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Author Topic: Big belly  (Read 2294 times)


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Big belly
« on: December 28, 2021, 08:43:48 PM »

I'm 46 and post menopause, no periods since 43.

My issue, I'm severely bloated. My belly is huge, and I'm a slim size 8 and just over 8 stone 3. I do have endo but has not given me any problems in a long number of years. It is also painful all over and for hours on end, not relieved by eating or not eating, it's not gas either. The pain is not endo pain either as its usually short and sharp and then gone.

Originally when I went to doctors at 44, explaining everything and after having menopausal symptoms from a number of years earlier, I was put on patches with no checks on estrogen levels. My mother went through meno at 54-55 and I was always told that that would be around the age of mine.

I'm worrying that my bloating is something else as I look heavily pregnant with being slim everywhere else.

Does this sound normal?


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2021, 12:00:50 AM »

Hi Tootsey I’m still in hellish perimenopause but I’ve had bloating for 18 months now. Had an abdominal & transvaginal scan which shows a 3cm cyst, had two CT125 blood test all clear? My doctor puts it down to ibs every time but I’m still awaiting a colonoscopy 5 months after referral. It’s weird because it’s feels like a balloon but perfectly shaped like when I was pregnant! When I lie down my stomach is flat?! It’s sore almost constantly & there doesn’t seem any connection to what I’m eating. like you I am only a petite size 8 & not quite 8 stone so it’s been really odd almost suddenly having a big belly over night!


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2021, 12:24:45 AM »

Take this seriously, as unexplained bloating is a symptom of ovarian cancer.


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2021, 08:31:56 AM »

Hi Tootsey11,

I just like to say my endometriosis pain was sharp and quick. I’ve had  two endo operations age 25 years old and 42 years old and both times that’s how my pain was. Sometimes the pain could be long and had to take pain medication. That would happen a couple days a month, but for the rest of the month short and sweet. And yes I had my bloated tummy. Definitely see a doctor


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2021, 09:51:45 AM »

I agree that you need to get this checked out with a doctor. Do you have any other ovarian symptoms such as smaller appetite, feeling full quickly, needing to pee more often? Also with ordinary bloating your stomach should go down overnight and then 'reinflate' during the day. It's worth measuring it to see how it changes

Please call the GP and let us know how you get on.


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2021, 10:06:27 AM »

Another who thinks you should see your gp.


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2021, 10:42:48 AM »

Thank you ladies. My original thread was a bit rambling so to answer some of your questions,

I want to eat everything in sight, so increased appetite.
I am peeing much more often but then I have atrophy. I had the peeing urgency and frequency under control since starting vagifem and now it's back for the last 2-3 months ish.
It's not really flat in the morning sometimes it's huge, then after first pee goes down a bit then back up again throughout the day.
I have that many other things going on, possible ibs, I have Gerd and diverticulitis, then add in endo and early menopause. I have bad nausea every couple of days but that could come from the Gerd. I'm also dealing with daily fatigue, I have had covid a few times and now have long covid so the fatigue could be just that.

I will start taking measurements today, thank you for the suggestion, I just don't know how a doctor would begin to unravel all this.

Hip measures 35 inches.
Belly currently 34 inches at its widest
Normal waist 28.


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2021, 01:28:42 PM »

Bloating is normal with GERD and diverticulitis so this could account for your discomfort.  Are you on a PPI for GERD and what dietary advice have you been given for the diverticulitis?


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2022, 10:57:28 AM »

So just an update. Having had no bleeding or spotting since 2019 I've now been passing brown black blood for 4 days, belly is completely flat. And as in the last few years of bleeding I have severe irritation down below when this happens. As soon as the bleeding stops it like someone presses a switch and its gone instantly. I could not work out why the last week or so why I was so sore, I must have been passing tiny amounts of blood and didn't notice. The only explanation I can find now and in the past was cyclic vulvovaginitis but I didn't do anything about it as the bleeding had stopped. I don't think I want to continue with hrt patches if this is what is going to happen.


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2022, 12:01:15 AM »

Hi Tootsey,  I'm just wondering if you've seen gp to be referred for a scan ?also to get them to do an internal exam to check the bleeding ?  After not having any bleeding for a while it's a good idea to get checked out .
    Some of my first peri symptoms were severe bloating and horrible acid reflux and severe fatigue, doc referred me for a scan just to be on safe side . I've read that lack of oestrogen can affect your digestion by slowing it down and also we have less bile to break down fat &that can cause bloating too . I try to avoid anything too fatty now &also too much spice, can only have a mild curry now  :(
      I'm approx 4 years post meno now &it's taken much trial and error to get hrt right balance for me .Now I have a 25mcg evorel patch and 200 mg of utrogestan for 12 days which, fingers crossed is right balance for me .
    I used to work on gynae ward as a nurse and would suggest it's important to get any unexplained bleeding checked out ASAP just to be on safe side. For bloating, sometimes buscopan and colpermin can help ,also dulcoease if constipated . I hope you get seen soon xx

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Re: Big belly
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2022, 12:08:50 AM »

Adding another thought Tootsey (love the name btw ) what progesterone do you use ?is it that that's caused bleeding ? Also sometimes if a dose is missed it can happen earlier ? I know it's worrying, when I had it I was worried too ,but best to get checked out . When you phone doc tell receptionist you're really concerned &hopefully you'll get a face to face appointment bloods and a scan .All the best to you xx


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Re: Big belly
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2022, 07:37:33 PM »

So, an update.

Spoke to the doctor, as far as he's concerned there's nothing to worry about. I'm now bleeding again, spotting I should say.

I'm so mixed up with this all. Last bleeding before any of this was Nov 2019 and now Jan 22, twice in a month. Can conti patches cause this. Doctors words were 'those patches are the no bleed type'.

I've ripped the patch off I'm so pissed off with this.

My estrogen levels are 1060, doctor said this is fine.