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Author Topic: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing  (Read 2396 times)


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GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« on: March 01, 2022, 08:58:45 AM »

Hi Ladies,

I was wondering if anyone might be able to help with this… Been on HRT for a few years (4 pumps estrogel + mirena coil) and decided to try testosterone as i still had some symptoms so GP and i thought it would be worth a try. For the past 6 weeks i have been on Testogel (1 sachet for 10 days) but GP has just texted me that my ‘free testosterone is climbing and i need to stop testogel as per the Menopause Society guidance’.

Their computer system & data protection won’t let me have the numbers so i could see exactly what the numbers are so i don't know the exact levels - the GP will call me next week to explain. But is this normal? The weird thing is that i don't think the addition of testosterone had any effect on me - i was hoping for it to give me the oomph back, have more energy and help me with losing the body fat i gained in the early years of menopause etc. Also sex drive non-existent since menopause started 6 years ago, so that was the main reason for testosterone but nothing changed - however everyone says it can take 3 months or even longer for this to take effect.

Feeling demoralised… i know there are worse problems in life and i should be grateful . Any ideas what to do next? I am 50 years old now, am i going to feel like this for the rest of my life? Low on energy and ‘day dreaming’ of feeling like it would be nice to feel a little frisky but instead just nothing? I am not depressed, am also working with a counsellor on different issues, but was hoping to fix this no libido thing. Poor husband is very understanding but it seems to me that at 50 i should at least sometime feel like wanting to have sex but because of my non-existent sex drive it is painful so we have sex once a year and it is not a pleasant experience for me. By the way, dear old vagina is moist like hell due to estrogen, it’s just the ‘feeling’ thats missing. It is as if the connection between the brain and vagina is lost - the brain is thinking all the right things, but none of it travels down there where it used to switch things on and cause this marvellous feeling of desire. And it’s not the husband’s fault i promise, he is lovely and all that. Trying to create the desire/libido in my head doesn’t work either - fantasies, raunchy passages in books etc, nothing… The head works as it used to but nothing travels down there. So really was hoping for testogel to fix this as i am planning to live to 90s  :sigh:

Sorry for my ramble, and thank you for reading. Any thoughts are welcome xx


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2022, 09:28:39 AM »


MayB put 'testogel' into the search box to see what pops up?  Make notes ;-)

I am sure that others will be along with advice. 


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2022, 02:01:38 PM »

I didn’t think the nhs tested free testosterone just the total. I’d question him further about this because I know with men their total testosterone is pretty useless as a marker and it’s only the free that is really relevant. They get the same problem with GP’s telling them their total testosterone is fine.
 It’s pretty outrageous that you can’t access your own test results but perhaps they’ll print them off for you.


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2022, 02:56:05 PM »

I would never consider accessing my GP records  :-\

I thought that to prescribe testosterone a GP had to be advised by a menopause clinic  :-\



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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2022, 03:10:09 PM »


A GP can prescribe testosterone for PCOD and low libido in women but are loathe to do so as it’s off license. And even less likely to for menopause although they can (my bestie is a GP).

The NHS do test for free testosterone -  I’ve just had mine done. It’s worked out from total testosterone and SBGH - I think!

I’ve been on testosterone for two years and have just stopped it. Not sure it helped with anything but was scared to stop - so far no difference noted x


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2022, 03:25:54 PM »

It’s SHBG which stands for sex hormone binding globulin.
I’m amazed the GP’s do it now as even my specialist didn’t do it recently!
This might help


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2022, 03:44:23 PM »

Thank you all for your replies. To answer some of the questions you have asked - my GP is female, young and actually been on the course with Dr Newson, and consults with her where needed. She was fully supportive of HRT and even testosterone, so i guess it must be the numbers that force her hand to make me stop testosterone, otherwise she believes it takes 3- 6 months before judgment can be made whether it worked or not.

I will be requesting my results in writing/email or some kind of access, hopefully i can get these.

What caught my attention on the thread is that some women were saying that 1/10th of testogel sachet can be too low a dose for some women. Anyone has experienced this?

