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Author Topic: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?  (Read 3356 times)


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Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« on: January 05, 2022, 09:53:13 AM »

Hi there,
I'm wondering if anyone is using Dr. Newson and finding that system more efficient? I have just been knocked back by the receptionist (only possible point of direct contact) at the NHS specialist clinic telling me she's "not sure" if the specialist is in today. I wanted to speak to her today as she doesn't work the rest of the week which takes me into next week to determine next steps and then a further delay for the prescription of 7-10 days, with my current prescription running low. My bloods were taken a week before Christmas and it seems an awful wait, without making any progress, to know what's best to try next. I think it's the system, rather than the skill base per se that's at fault, with possibly insufficient staffing for the huge area covered. It's just becoming really frustrating now after coming up for a year and I feel I would benefit so much more from not having to navigate the time-consuming and time-wasting system. I have come off the phone feeling like an inconvenience! 🙄


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2022, 12:43:57 PM »

If U put Dr Newson's name into the search box ? 


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2022, 08:00:45 PM »

I was 6 yrs postmenopause when a one-off patient there in 2019.  The doctor I saw was very helpful, sympathetic & very generous with her time.  Her clinic letter was impressively long & detailed & I had email contact with her afterwards for further help.  I think teleconsults are a possibility when distance makes attendance impractical.  These days I think there's a wait of a few months for an appt but if you are able to take a short-notice cancellation you may get one quicker.  Mine was within a week of first enquiry.  Their costs are itemised on their website (or were last time I looked).


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2022, 10:53:02 PM »

Thank you, Wrensong. E-mail contact is so useful, immediate and helpful. I have even heard of people having mobile contact with private specialists. It just seems such extremely different practice, so much kinder and accessible. I guess we get because we pay which is wrong. Anyway, must investigate again! Thank you. 😊


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2022, 07:33:32 AM »

Hi I think Kathleen is a patient at Dr Newson’s clinic x


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2022, 08:12:06 AM »

I’m a patient at the Newson clinic and have been for 3 years.
I’m in Scotland and my first two consulatations were down at Stratford clinic (precovid) and then video consultation there after.
I went originally as I wanted time to discuss symptoms and was prescribed estrogel/ Utrogeston conti.
I didn’t bother going via GP as above medications weren’t routinely given here but I have since had recent conversation with my female GP who asked why I hadn’t come to her for HRT as she has done all her training and happy to continue with Newson prescription of Estrogel/Utrogeston. I was very surprised as quite a lot of women struggling to get these medications in Scotland.
I will go with GP for prescription but keep my yearly clinic with Newson incase I have any problems with getting my NHS prescription.


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2022, 09:46:16 AM »

Hello Postmeno3.

Dotty is right I am a patient of Newson Health and have been for just over a year.

When I enquired there was a waiting list but I asked about cancellations and got an appointment within about two weeks. Due to COVID all my appointments have been by Zoom and I also have email contact when necessary. I also buy my HRT through the clinic and my blood tests are arranged by them through a private blood testing centre that is about a forty minute drive from me. All of this can rack up the costs so it isn't cheap. I decided to go private as I felt that I had exhausted the expertise of my GP.

NH are very helpful and although I still have issues my  doctor assures me that there are still plenty of options and we will get it right eventually!

I hope this is helpful and take care.




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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2022, 10:00:23 AM »

Thanks Kathleen, Gracie65 and Dotty. I do worry about the costs and the principle that it shouldn't have to be the case, but I note neither of you mentions an NHS Specialist Clinic as a first step after GP? (You are SO lucky with yours, Gracie65! Amazing!) Would you mind letting me know what age group you are in and if you are returning to HRT after a very long gap? I wonder if the Newson clinic is seeing more of these more complex cases which my clinic claims to prioritise. Thanks again for your kindness. 😊


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2022, 10:27:00 AM »

Hello again Postmeno3

Happy to help!

I believe that there is a meno clinic at my local hospital but it may be a recent addition as I had never heard of it. I did however receive an initial telephone appointment with a Consultant however this coincided with my NH appointment and I decided to stay with NH.

I am sixty five and very post meno. As my HRT regimes had never fully resolved all my symptoms I decided to come off all HRT in 2019. Things were okay at first but then I began having more anxiety and crying spells so I decided to give HRT another try. I am still experiencing mood issues and I hope that by continuing with NH that I will eventually get back to normal. Fingers crossed!

Take care.



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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2022, 10:48:20 AM »

Thanks for that further info, Kathleen. Very helpful. Are you on testosterone at all? I believe the interplay between oestrogen and testosterone, if correctly balanced, can help a lot with mood. I feel the phone consults may not be entirely helpful with our complexities. Do you get a set time with NH? I never know when to expect mine and that doesn't help matters. Even arranging one is far from straightforward, sometimes days/weeks after needed. I'm going to see what these bloods are showing (if I ever get them) and how the specialist plans to inform any change to the regime from them, but I think NH is beckoning. Feel free to PM if this gets too conversational for the thread. I'm never quite sure how to gauge that. Thank you again. 😊


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2022, 05:23:54 PM »

Hi Postmeno, I’m just turned 56 and tried for a year or so to deal with hot flushes etc with natural products or grim hope it would settle. I also had very stiff joints and had to get up slowly from sitting. Also hormonal headaches which were not as bad as migraine I think but made me feel miserable and I was never a headache person before. I was offered testosterone at Newson Clinic but haven’t tried it yet.
I also had a problem with intermittent bleeding in conti Utrogeston but I think I have cracked it fingers crossed. I’m going to do a post on that if it helps others. Newson clinic can be expensive but if you can have a consultation to get you on the right track then hopefully info can be emailed to your GP to continue on NHS.


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2022, 02:49:44 PM »

Am wondering if the Newson clinic tweaks existing regimes, acknowledges bloods done previously etc or if you have to go back to square one. I'm not sure I could cope with the latter! A progression of sorts would be encouraging? 🤔


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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2022, 05:30:10 PM »

Hi.  I've been with newson clinic for 18 months now.  I am also in Scotland but my GP now does my prescriptions for patches and utrogestan.  I recently started androfeme which I pay for privately.  I have nothing but good things to say about newson clinic so far.  All my consultations have been by video.  You do get a specific time.  I'm still work in progress but have been impressed so far.  Have also had email and phone calls from my newson doctor as needed.  Very helpful and caring.  Going private isn't cheap, but I felt I had no choice.  Re question, re tweaking current regime, they did take into account a blood test my doctor had done.  I just emailed it to them.  Also my friend who has been on HRT longer than me recently changed to newson clinic in order to get testosterone.  I'm 56 by the way



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Re: Anyone in postmenopause using Dr. Newson?
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2022, 06:21:19 PM »

That's really helpful. Thank you! I wonder if Scotland populates Newson! 😂