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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?  (Read 1066 times)


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Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?
« on: January 19, 2022, 12:13:16 PM »

I’m hoping someone might be able to help me… I’m 51, and until March last year was still regular.  Following the vaccine I've not had another period… this is not a vaccine question, and I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or related, but what I do know is that my hormones must have changed dramatically overnight - and my GP wants to treat that.

I don’t have any (to me) recognisable symptoms, no hot flushes, night-sweats, dryness etc… I’ve always been a terrible sleeper, so nothing ‘new’ in that, and unfortunately I’ve also developed a permanent chronic migraine and tinnitus, so any brainfog etc is equally due to the severe pain and discomfort of this. My point is I’m very hard to diagnose!

My GP feels that HRT is worth trying, maybe some of my symptoms are due to menopause, but also would like me to try it for the longer term benefits eg bones, etc.  Having my periods stop overnight, I agree there must be some hormone issues so have agreed to give it a try.

Because of my migraine, she wants to start me slowly and I’ve been given Everol 25 patch and Utrogestan 100 daily orally.

I think my question is two-fold really… Does anyone have anything similar happening?  Also, I do feel very fuzzy and a bit dizzy (two weeks in), and honestly I feel the migraine and tinnitus is worse which is very distressing after 10months nonstop (I didn’t think that was possible!), so does anyone think that this dose might be affecting it?  I’m not sure whether to stop immediately, and wait until (hopefully) at the least the chronic migraine calms down, or to persevere and hope my body adjusts… and then maybe I’ll find some benefit?  I've read on here that the utrogestan seems to perhaps affect headaches?

I'm supposed to see GP in 2 weeks, but can't keep going like this until then, and also would love some help so as to know what to say to her when I go back!

I feel very low now, but I think that’s just the fear of not knowing if I’m doing the right thing with the HRT!


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Re: Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2022, 12:17:29 PM »

Hello and welcome. I am so sorry you are feeling so poorly. I found taking HRT separately made me feel worse and now I take a combined patch. I am not sure if that is something you may like to ask your GP about.


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Re: Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2022, 12:19:00 PM »

I'm not sure, but I do know the vax has reportedly negatively affected a lot of women's reproductive systems, even though it's apparently 'just coincidence', so it may be an idea to look into that.


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Re: Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2022, 08:01:21 AM »

Hello again, I spoke to my GP who really doesn’t have the time to go through everything with me, so I feel rather lost.  She said I can continue and persevere, or take out the utrogestan for a month or two (although I’ll have to reintroduce later, and start again trying to get used to it).  But most worryingly I’ve also started bleeding today is that normal.
To recap I have 9 months without a period and GP put me on Everol
50 and Utrogestan 100 daily.
I’m now day 16 of HRT.
I’m not sure if my periods stoped due to the severe migraine pain, vaccine, or age!  My worry is they hadn’t ‘stopped’, just paused, should I worry?

I wonder if I should try and find a private GP who has more time to talk it all through?

Any help would be so appreciated!



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Re: Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2022, 08:32:31 AM »

so sorry you are feeling so awful I know how terrible it feels not being sure what the problem is.
it seems you were not a year period free before starting HRT and so you should not have been on 100 utro daily but on 200 for part of the cycle only. however this is not relevant now you have stopped the utro.
I can't help with your migraine problem I'm afraid. maybe send a email question to dr. Newson, it costs £30 but may be helpful.


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Re: Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2022, 02:02:29 PM »

As you're not meno (1 year without a bleed)  you may be better on a sequi regime. It's very unusual for periods to just stop, usually there's a lot of irregularity before they do and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the vaccine that's caused the problem. If it was me I would start counting with the 1st day of your bleed as Day 1 and take 200mg utro days 15-26. Most problem are caused by the progestin so this has the advantage that you can see how you are on oestrogen only.
Have you see an ent specialist for you tinnitus? Mine was caused by an ear infection that did some damage. There are threads on migraine to so perhaps try it in the search box.


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Re: Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2022, 05:08:28 PM »

Hi JDL124!

Sorry to hear you're feeling low.  We have estrogen receptors in our ears and hormone fluctuations and declining estrogen can result in tinnitus or, in my case, BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo).  It can also trigger or worsen migraines, so it's great that your doctor is suggesting MHT to address both issues. 

Menopause is more than hot flushes.  Reading your post reminds me of a video by Liz Earle on her own menopause experience.  Like you, she has never had a hot flush but she did suffer with severe headaches and tinnitus.  After being on MHT for about 18 months, she noticed that the tinnitus had gone and her hearing was fine.  It's helpful to have a time frame and realistic expectations, as it can be difficult to persevere through the side effects and early days of hormone therapy.

I never get headaches unless accompanied by high fever.  I could count the lifetime instances on one hand.  A change in MHT and sudden increase in estrogen triggered headache and nausea that lasted for about 7 weeks, diminishing in intensity over time.  The slight dizziness resolved sooner, within 2 weeks or so.  I knew it was temporary so I persevered.  It took a little more than 3 months for the other side effects to resolve and to get a sense of how I felt on the new regime.  Sometimes things get worse before they get better.

Here's a link to the video:



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Re: Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2022, 06:29:31 PM »

Hello JDL1234 and welcome to the forum.

I cannot help with your enquiry but I thought I would mention my past experience.

About two years after my last period I developed daily headaches. They would be with me from the moment I opened my eyes until about 9pm when they would magically disappear, only to return the next day. I had never suffered headaches before and I assumed they were hormonal. After six months they stopped and I have not had one since. I was not on HRT at the time and it was another year before a different set of symptoms sent me to my GP. Hopefully your headaches /migraines will  also resolve soon.

I was also one of those women whose periods just stopped suddenly without any previous changes in regularity or blood flow. As I recall I missed six months and then had a bit of spotting which I assumed was the precursor to a period but after a day that stopped as well and then nothing since. This was all in 2010 and  I am very post meno now!

I hope this helps you in some way and reassures you that the journey through the menopause can be a varied one.

Take care.




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Re: Feeling dreadful (day 11), should I stop HRT?
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2022, 04:37:26 PM »

HI there! Yes, I recognise all those symptoms. I had to give up my teaching job in the end as my brain fog and low mood was making my life unbearable. I had regular tinnitus as well.
On HRT I've been ok - although I've never felt back to my normal self.
I would try HRT as I think it will help you. You are so lucky to have a GP that is supportive. I have the opposite unfortunately and have been written off as OLD now I', 62. I still take a low dose HRT but any questions I ask of my GP results in being told there is a 'risk' even though I am otherwise healthy.
I hope you get on ok