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Author Topic: Progesterone query  (Read 1053 times)


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Progesterone query
« on: January 29, 2022, 06:03:21 AM »

Hi all
Hysteroscopy and biopsy done under GA following irregular bleeding. Periods loosely following normal pattern though longer and lighter with spotting between. Which started about September. No polyps but thickened surface. The gynae consultant told me I shouldnt really be having periods at 52 when I questioned if my lining would be thicker as I'm still having periods but I'm trying to remain calm til the results are in!

If all is ok, she doesn't want me on oestrogen as that may increase the fibroids I have. She mentioned progesterone as this would stop the lining building up I assume by causing a bleed? Though I thought people with mirena (suggested) didn't bleed so I'm suitably confused. Peri symptoms are mild at the minute  and I've no contraception needs so is it OK just to take progesterone??



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Re: Progesterone query
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2022, 05:33:42 PM »

Any advice gratefully received.  I'm a bit lost with the whole thing and being told I'm too old for periods has just added to the confusion. Thank you


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Re: Progesterone query
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2022, 05:56:16 PM »

Wish I could advise but waiting for a hysterscopy myself, following post menopausal bleeding, which I’m hoping is being caused by HRT ( but I’m not so sure right now! )

At 52, you are not too old for periods.

If you have a womb, get periods AND on oestrogen, you definitely need progesterone cyclically, to shed the lining.

If post meno (a year without periods)  AND on a continuous regime of oestrogen and progesterone, then in theory you shouldn’t bleed. However, oestrogen stimulates the womb lining and if the progesterone doesn’t do its job correctly, then you get a bleed. The coil is meant to be good at keeping the womb lining thin.

It’s hard fo know what the womb thickness should be in peri, but I’m imagining a lot thicker than someone who is peri?

Sorry I can’t be more help.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 05:58:22 PM by Nas »


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Re: Progesterone query
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2022, 06:05:56 PM »

Thanks Nas. Hopefully your hysteroscopy appt is done and dusted soon for you.

I'm in peri with no HRT or pill and more or less regular periods up til the back end of last year when they started being a bit erratic though I didn't miss one. They were longer and lighter or the occasional heavy day. Totally confusing and the gynae consultant threw a curve ball with that comment!

Hope all goes well d thanks for replying xx


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Re: Progesterone query
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2022, 06:23:37 PM »

Ah I see
Well you should be okay; peri causes periods to go a bit erratic, so I wouldn’t worry, especially as your symptoms are mild.



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Re: Progesterone query
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2022, 09:26:21 PM »

🙄 A so called expert who expects everyone to be meno at 52. I was mostly regular at 57 when I went on hrt, some women are in their early 60s before they're meno. Depending on what time of the month they did the scan it may be perfectly normal. Have they suggested removing the fibroids? A mirena usually stops bleeding even if you're peri and is a good option if you have bleeding problems. Taking progesterone only won't help with meno symptoms, you need oestrogen for that. Erratic periods are normal in peri.


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Re: Progesterone query
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2022, 07:05:37 AM »

Thanks Sheila. That's my underlying thought and as Im not getting troublesome meno symptoms other than the periods going a bit haywire I'm not really wanting to start HRT. If the mirena just works on the lining then that may be the way forward. Not forgetting to add into the mix my periods went heavier in Sept and Dec after both jabs! The scans were done 2 days before a bleed and one week before. 


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Re: Progesterone query
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2022, 09:27:50 AM »

Hi - I wouldn't want to have a Mirena for too long without oestrogen as you head towards menopause. If your periods are still pretty regular then yes it will keep the lining thin.. How thick was your lining? However if your periods were getting lighter I would suggest you don't need a Mirena which would be to provide contraception or help with very heavy bleeding. Without added oestrogen and your own declining oestrogen as a result of heading towards menopause, adding a Mirena could lead to overthinning and eventually potential ulceration of the womb lining which also causes bleeding. In the circumstances then, I'm not sure why you need a Mirena if you don't want to start HRT? Also if your scans were done a week and a couple of days before the bleed then this is when the lining is at its thickest and is not a problem during the menstural cycle, unless the bleeds are consistently or worryingly heavy (eg due to the fibroids), or the lining was over normal limits for the menstrual cycle. Another more temporary alternative if your periods are pretty regular is to take a course of progesterone or a progestogen for a few cycles which wil help shed any increased lining.

Hurdity x


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Re: Progesterone query
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2022, 08:04:24 PM »

Thank you Hurdity. 11mm and I think 15mm second time. I'm happy to try whatever is suggested once results are in. I was supposed to have the coil at the time of the procedure but was confused as to whether I would need oestrogen too and the consultant telling me firmly I was told old for periods and shouldn't be bleeding confused me further. I ventured onto Google today stupidly. Bad move.