the same experience and concerns as you for five years, back to back utis and sheer terror on a daily basis. Saw 18 different gynaecologists, urologist and urogynaecologists. No one helped. I was given endless courses of antibiotics, and a range of vaginal estrogen cream and pessary which just burned and made me feel swollen and uti - ish constantly.
Someone on here recommended  systemic hrt as local would flare and it was the best thing. I eventually, over the course of a year, got to the point where I'd forgotten my bladder existed and slept through the night with only one wake up.
I also started taking bone broth homemade with oxtail bones and two spoons of collagen powder mixed in and this made a massive difference.
I've tragically had to come off hrt for a short while but the broth keeps my bladder OK. Shop bought broth not the same!
All my sympathy and hope this helps. I literally tried everything under the sun
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