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Author Topic: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night  (Read 3541 times)


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Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« on: January 26, 2022, 12:23:32 PM »


I’m 43 years old and have been suffering from Perimenopause symptoms for about 5 years ( since aged 38).  :'(
The worst symptom has always been insomnia, night sweats and pms. After being dismissed, I was put on Estradot patches 100mcg and Utrogestan orally (200mg Day 1-12 of period) (July 2021).

In October 2021, I started suffering from hormonal burnout. Instead of just waking in the night. I’ve struggled to even fall asleep and have surges/ palpitations. This happens from ovulation until Day 2 of my period cycle and is debilitating. My skin gets dry and itchy. I also have severe PMS for most of the month now and insomnia is most nights instead of just following ovulation. I feel very low before my period ( crying) and don’t feel like myself at all.  :(

In Jan 2022, I moved to Sandrena gel (2mg per day split am/pm and Utrogestan.

Has anyone else had a pounding heart and are struggling to fall asleep? I follow all sleep hygiene methods. I know it my gut, it’s hormonal. What has helped them?

Had anyone found palpitations increase due to starting or increasing HRT dosage?

The palpitations are horrible. 

I still have periods monthly although the last one has been 3 weeks late and flooding. I had crippling ovulation pain then a week later my period arrived. It’s so heavy I can’t leave the house.

Thanks for all your help , :)



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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2022, 03:02:06 PM »

Hi - so sorry you are going through this. The palpitations are awful.

I’m having a similar situation where I wake up in the morning with a adrenaline surge. I get palpitations during the day too. 

I’m not an expert on HRT as I’ve tried it a few times and it’s increased my anxiety but I think you’re meant to take the Utrogestan for the last part of the cycle so days 15-26 or something like that. I’m not sure tho. Maybe someone else will be able to help with that and maybe that’s why your hormones are out of balance?

Do you take magnesium? 300 mg of the glycinate form is meant to be best for palps.

I’ve seen a cardiologist who assured me my heart is fine and that palpitations (however awful they feel) won’t hurt us.  This is what I’m trying to tell myself when they happen.

Also do you think maybe taking the estrogen in the morning will help rather than splitting it? I think estrogen gives an energy boost so maybe that’s not helping at night? Again, I’m no expert on HRT just what I have read.

I’m still researching things to help palpitations so I’ll let you know if I find anything else.

Hugs xxx


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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2022, 03:05:11 PM »

Also, I used to have really really heavy periods and pain (couldn’t leave the house). This was caused by fibroids so I had an ablation which solved it. I’ve got another fibroid now but it doesn’t seem to be causing me problems yet. Very common in perimenopausal women apparently. Might be worth getting that checked if heavy periods continue (although again that’s another symptom of peri I think) xx


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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2022, 03:24:01 PM »


How is your diet over all?  Not eating regularly can lead to all kinds of odd symptoms  >:(.  I was advised to eat every 3 hours, 24/7 even in the night if I went across the landing to the bathroom and back. 

I was never aware of ovulating, however periods were heavy, painful with 10 days on, 10 off.  If you are flooding your GP can prescribe appropriate medication which may ease the palpations.

Fortunately I've never been aware of my heart rhythms.  Anxiety floored me.   :'(


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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2022, 07:32:54 PM »

Hey Angela - palpitations are often a sign of low estrogen but can also be a sign of too much, from what I have observed others on here say. I really feel that without doing a blood test you won't have any idea whether your estrogen is potentially too high or too low. Have you done one since starting the HRT (and one before?) Also Joann is right about the Utrogestan but perhaps you haven't yet started that part?


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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2022, 11:42:59 AM »

Hi Angela, Suffering from terrible palpitations too.  Heart has been checked at Doctors and they are stumpted!  I'm post meno though, but I feel them terribly through the night, they wake me up and are worse when lying on my side.  I get them through the day too and am starting to think they are hormonal.  I have a few other symptoms of low estrogen so am considering asking for HRT but it all seems so confusing.
JoannFran  Have you tried magnesium?  I had heard it was good but get confused about the different types you can buy.    Palpitations are draining aren't they and worrying too.  It's difficult to try and ignore them. 

