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Author Topic: UTI and fear of antibiotics  (Read 5163 times)


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UTI and fear of antibiotics
« on: March 14, 2022, 04:43:13 PM »

Hello everyone.  I have not been here for a while.  I am suffering severe health anxiety and recently had 2 utis, one of which I am suffering with now.  Last one was 6 months ago when I had campylobacter infection and uti arrived right after.  I had 3 days macrobid which cleared it according to the test although I still had some mild symptoms.  It passed in time with help from d mannose.  Then on saturday I had pain on urination and following symptoms of uti.  I am desperate to avoid antibiotics after my stomach infection.  I am terrified I get C diff from taking them.  I am taking d mannose and lots of water. 

Symptoms are mild, no pain now just frequency and urgency but dipstick shows very high leukocytes, nothing else.  I have antibiotics here but want to avoid if I can while lab run tests to see what bacetria it is.

Does anyone have any advice or experience?  I have been reading that most utis are self limiting .... never knew this and that the body will clear the infection in a week or so.  I have severe health anxiety and I am terrified of both kidney infection or embedded infection and c difficile from antibiotics.

Any one resonate? xx


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2022, 05:06:56 PM »

Hi Jessieblue
Sorry to hear your woes, awful aren’t they uti’s, you have my sympathy as this is something I used to suffer from badly.
How much d-mannose are you taking? If you’re just taking a maintenance dose you should increase it.
Also, what brand? I tried 3 types but found the Powerhouse powder brand the best.
Also, there are certain probiotics that will help- Biomedica Femex Forte if you can get it. The two bacteria are Lactobacillus rhamnosus and reuteri.
Are you taking Vagifem? This will help prevent reoccurrence, speak to your GP about it.
I’m sure other ladies will be along soon to offer more advice.
I think one of the ways to avoid health anxiety is to Take Action, and you have begun that action by coming to this forum.
All the best to you


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2022, 05:12:06 PM »

You won't get C.diff!  Have any of your urine samples been sent to a Laboratory and why hasn't your GP prescribed appropriate treatment for vagina atrophy?  This mimics urine infection symptoms really really well - GPs still don't seem to understand the effects of VA on the bladder etc..

I don't know where you read about infections clearing themselves, if so GPs wouldn't prescribe as many ABs.  Ring the surgery in the morning and ask for 'vagifem', get plenty of 'nurofen' down you to ease that need2P sensation and drink enough. 

Tnx Marchlove for the advice about probiotics. 


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2022, 05:15:50 PM »

Thank you so much Marchlove.  It really helps to have somewhere like this to come. I take coconut kefir for probiotics but hadn't had it for a while.  I have restarted that.  I will look into the others too.

I did try oestrogen creams a few years ago but they gave me inflammation and what felt like utis.  So I stopped as was too afraid to continue.

It is so hard isn't it.  I am so afraid of medications and I have this new fear around c difficile from antibiotics.  I mean a real fear.  I have convinced myself I will get it.

Have you cured uti without antibiotics at all, or am I just setting myself up for trouble? xx


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2022, 05:19:55 PM »

Hi and thanks CLKD.  I can barely get to speak to a GP.  They deal with uti over text message!!  Last time I insisted they sent the sample off after I had antibiotics for 3 days and still had symptoms.  It came back clear.  Previous uti several years ago was e. coli.  I am taking a sample in tomorrow.

I tried vaagifem etc years ago after having to insist they prescribe it.  I couldnt get on with it.  Kept getting inflamed and thrush?uti symptoms.  So I gave up and just use some coconut oil.  Have been ok until 6 months ago after this campylobacter stomach infection that was really bad. xx


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2022, 05:44:31 PM »

Yes I’ve cleared uti’s without antibiotics so try not too worry.
There are alternatives to Vagifem which hopefully other ladies will be along to advise on.
I think you should be able to see a Gp! Texting isn’t good enough for you in this state. Ring the surgery and explain your health anxiety and try and get an appointment.
If no joy, can you change surgery?


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2022, 05:52:20 PM »

Ask for a referral to an NHS Menopause Clinic.  There are waiting lists but your GP should be doing this as a matter of routine. 

Some don't get on with 'vagifem' because the vaginal area is already too sore due to thinness in the skin.  It is recommended that 1 inserts the pessary a little way in for the 1st week, as the vagina relaxes and 'takes up' the oestrogen, it should become easier.  If not, ask for 'ovestin'.  Some require 'yes' or 'sylc' products as well, have a lookC at the websites.  It really is worth while persevering or the symptoms will become worse.

Nothing will replace the oestrogen that the vagina needs to remain healthy and supple.  If the coconut oil helps, then mayB use more often each day?


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2022, 05:59:30 PM »

Thank you both.  I did try ovestin too.  I only had to use a tiny bit and I had uti symptoms and leukocytes on dipstick.  It scared me too much as it was the utis I was trying to avoid.  I even got a uti after starting a small dose of oestrogel.  Just seemed my body rejected the oestrogen.  I do have YES, but not been using so much as was getting thrush a lot.  I now use multigyn actigel daily and coconut oil daily and things had been ok.  I dont feel too dry or painful.  Thats why I cannot work out why the utis again now.

