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Author Topic: Your experiences with testosterone  (Read 9225 times)


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Your experiences with testosterone
« on: March 01, 2022, 09:49:28 PM »


I searched this topic on the forum before writing this post. There is a lot about it here.

I would like to specifically find out from your experiences if it worked for you or not.

Some background:
I have been on HRT for 3 years. I had issues with adjusting dosage with trial and error and I was going mad. Finally managed to see a meno specialist who checked me out, did blood tests and increased the oestrogen dosage. I felt a lot more sane as a result. However, my curiosity pushed me towards testosterone as a friend told me it was a game changer for her. As I was still suffering from mood swings (although much better than before) and low libido, the doctor prescribedTtostran and I started to take it 2.5 weeks ago. Still early days. I realise I need to try it for 3 months but I am so curious about other people's early experiences on testosterone.

It immediately made a difference to my temper as I became very short and impatient with others, my mind was racing/active, no sleep but no difference in libido whatsoever. After reading the comments here, I halved the dosage (half a pump every other day). Things got a little better but still worse than before starting testosterone. I am off balance and a little anxious. I am annoyed with myself as I added this new element after finally finding some balance on my HRT regime. I haven't noticed much change is libido yet. I am 49.

My question is, will this get better? How was it for you when you first started? Did you stick with it?

The forum here is the best resource available anywhere so please tell me more. I am sure there will be others benefiting from reading your experiences/comments many years later.

Many thanks in advance.

nicky_boo xx


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2022, 11:32:38 AM »

Hasn't anyone got any comments?


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2022, 11:43:03 AM »

I am sorry but I don't have any answers except my understanding is that testosterone was supposed to help with anxiety. Could your oestrogen levels have taken another dive if you are still perimenopausal? I know that it's quite usual to increase oestrogen, feel better quite quickly but then dip again as your body gets used to that level and so you need to make another increase. This is why oestrogel is so popular. So I guess you could try and up your dose again.


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2022, 12:35:55 PM »


I’ve never felt testosterone helped me at all, however, I’ve recently stopped it and feel horrific again. Crying, panic, anxiety, low mood.
Not sure what it does but it certainly seems that it did something!
I found when I started it that I felt worse before I got better - I would say a month or so.
You could try using it every other day?


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2022, 12:38:09 PM »

Hi Nicky,

I’m surprised but anger is something that men report when they’ve taken too much testosterone. I don’t think I’ve heard a women post about it before.

I don’t have any answers but I would stop taking it to see if the anger and anxiety goes. If it does I’d re-introduce it in tiny amounts daily and increase very slowly.  I’ve not used Tostran, I don’t know the strength or pump volume but there are threads on here about recommended amounts etc.
Anxiety, brain fog and nocturia were my worst symptoms and I’m as sure as I can be that T sorted them out within days. I often read that women don’t see results for months, I got good results very quickly and everything has improved over the 8 months on HRT (7 on T). I don’t want to mislead anybody so I feel I need to say that I don’t know which hormones solved which symptom and I’m not prepared to stop any to find out!

I hope this helps, sorry for ramble!

« Last Edit: March 03, 2022, 01:32:12 PM by VictoriaV »


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2022, 01:12:04 PM »

I can feel irritable and angry if I take too much T. The key is taking the right amount (for you). For me it is 3 petit pois blobs per week (Mon,We’d,Fri).

The benefits are I’m mentally sharper and more confident/less anxiety. That happened pretty quickly. Libido or should I say response took longer about 6/7 weeks I would say. Although libido hasn’t much improved response has.

Hope this helps x


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2022, 01:42:35 PM »

The benefits are I’m mentally sharper and more confident/less anxiety. That happened pretty quickly. Libido or should I say response took longer about 6/7 weeks I would say. Although libido hasn’t much improved response has.