Many thanks to you all xx


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2022, 08:02:57 PM »

My GP prescribed Testogel without actually telling me, I found out when the prescription was collected from Boots.

AndieKC, a sachet lasts me about 5 days, I increased it about a month ago from a petit pois to garden pea sized blob. My prescription sticker still says ‘petit pois pea sized blob!’ I don’t do tests, I go on symptoms, I feel good.


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2022, 09:29:35 PM »

Hi Victoria,
Are we talking about the same sachets - testogel? Because I was also using a frozen pea size amount but that way the sachet lasted exactly 10 days as prescribed. I have many sachets left from the prescription but don’t want to keep using against doctors advice. Although it does seem premature to terminate it after only 6 weeks, do you agree? I was thinking about using a higher dose to see if that improves libido but now doc is stopping it altogether. I really want to get the numbers from the blood test to see what they are and look it up. Christ it’s such a palaver, isn’t it? Perhaps I’ll have to bite the bullet and pay £275 for the private appointment?

Running out of ideas xx


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2022, 10:15:42 PM »

Hi Andie,
I’m on Testogel sachets too, I prefer the pump for convenience but the sachets are being prescribed now. I think I’d get the blood test readings, research it and then decide whether to stop, increase etc. I had a discussion with my GP late last year and refused a blood test as I wanted to continue with a symptoms only approach. I started a thread on here asking for info/links to help me persuade the GP to agree, it worked. My main argument was that I didn’t want normal T levels for my age group as they would relate to women who were not supplementing Testosterone so irrelevant.
I believe T has played a big part in putting me back together, I would reduce or quit if I got negative side effects but I would not stop because of one blood result. I don’t know what the Menopause Society guidance is or what it’s based on and I’d research that too.

I hope you get to continue with T (as long as it’s safe to do so) without a fight. Good luck.x


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2022, 10:06:16 PM »

Thank you Victoria
I wasn’t aware there is a symptom only approach, I’ll mention it to my GP, I still think continuing would be with it. May I ask about higher dose of T? I’ve only tried testogel, is it ever possible/recommended to try to split the sachet over fewer days so higher dose? I was on 1 sachet / 10 days and I didn’t feel any difference really. Maybe a couple of times felt more energy so was hoping it was starting to work?
Thanks xx


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2022, 10:18:17 PM »

When I first started on it I had an implant, it took 2 months before I noticed any difference. I don't know if it's normal to take this long but I'd be inclined to give it a bit longer. We're you stable on the right dose of oestrogen before started T? If you're not I believe it gets converted.


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2022, 09:25:35 AM »

In the middle of Feb I read a letter from a retired GP, Dr Julien Helen Nash - saying that women should not have to fight for testosterone!  Someone copied the Link to the Forum but I haven't been able to find it since  :-\

"Testosterone is a female hormone and women need to claim it".


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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2022, 03:24:00 PM »

Hi Andie,
I’m not sure if a symptom only approach is the norm, it might not be. My apt was on the ‘phone and I had a few arguments ready but didn’t need them. I’ll try and find the link to the post where members provided a lot of info.
I increased to a fatter pea than a petit pois but I didn’t monitor how many days the sachets we’re lasting but I think it was about 5. I’m starting a new sachet tomorrow so I’ll monitor it and let you know.
I’ve very recently felt my libido back, the feeling happened twice and I’m on month 7. I don’t know if it’s because I increased it or perhaps it’s because I’ve been taking it a while. The best benefits have been mental clarity which lead to recovery of confidence and motivation.

I agree with Sheila, I wouldn’t stop after 6 weeks but I’d get a copy of the blood test results asap, research them and then make a decision.



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Re: GP said to stop testosterone due to free T climbing
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2022, 03:45:08 PM »

Here's a link, hope it works, I didn't need to subscribe  Dr20Julien20nash&newspapers=1148&startDate=2022-2-5&stopDate=2022-2-5&hideSimilar=1&type=2&state=3
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