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Author Topic: Hrt and change in monthly bleeding  (Read 879 times)


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Hrt and change in monthly bleeding
« on: February 11, 2022, 10:13:36 AM »

Hi first time posting here , I have been on oestrogel x4 pumps and utrogesteron x2 tablets 12 days in the month , I was doing great and had regular bleeds after the progesterone days, the last few months this isn’t happening , I have what can only be described as old brown discharge only when I wipe and sometimes fresh red blood when I wipe , but not a proper period , also I am not having them every 28 days , my last few months have been all over the place .
My last three months have been 43,16 and 37 days between “bleeds” and only one was a normal bleed . Palpations have come back and started to notice I am getting hot again especially at night and had a couple of hot flushes and anxiety has increased , I did loose my mum in December and have had severe depression since then but this has all been happening before then , should I be worried something is wrong ? Thanks for any info


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Re: Hrt and change in monthly bleeding
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2022, 04:38:04 PM »

Hi Chichi72


Sorry to hear about your return of symptoms. What were your periods doing in the months leading up to your starting HRT? If you are still peri-menopasual then your own cycle may well be breaking through despite the hRT though that is a high dose of gel. Maybe you are not absorbing it well especially if your symptoms are returning such as feeling hot at night, and also the fact that you bleeds are light.  Have you kept a diary eg do the symptoms come at a certain point in the cycle? Maybe you could try patches or the oestrogen spray - Lenzetto?

Also sorry to hear about your mum - that is bound to upset your system too and of course you will feel depressed as you grieve for her.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hrt and change in monthly bleeding
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2022, 05:24:58 PM »

Prior to starting hrt they were heavy and painful and monthly often a day or two different , the first few months on hrt the bleeds start as soon as I finish the progesterone tablets but bleeds were alot less then before hrt and not painful , it’s the last four five months it’s changed , I’m just wandering if this is normal and me nearing menopause or there is something wrong ,


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Re: Hrt and change in monthly bleeding
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2022, 09:12:23 AM »

Hi again Chichi

Provided you are taking HRT in the correct way prescribed, then usually this is not a cause for concern though any heavy or abnormal bleeding should always be reported to your doctor or if you are worried. The irregularity sounds like it is due to your own cycle breaking through but like I said if the bleeding continues or is prolonged or heavy then speak to your doc. Four pumps is quite a high dose and if you are absorbing it well should be easily sufficient to prevent sweats. I am wondering why you are on such a high dose considering your bleeds were regular (but depends how long ago you started hRT too?) indicating that you could still be very much peri-menopausal?

Less bleeding and lighter bleeding is not usually a cause for concern if you are taking the right dose - it is the converse that is problematic - ie unscheduled, abnormal or heavy bleeding.

All the best :)

Hurdity x