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Author Topic: Perimenopause? Utterly fed up!  (Read 2081 times)


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Perimenopause? Utterly fed up!
« on: February 02, 2022, 12:00:47 AM »

Urrrghhhh seeking any kind of chat, advice, experience anything!
I am fed up with how I feel.
Got a new job in June - absolutely love my job - been so happy since starting it - everything was going lovely (not really relevant to my problem but just want to point out how happy I have been and normally am!)
I am just turned 43.
Missed a period in October.. thought I was pregnant - but wasnt.. didnt think too much of it - whos not happy to skip a period right?

Novembers period came... jesus!!!! Genuinely started to think I was dying... I was heavily bleeding for 30 days.. HUGE clots... I thought organs were coming out of me! I had to give in and register to my local surgery to see a Dr (I hadnt belonged to a Drs in 4 years and barely ever needed to go to a Dr previously to this) So I am not one for running to Dr for everything! I was absolutely exhausted.. on verge of collapse - how I managed to carry on in life I dont know - silly to wait so long I know but I just kept thinking it would stop. I had to use massive incontinence pads as normal sanitary pads (even night time pads) just were not good enough.. didnt dare use tampons because of the clots. I was crying ALL the time over nothing.. felt anxious all the time (this is not me at all) Its like my brain just switched into psycho, emotional wreck mode!
So I was prescribed Tranexamic acid to stop the bleeding, had blood tests, also prescribed the pill (I was worried this would mask the problem but I duly started taking them anyway.)
Bleeding stopped after a a total of 37 days bleeding.. had another appointment with dr a couple of days later to go through my blood results.
She said I had severe Folate anaemia and severe iron anaemia as a result of the heavy bleeding. She said she didnt know how I was still standing my levels were that low.
got given high strength tablets to take twice a day for 3 months to get levels back up (dr said I might need to take for longer as its a slow process to get them back up after dropping so low)
I asked the Dr if it could be Perimenopause related, all this! She said given my age she thinks I am too young? I also told her my mum had to start HRT at 42 - she still brushed the idea to side.
So! Although I dont feel as bad in myself as when I first ever went Drs, I definitely don't feel good still sad I am sick of it!

I didnt bleed for a bit after starting taking the pill (desogestrel) but then came a 'period' and once that had been going for 3 weeks I made another appointment at drs - no clots this time but certainly not light bleeding... was like the worst few days of a moderately heavy period but continuous for 3 weeks.
Got a different Dr this time... I told her I was stopping the pill as I wasnt happy taking it when I had been bleeding for 3 weeks on it - not only that but within a couple of weeks of taking it I got so bloated and felt 6 months pregnant.. felt uncomfortable in my stomach area and depressed at looking so bloated. Maybe it wasnt to do with that but since stopping taking it in the last week, the bleeding has stopped and the bloatedness has gone!
I asked her about Perimenopause and whether she thinks all this trouble has started because of that - she said I am too young also! She asked me if I was getting hot flushes, I said no and she said it cant be perimenopause then! (am I the only one very confused by this?) I know perimenopause can give you a whole host of symptoms.. not just hot flushes!

She said I could try taking 2 of the contraceptive pills a day to see if that helps? NEVER heard of taking 2 pills before at same time each day? Whats that all about!? I told her if its made me bleed for 3 weeks and made my stomach look like I am 6 months pregnant taking 1 pill a day, I am not wanting to double the dose and get double the symptoms thank you! So I declined that idea!

This other Dr is sending me for an ultrasound scan so we will see if anything shows up on that, but in the meantime I am so tired all of the time.. my short term memory is absolutely awful and I have never had problems like that before! I am emotional most of the time - the other day I was on the bus on my own, wasn't thinking of anything at all but just burst into tears on the bus.. felt a complete idiot! Could not stop crying, even though I was trying to tell myself I was crying at nothing!

I dont know if I am so tired, having memory problems and crying because of the anaemia, or its to do with something else... Drs just seem to not know or be able to help... feel like I am banging my head against a wall and theres no light at the end of the tunnel!
Has anyone had any problems like this because of perimenopause? I just would like to be able to either rule it out or get some kind of assurance someone else out there has been through the same!
I have been aching all over since all this started... and until yesterday, the previous 3 days to that I genuinely could hardly move my body hurt so much everywhere, my arms, neck, shoulders, legs, hips - even my bum cheek muscles... I was in agony for 3 days - when I did have to get up to go in kitchen, or loo etc, I felt was like a woman of 100 :( Its exhausting. for those 3 days, I mainly had to lie on my sofa, and just slept most of time or cried when I was awake.
I have been reading about perimenopause and there's so much more to it than hot flushes! Why do 2 drs at my surgery not seem to know anything about perimenopause?
I cant go on feeling like this. I am utterly miserable, emotional, and would actually rather not exist than carry on feeling like this. I said this to one of the drs and she started asking me if I want to see a counsellor if I am having suicidal thoughts! FGS! I had to explain to her I am not going to go off and kill myself, I am just trying to convey that if someone asked me to carry on like this forever or not be here, I would answer the latter because I am not having a life anymore right now - I am literally just existing, and its because something isn't right that needs sorting.. I was fine before this started - I am such a happy, cheerful person normally... I just want to feel normal again! The tiredness alone is sucking the life out of me, not to mention everything else. I've never slept so much ever, but all this sleep doesnt help me feel less tired whatsoever!

