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Author Topic: Digestive probs  (Read 1714 times)


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Digestive probs
« on: February 21, 2022, 11:35:19 PM »

Hi all,

I've been belching for years now but lately it's got worse.  I don't even have to eat anything, I belch all the time.  I just don't understand why things happen these days and everything is a mystery.  Tonight I had what I describe as an itchy sharp gnawing pain on my right side slighly above the belly button.  I'm thinking it must be close to the gall bladder, or actually the gall bladder.  It was on and off for a few minutes only.  I have had this before and have no idea what it is.  Does anybody have any clue?  The other thing is I get like a swelling on my lower right side, around the ovary area which balloons, especially at night time.  It just inflates like a ballon and then deflates.  Again, no idea what it is.  I suffer from health anxiety so always feel it's doom and gloom.  Doc is starting with h pylori and blood in stool samples.  Any ideas welcome xx


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Re: Digestive probs
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2022, 06:18:36 AM »

Hi Moonflower,
Sorry no idea what’s wrong with you, but I’d have had everything you mentioned. Belching, burping I have had for about 4 years now? I’ve given up what’s is wrong with me, I can burp over hundred times a day. I’ve complain to my doctor many times, and even saw another doctor who did a balloon blowing up thing and tested my breathe. It came back negative. I’ve given up and just accept it now.

The pain around your belly button, I get it occasionally, don’t know why. It doesn’t last long and can disappear for months.

And the lump that comes and goes around your ovaries. Mine is at night time, when I’m lying down, I can feel it go up and down and move around, no pain. I told my doctor and she said because I’m skinny it’s just my bowels move around and doing it’s thing. Once again this seems to be occasional, probably because I don’t lie there every night and feel. And probably the reason I feel is because my lower tummy is a bit gassy.
It’s good that you are getting it checked out with your doctor. I could list lots of silly things my body does and no body has any ideas. I had lots of different test and seen specialist, then I just give up and put up with it. As my doctor says “I’m just special”  :)


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Re: Digestive probs
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2022, 11:38:20 PM »

Thank you Lyncola for your reply!  I can't believe you have experienced the same as me  :).  It's good that your doc has managed to come up with some ideas.  Mine just do not know and send me off for the same h pylori test and then leave me to carry on.  This time I'm determined to try and find out more.  Have you tried anything that has helped you at all? 


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Re: Digestive probs
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2022, 05:26:41 AM »

No, I haven’t found anything to help me, but having a good doctor. Who listens to me carry on, like the pain around my belly, she just doesn’t know. But she not concerned, because it’s random and not often enough.
I just trust her opinion, I will say “but can it be this” and she will say no and explain why it can’t be that. She tells me there’s no silly question. 
I’ve been seeing her for a long time, and she got every test I’ve taken to refer back too, sometimes she will get me to repeat as it’s been a while. And from experience she is good at getting things done when she does believe something wrong.
For example- before I saw her as my doctor I was seeing another doctor from the same practice. I was told I had a thyroid problem and was waiting at least 6 months and still haven’t heard from the hospital. One weekend I had trouble swallowing, I told her and said I was waiting to hear from the hospital. She said we had to do more test, because if something was wrong we need to prove it, to get the hospital to see me quicker. After a ultrasound, they found unusual cells, so then a biopsy was taken. She sent the information of to the hospital, a week later she called me, and asked if I have heard from them. The answer was “no”, she was angry, and called the hospital herself. Within 30 minutes, I had a call from the hospital, and was given a appointment the following week. The surgeon said to me that my doctor was amazing, and with the first doctor I would of waiting at least two years for them to see me. I was operated on the following week, and it turned out fine as it wasn’t cancer.

I have completed trust in my doctor and feel blessed to have her, and that she puts up with me and this crazy menopause.
So I just carry on and don’t worry, until a new problem starts and concerns me, then it’s back to the doctor. Last year I saw her at least one a week, I think I was lucky if I went two weeks.
This year has been better, I’ve got my second appointment of the year tomorrow.
Let me know how you get on  :)