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Author Topic: Hit rock bottom  (Read 1454 times)


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Hit rock bottom
« on: February 26, 2022, 03:38:29 PM »

Hi there,

Bear with me as this maybe long. I started peri early at 40 and was prescribed high dose HRT. This stopped sweats, painful joints. For a few years I felt so much better. I then had issues with progesterone so opted for mirena coil which finally stopped my periods. For a while everything was fine but my anxiety and low mood never really improved. I lack all motivation for things I enjoy and wake up every single day struggling with low mood, depression and feeling hopeless. I’ve gone back to the GP who did bloods and said I wasn’t absorbing oestrogen that well and to up the oestrogen gel from two pumps to four and then when that was balanced she could maybe introduce testosterone. The four pumps were awful and I had really really sore breasts and headaches, so dropped down to two pumps again and the anxiety is horrendous. My confidence, over thinking and self worth is on the floor. I’ve recently had Covid and at the same time lost my job without warning - I have no real reason why but without two years service I have to accept it and move forwards. I’m a single parent to a teen and need to find a new job, but I’m barely functioning. Doctor has now prescribed beta blockers, but I really don’t feel like that’s getting to the root cause. I think testosterone is the missing link but without stable oestrogen I don’t think they will prescribe. I feel like I will only be heard if I go private but without a job it’s feeling like it’s a cost I could do without. I could find it, but it will likely make a huge dent in my savings . Do you think this is my only option. I’m so fed up of never being heard. Any advice out there? Thanks for listening


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Re: Hit rock bottom
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2022, 03:43:17 PM »

Your GP can't prescribe testosterone without your having been seen by an NHS Menopause Consultant who will provide the prescription.  Not a gynaecologist.

2-4 is a huge hike.  MayB add an extra dose for 1 day and see how your body reacts.  It's trial and error sadly.  If you feel OK but need a little more, then add an extra dose on alternate days for a week, then double that for one night/morning to see how you feel.  It can take a lot of hikes and variations to get 'stable'.

Betablockas can ease those awful anxiety surges.  I used them successfully for many years, taking 40mg at night to stop that early morning anxiety.  Reegardless of the root cause, the BBs should help. 



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Re: Hit rock bottom
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2022, 06:01:52 PM »

I’m sorry, I don’t know what to suggest but didn’t want to read and run.

Perhaps try 3 pumps as CLKD suggested, I know you don’t want to hear it (I didn’t either) but we are supposed to allow 2-3 months to see how any changes pan out. This is so very hard when you are feeling at rock bottom.

I recently used the econsult facility on this website. £30 charge though. Might be worth a try just to see if there are any other suggestions for you….

Sending very best wishes.

Ali x


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Re: Hit rock bottom
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2022, 07:07:04 PM »

The mirena is notorious for causing depression/low mood, have you considered this? Also, upping your oestrogen (slowly) like others have suggested could help x
« Last Edit: February 26, 2022, 08:42:49 PM by Perinowpost »


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Re: Hit rock bottom
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2022, 08:06:06 PM »

Hey sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish. I would say that testosterone may help but getting estrogen levels up is key. I'm a poor absorber apparently and testosterone hasn't done anything so far. It's trial and error the dreaded words!!! Try and do a day at a time that's all I can suggest but I completely get where you are coming from xxx


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Re: Hit rock bottom
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2022, 08:56:26 PM »

I would go to 3 pumps, if you find that's too much then 2.5 for a while before increasing again. You can get to 4 but your body may need time to adjust. It's good your gp will test your levels as most won't. Might be worth asking for a referral to a meno clinic now, there's usually a long wait. Did these symptoms coincide with when you had the mirena? If so I would 8nvestigate other options.


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Re: Hit rock bottom
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2022, 09:09:26 AM »

Hi there - I would agree with the others - to increase oestrogen slowly. Also I'm not sure about the  interaction of adding tesosterone when you have a Mirena with testosterone derived progestogen? I dont know if there has been any research on this but is surely worth a try anyway once your oestrogen levels are higher.

Can you say what your oestrogen levels were when measured? The other alternative is maybe to try the Lenzetto spray or a patch? Re prescribing the testosterone - your levels were presumably very very low for them to say this. I was prescribed testosterone (admittedly initially by a private specialist but subsequently on NHS) based on symptoms alone knowing that oestrogen levels would be likely stable - though I was well post meno and over 60 when I started T.

If you are not yet postmenopausal your own cycle may well be going on in the background to some extent though the HRT and Mirena should be minimisng the hormonal surges even if you were still peri-menopausal - though if you're not absorbing oestrogen this could well account for your low mood.

Also I agree with you re the betablockers. What is it with medics that there always has to be a drug to deal with symptoms without preservering with the cause? I would never use them because they are not designed for anxiety etc - they lower blood pressure, and generally slow you down. I understand, though, your need to be able to function.

Let us know what you decide and how you get on.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hit rock bottom
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2022, 08:17:22 AM »

Thank you all.

The beta blockers have really really helped the last few weeks. I’ve managed to successfully get myself two job offers this week! Both full time which I’m slightly worried about but needs must at the moment with the rising costs we are all facing. I have to say the anxiety completely went away with the small dose and I felt pretty confident at the job interviews which was a complete surprise! So I’m feeling much more positive generally and my outlook has changed. I’m still struggling with motivation daily, but have kept to three pumps and will see how I get on. My skin resembles a teenager however, with large spots on my chin which is bothering me, but it’s a small price to pay for feeling a bit better. It’s been a rollercoaster and losing my job whilst battling Covid was awful for my well-being generally, but I’ve dug myself out of that hole at least. Can I continue to take beta blockers if they help with anxiety? I don’t know how receptive the doctor will be to allow me to continue. It’s only 10mg so low dose. Thanks again ladies


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Re: Hit rock bottom
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2022, 06:40:57 PM »

Well done!   :medal:  keep plodding on. 