Sorry for the long post but any ideas VERY welcome please!
Thank you! <3


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Re: Perimenopause? Utterly fed up!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2022, 07:38:04 AM »

Welcome what a faff....Firstly I'm so sorry you are struggling the way you are. I'm 46 and started with peri symptoms when I was about 43, so no you are definitely not too young at all!! I'm now 46.

My dr was the same, all they were interested in were hot flushes... why?? Some women don't suffer with hot flushes, my mum never did.

I'm not sure if your anemia is contributing to how you are feeling or not as I don't have experience with that.but how you describe your feeling is awful....poor you.

I'm finally about to start HRT this week after a long 6 month battle. I haven't felt my normal self, tired, emotional, anxious which is also not me at all. My problem has now spread to the downstairs 🙄 and I refuse to continue as I am.

Hope you get the help you need and are soon back to you, sending love xxx


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Re: Perimenopause? Utterly fed up!
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2022, 09:31:53 AM »

I'm so sorry you're going through this.

I'm 45. My symptoms started at 41. I've had a dreadful 4 years. I've tried every pill available at the recommendation of my Gp and the NHS meno clinic. They definitely helped stabalise my main symptoms but all gave me other symptoms in exchange. So, I'm done with the pill.

I'm now done with the NHS as they can't seem to help me. Maybe once I'm fully in meno they'll be able to help me, but for the time being I've switched to the alternatives thread.  ;)

My symptoms are not the same as yours, but just wanted to post to let you know you are not alone.

Keep  pushing back and asking for help. But unfortubately I've realised the research and knowledge still has a long way to go...  :'( x


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Re: Perimenopause? Utterly fed up!
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2022, 10:14:41 AM »

Sorry, in a bit of a rush. I would say the anaemia will make you feel totally rubbish. But also definitely you need some hrt. The heavy bleeding wants a scan as you may have fibroids. Often a Morena coil can make a huge difference. I ended up having a hysterectomy because I had a very large fibroid so do get that checked out. Saying you are too young for perimenopause is complete and utter nonsense. You will get loads of support on here.


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Re: Perimenopause? Utterly fed up!
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2022, 10:37:35 AM »

Hi what a faff. Good advice already from the wonderful ladies on here. Just want to say that your anaemia will give you fatigue and lots of muscle aches and pains so you should begin to feel better as your blood improves. Have you had your vitamin D level checked as this can make you feel very poorly if too low?

Your doctor is completely wrong of course about being too young for peri. This stage can begin up to eight to ten years before meno which is around the age of 51 so at 43 you are right on time.  :)

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Perimenopause? Utterly fed up!
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2022, 10:56:51 AM »

Welcome what a faff.

I was exactly the same as you. At 42 I had severe anemia and horrendous heavy periods, although they didn’t go on for as long as yours.

I felt dreadful with all the aches and pains you describe along with feeling sick and very tired.

Was given iron tablets and tranexamic acid and slowly I began to feel a lot better.

It does sound like the start of peri for you. It was for me

Good that you getting a scan to check things out.

There are numerous symptoms, not just hot flushes.

I have been fortunate that I have a very good GP.

I am now 53 and only now am I seeing changes to my periods, so for some it can go on for years.

The ladies on here are so helpful and supportive. You will find all the advice you need here and can then take that to your GP

Hope you begin to feel much better soon xx


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Re: Perimenopause? Utterly fed up!
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2022, 07:52:32 AM »

You poor thing , feel so bad for you. I was exactly the same at 43, I couldn't leave the house as periods were so heavy, night time pad and super plus tampon changing every hour or so. I had the mirena but it came out during a heavy period !!! Lots of clotting too. This, coupled with terrible anxiety was how it started for me. My gp said I was too young to be in perimenopause too. I had scans, trans acid tabs, I even had a uterine biopsy at one stage . I was v low as didn't know what was happening to me. My gp wanted to put me on anti depressants but I started reading about peri menopause and I pushed for hrt. Honestly, within maybe two weeks I felt so much better mentally. Heavy periods continued for a year or so ( I manged this with ibuprofen actually which is amazing and reduces the blood flow hugely.) Trans acid tabs didn't really do the trick. Especially good before bed to avoid having to get up to change pads every couple of hours.

Fast forward a few years, I am now 49, periods more irregular and much, much, lighter. I have read many posters say that they start having hugely heavy periods in their early 40s, but it does settle down. What really angers me is that the GPS are so unqualified with menopausal knowledge. They could so easily say that the heavy bleeding is probably the start of perimenopause (obviously ruling other things out). Hope you get sorted OP, I think HRT could be your saviour. Also try the ibuprofen.  Xxxx