Wishing you both well x (and hoping we can get this sorted)


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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2022, 03:41:32 PM »

Ladies, have a look at york cardiology on you tube.  A DR on there talks about different types of palpitations, ectopic (missed beats) etc.  I've found it quite reassuring recently.   And try magnesium glycinate 300mg.  I really think it's helping.

All the best xxx


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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2022, 01:01:05 PM »

Thank you to you wonderful ladies for sharing your tips and info :) . Sorry for the the delay it’s been a tough week. I haven’t left the house and cancelled everything.  :'(

JoannFran thanks for the tip.. I’m trying the magnesium now!

Holiday lover’s horrible these palpitations..

Gill..  I did a blood test but not before I started HRT. My questions are.. how do I make ensure the estrogen gel doesn’t contaminate the results? How long does it stay in the blood stream?

I ovulated on Monday 17th Jan period appeared 3 weeks late ( last period before this  was 4th Dec ) on 22 Jan 2022.
I don’t know how to count the days ..should I do it from my usual original period or from this period that started on 22 Jan 2022 and to test 21 days after this. My current specialist won’t do the test nor will my GP so I will use medichecks.

The specialist I’m seeing said to wait for a month until trying Utrogestan. She said to optimise the estrogen first. I’m thinking that’s caused this horrendous period.

I need to start Utrogestan vaginally but am super sensitive to it (PMS) is awful for most of the month.

I’m on the waiting list to see another private specialist but it’s a very long wait. Is there anyone you can recommend I see happy to do video call consultations?

CKLD thanks that’s interesting about the diet. I will definitely follow this.  Anxiety is crippling :'(. Sending hugs. I’m going to get some counselling for it.

Thanks so much,
Angela xx


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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2022, 08:30:42 AM »

Angela if you're using HRT you can't use a finger **** blood test, the result will just always be contaminated by the HRT no matter how hard you try. You need to select the option to have a venous test - it's £30 extra - they send you the kit which you take to your local clinic (there is a long list to choose from on the medichecks website), the clinic do it and then you post it off to Medichecks and get the results in a couple of days online.

In terms of counting the days, count from the period that arrived on Jan 22 - it sounds like starting the HRT just delayed ovulation slightly which can easily happen.

Makes sense on the horrendous period being due to the high estrogen vs the progesterone.

Try not to lose heart... it's totally normal for it to take a while to get into any HRT regime xx


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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2022, 12:34:29 PM »

Hi Gill,

Thank you so much for your reply and for giving me hope. How are you feeling now? How are you getting on? I hope you are doing better.  :)

Sorry for the delay, I’m still not feeling well :'(.  I have ordered the medichecks blood test and will do the test as you mentioned.

 I also wanted to ask you about your experience with Utrogestan. As I am very sensitive to hormones and progesterone intolerant. The oral route was awful :'( for me.  I’m going to try this vaginally.

Specialist says to take  200mg for 12-14 days. I will sync this with my cycle.

How long did it take for you to settle .. it did you take 100mg for the first cycle?

I know we are all different but I know you and I share some very common synergies and themes.

Thanks again,
Angela x


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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2022, 08:43:10 PM »

I am very sensitive to medications in general but I have never had a problem using Utrogestan vaginally. Orally yes... it was horrendous! (Staggered to think anyone can tolerate it orally!). But I use 100mg vaginally for 12 days from ovulation onwards and have never had any symptoms.

The only thing I have noticed is that if I dont time it properly and stop taking it too soon before my period arrives (ie. 4 days or more before my period arrives) I do get 1 or 2 days of strong PMS type feelings, but it passes as soon as my period arrives. Of course once we get further into the meno journey that isn't isn't going to be an option, so I guess a couple of days of PMS will be dealt with!

I'm doing OK... Still not sleeping properly and trying to rebalance after the Metformin fiasco. It'll take a bit of time.



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Re: Heart palpitations keeping me awake all night
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2022, 01:50:43 PM »

Thank you so much Gill. I hope everything rebalances for you. :)You are in my thoughts. Sending hugs and I always look forward to your messages and messages from this group… it keeps me going.

 Having awful anxiety since last night. The morning is the worst. Spent most of it crying.

I’m still bleeding and was up all night. :-\

As my period is irregular, for the ovulation kit should I still test days 11 onwards until I hit ovulation?  I just hope I’m not still bleeding by then as worried the Utrogestan won’t absorb vaginally.

Thanks so much,