Hope this helps x

Thank you Perinowpost for wording this so well, I didn’t know how to say that so didn’t!  ::) I got the response back very quickly and very recently signs of libido. Until recently I didn’t recognise the difference in the two  :-\


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2022, 02:06:59 PM »

Glad it’s worked for you VictoriaV 😀


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2022, 03:02:39 PM »

Thank you, they were two small signs of libido but fingers crossed! I’ve been taking T for 7 months, I think doctors prescribe T trials for 6 months and I think it’s only prescribed for women reporting low libido. Like you it’s real benefit has been mental clarity which lead to recovery of confidence/motivation. I hope more women remember to claim LOW LIBIDO to their NHS GP.  :)


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2022, 05:15:58 PM »

Hi Nicky_boo - there is a very long-running thread about testosterone I started when I first started T in May 2015. It's in the private lives section ( for obvious reasons!) and I've bumped it for you.

The specialist who first prescribe it to me said it could take 4 - 5 months to fully take effect so not to expect t oo much too soon though the levelds should be monitored before that.

I also created a thread which discussed the various different types of testosterone availabe on NHS off licence, and their dosage so I'll bump that thread too.

The main thing to be aware of is that Tostran pump pack ( unless it's changed)  is TWICE the concentration of Testogel sachets and the Testogel pump pack is approx half way between the two. There if you are talking about pea-szoed blob - there is less margin for error (and less ability to tweak the blob size without making a huge difference) in a tiny amount of gel which is more concentrated.

I would go for Testogel 1% sachets over Tostran though the downside maybe that once opened the contents may be more susceptible to reduction in efficacy due to the air being let in - especially if you make a sachet last around 2 weeks at least which is how long mine last.

Starting off with one pump 3 times a week is quite high I would say, though this is the amount recommended by BMS as I recall. The Chelsea and Westminster Clinic initially suggested 2 Tostran pumps per week moving to 3 max. Not everyone needs such a high amount.

I have never noticed any adverse side effects from using testosterone apart from increased hair growth on my legs - a minor irritation compared with the benefits.

As to libido - I would say that loss of libido (and more to the point - response) is possibly the first sign that T is declining so if there is nothing wrong with your libido/response, to me there is no point faking it to the GP ( ::) ) - so I delayed seeking help long after my libido and response went awol, but was getting feelings of exaustion after exercise, muscle aches etc - and possibly these come later?

T would not be prescribed for panic, anxiety, low mood - I think the symptoms are more the opposite - well maybe low mood but not anxiety more like general lethargy lack of oomph - no energy to be anxious lol and physical muscle symptoms Those symptoms sound more like low oestrogen?

I hope your doc is agreeing to take blood tests after 3 months - to include T as well as SHBG so the Female Androgen Index can be calculcated.

Hurdity x


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2022, 08:08:45 PM »

Thanks everyone for your comments. I found them very helpful. Hurdity, thank you. I had read many of your posts before asking about early experiences. I understand that I really need to be careful with testosterone. I will have blood tests in 3 months. I hadn't asked for SHBG.

Perinowpost, libido vs. response concept is interesting . I will pay attention. Do you use Tostran too? Re: your dosage of 3 blobs per week, is it based on blood test results or how you were feeling?

I really appreciated each and every comment. I can say that I feel sharper an more efficient at work lately. Maybe it is due to T.  I hope it doesn't make me hairy as I am going through laser hair removal at the moment.


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Re: Your experiences with testosterone
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2022, 11:24:24 PM »

I use 1 pump Tostran every other day and it seems to be the right dose for me, confirmed by blood test. I don't think I produce much/any of my own, zero libido and muscle weakness before. It took 2 months before I noticed any difference. For me mood swings, anxiety and insomnia were due to low oestrogen. I only got hairy (longer, thicker and blacker rather than more numerous) on the patch of thigh I applied it to. Since changed to the sole of my foot where it seems to work just as well and avoids the hair problem.
I also think your mood problems are more likely to be oestrogen deficiency. T gave me more get up and go but didn't affect my mood.