I did ask about meno clinics a while back.  I actually paid and went private to a gyn and also had mona lisa touch treatment.  That seemed to help but I cannot afford to do that again atm.


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2022, 06:12:58 PM »

Most urine samples will show Leukocytes.  !!!  not a reason for ABs  :-\

The longer you leave treatment the more tender the vaginal region will become.  Why did you stop your regime?  Dryness is not a certain way of diagnosis. 

If they are truly repeated infections proven on Lab results, your GP should refer you to a urologist for advice.  There may be an embedded infection.  ABs will stop working eventually as World Wide too many are being prescribed. 

Let us know how you get on. 

Amazing grace

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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2022, 06:15:48 PM »

Hi Jesse blue, I really feel for you and can strongly identify with your fear, I too have terrible health anxiety, a big phobia for me is taking medication because of side effects especially antibiotics, I had a uti last may first proper one I've had in my life, I ignored it for the first 3 days thinking I could clear it on my own, drinking lots of water, and using canesten cystitis sachets, that was a big mistake, the infection got so bad I ended up in out of hours gp, I was given marcobid, by this point I lost all fear of antibiotics because I was in so much pain I was passing bright red blood, I took the antibiotics and other than a bit of loose bowels on the last day I was fine, please do not think an infection will clear itself they can become very serious if left, if I had gone to the gp straight away I could of spared myself the misery I suffered as I literally couldn't get off the loo due to the intense need to wee, I too couldn't use vagifem for the same reasons as you, there are other alternatives to try so you should talk to your gp, health anxiety is difficult especially when you fear medications, I have really struggled with this I have tryed AD meds difficult when you fear taking it, I done CBT, which by no means cured me but helped me cope better, also there's some amazing online support groups which are worth reading and joining for support from people in the same boat, I hope you find relief, but don't leave a suspected uti it's not worth risking.


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2022, 06:19:34 PM »

You might be ok with estriol cream.
Do a search with Vagifem alternatives menopause matters.
Yes get a referral to a nhs menopause clinic xx


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2022, 07:08:57 PM »

Thanks for your replies, they really mean a lot.  I feel very alone and very desperate.  I have battled anxiety and intense health anxiety for 16 years since peri menopause set in.  My health anxiety was triggered back then by a uti that had no bacteria and initially I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis.  When I later had cystoscopy the urologist said it was the healthies bladder he had ever seen, so no IC I assume.

I have tried all the oestrogen vaginal creams except the ring.  My GP refused to prescribe it at first but I managed to negotiate and then could not tolerate it.  I dont know why but it was quite a bad reaction.  I posted about it on this forum some years ago.  CLKD, I didnt change my regime really.  I settled with multigyn and coconut oil and have used that religiously and things have been ok until now.  I dont have sex any more as my anxiety and health worries are so bad my marriage has broken down.  I don't really have a life due to anxiety.  I am more or less housebound and obsess about my health all day.  It is a living hell and I sometimes wish I wouldn't wake up.  My life has not been the same since peri meno hit and has gotten steadily worse.  The last 6 months have made me feel suicidal.

It has become clear that there is very little help out there for anything.  I believe there are not any menopause clinics in my area, at least there weren't last time I tried to find one.

I am sorry to be so negative, I just feel so low and so tired of being afraid. Thanks for helping. xx



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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2022, 07:18:56 PM »

There is help out there.  Access is difficult due to many Surgeries not seeing patients face2face! 

I think that you have a dry, atrophied vagina which is causing an initial reaction to anything put close to it  :-\ .  Continue with your regime religiously.  Your anxiety may be a separate issues and can be supported but you need to ask for a referral to the Mental Health Team for assessment.  Feeling supported makes a huge difference .  There are plenty of anti-anxiety medications to take.  My GP gave me betablockas which really eased the sudden adrenaline surges.

What's the worst that could happen? 


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2022, 07:27:38 PM »

Yes indeed, what’s the worse that can happen!
Take action, you can’t go on like this. Get mad about it and be a pain in the neck to your Gp and get referrals.
Sixteen years is a very long time and you haven’t died yet so beat a drum to find people who can help you.
I’ve been there jessieblue, locked myself away, but managed to crawl myself back out of that hole.


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Re: UTI and fear of antibiotics
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2022, 07:45:37 PM »

Hello jessieblue

I am so sorry that you are suffering.

I don't have any experience but I have posted before about diets and UTIs.

This probably sounds crazy, and maybe it is but I feel compelled to say it just incase it helps you. There was research done in the US that identified bacteria from  chickens in the urine of women who had a UTI. Long story short, these women stopped eating and preparing chicken and their infections resolved. If you want to read more about it you can go to NutritionFacts.Org which is run by Michael Greger an American MD.

I have no way of knowing if this will work but you may find something useful on the site and I couldn't read your post without mentioning it.

Wishing you well and sending hugs.

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