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Author Topic: Estrogel Increase  (Read 1081 times)


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Estrogel Increase
« on: February 21, 2022, 10:00:29 AM »

Morning ladies...

I have recently been to see a specialist at the Newson Clinic and have a new HRT regime.

Previous regime was - 1 pump Estrogel daily, Ultogestan for 12 days out of the month (vaginally). This did not ease my symptoms at all.

New regime is - Increase Estrogel to 4 pumps daily, Ultrogestan for 12 days (vaginally), Vagirux tablet daily (vaginally), Androfem daily.

I started my new regime last Friday and have had a very emotional, jittery week end.

My question is - How often should I increase my Estrogel pumps? I have immediately gone from one pump to two daily and I am aware I will get side effects which is probably why my week end was so hard. My specialist recommended increasing the Estrogel every 2/3 weeks but I just wondered if anyone has completed an increase over a consistent 2 week period? I feel crap allllll the time so i'm thinking of just going for 2 weekly increases to get where I need to be, and then I will hopefully start to feel some benefits sooner.

I appreciate any experience or advice on this  :)
Keeley x


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Re: Estrogel Increase
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2022, 10:21:44 AM »

My understanding of Oestrogen increases, is that it must be done slowly.
Increasing every 2/3 weeks is going to cause mayhem to your body I would imagine. They say to give each new dose, 3 months to settle.

Are you going straight from one pump to four pumps? If so, you will feel jittery for sure. If one pump doesn’t suffice, then try two and give it a few weeks to settle. You can even go up half a pump at a time, to see how things feel?

Newson is a keen advocate of quick gel increases ( I’ve heard and read).

Good luck.



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Re: Estrogel Increase
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2022, 10:57:54 AM »

Why don't you give it a few days and see if the jitters calm down, they usually do after an increase. Then see how you feel. And again try another increase if you still feel not sorted. I don't think you would need to wait three months before each increase else that could take nine months.


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Re: Estrogel Increase
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2022, 02:44:53 PM »

Exactly Gnatty - I don't think I can cope with waiting another 9 months to get to my recommended dose to maybe not feel any better at all........ and if I'm currently feeling dreadful all the time I'd rather try and get to my recommended dose quicker.

Every day just feels like absolute hell. I'm not living, I'm just existing and all the emotional anxiety stuff is not easing at all. It's bloody horrendous.

I'm currently off work too and don't have 9 months saving grace to play with. Sooner or later I will need to return to work and the thought of being like this at work is terrifying.

Despite paying for a private consultation I still feel at such a loss  :'(


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Re: Estrogel Increase
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2022, 03:26:51 PM »

You might find that your symptoms will start easing sooner than you think. One pump of gel is such a tiny amount so you have already doubled your dose. Just let it settle if you can for the next couple of weeks as they suggested. Keep talking on here!


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Re: Estrogel Increase
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2022, 05:29:08 PM »

Be aware that some symptoms take time to go even when you're on the right dose. I started on the patch equivalent of 2 pumps in peri and it still took 3 months for my anxiety and insomnia to go. This was the right dose for me at the time and I remained on it for the next 2 years. If you have hot flushes they usually go within a couple of weeks and can be a good indication that your dose is close to the right one. Perhaps look up the symptoms of too much oestrogen so you know what to look for, unfortunately it can be just as debilitating and often very similar to symptoms of oestrogen deficiency. I know it's frustrating when you're desperate to feel normal but you do need to give it time.
There isn't really a 'recommended dose' as we are all different, it's a case of suck it and see. The dose that's right for you is the lowest dose that controls your symptoms.