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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: 20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy  (Read 2747 times)


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20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy
« on: December 17, 2021, 01:21:22 AM »

I had no symptoms, barely any bleeding, but a recent scan shows too thick a lining in uterus so with 2 week rule I have a hysteroscopy, biospy and scraping on Wednesday. I have been on 1 utrogestan oral tablet 100mg every night and 2 pumps of oestrogel 2 pumps. Always felt good, unaware that the progesterone wasn't fully protecting my womb. I'm 56yrs and been taking this HRT for about 6 years.

I have tried without success this week to speak to a clinical nurse for advice at the hospital via email, online forms, phone. No reply. I've really tried multiple times. No support at Cheslea Westminster at all! After 4 days trying I've given up.

I was told Friday to switch my progesterone to NORETHISTERONE but after 2-3 days it made me feel terrible (nauseous, bloated, cramps, dizzy) so on Tuesday I've quit it all. I stopped all my HRT completely as I can not get advice not even from my GP. That horrible norethisterone is out of my system and I feel better. Shall I

1. Just stay off all the HRT as I feel better though I continue to have mild pre-menstrual type aches and bloating which the norethisterone kicked off?
2. Go back to my previous HRT of utrogestan and oestrogel because that never made me feel ill?

Will stopping the HRT cold turkey do me any harm?

Maybe I should call the general NHS advice line but I don't think they will know the complexities of HRT.

Thanks all and fingers crossed for this dreaded hysteroscopy

« Last Edit: December 17, 2021, 11:49:13 AM by Youneedaholiday! »


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Re: 20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2021, 07:11:30 AM »

Hi Youneedaholiday

You poor thing, were you on utrogestan orally or vaginally? I haven’t much advice I’m afraid re getting a reply from our health service in these straightened times. I would however, try and negotiate some pain relief if you can.

You don’t say how old you are, and that might impact on a return of symptoms re stopping hrt.

Wishing you well, and do keep us posted as to how you go on x


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Re: 20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2021, 11:56:30 AM »

I'm 56 and I've been on oral Utrogestan. Still unable to get any medical advice despite dozens of phone attempts, emails and online patient forms, I decided late last night to take 1 x utrogestan and 1 pump oestrogel. But it hasn't made any difference yet. I am starting to lightly bleed and have cramps, bloating and period pains. I think my body wants to rid itself of this endometrium lining but all my hormones are out of whack thanks to this HRT mess.

I've called the Chelsea Westminster Hospital again this morning and can't get past speaking to an operator receptionist. I have a covid test and pre-surgical assessment Monday morning so they told me I'll have to wait till then to get any questions answered.


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Re: 20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2021, 12:10:14 PM »

I have no advice (sorry) but that's so awful you can't get any medical help.

If you are going for the procedure next week - maybe stay on your regime so you feel well for it??? Surely a few more days cant hurt. Then discuss what changes you need to make when there.

I know your default reaction has coeaeky been - stop the hrt. But you probably do need the medical advice. So I'd go back on until you're seen mid week. Xx


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Re: 20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2021, 01:24:11 PM »

We're you definitely meno (1 year without a bleed) before you started hrt? It might be that you are/were still peri and a sequi regime would be more appropriate. Some women aren't meno til their early 60s. It probably doesn't matter what you do before you're seen as it isn't long. Personally I'd continue with 2 pumps gel and stop the utro so you get a bleed (you might beat them to it :))
I'mssure you'll get advice but some of the options are
Mirena - sorts out these problems for most people
Use utro vaginally so more gets to where it's needed
Double the dose of utro (with doctor's agreement
Use utro for 25/28 days. Often used this way late peri as the withdrawal allows a bleed if there's been a build up. Or sequi regime.

How did you know your lining was building up?


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Re: 20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2021, 03:44:41 PM »

Strange that your lining would build up on continuous Utrogestan. It may help to use it vaginally in future, seems to get to where it needs to be easier. Hope all goes very well for you.


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Re: 20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2021, 11:03:03 PM »

I am in EXACTLY the same situation as you and  I’m under Chelsea and Westminster!

So, my situation is that I was on the patch with continuous utrogestan. Been experiencing bleeds on and off all year. Hysteroscopy and biopsy showed a reasonably thin lining.

Chelsea told me to double on the utrogestan, but It makes me drowsy. Norethisterone hasn’t been mentioned as I’ve had breast cancer and they want me on utrogestan ideally.

GP not interested.
Gynae say come off HRT.

Body in turmoil and I’m currently on yet another bleed.

I’ve decided to come off HRT indefinitely, largely to see if I bleed whilst not on it. If I do, I’m either not post menopausal as previously thought, or there’s a problem which gynae haven’t detected! 

Sorry not to be helpful, but you are not alone at least.

Apparently utrogestan isn’t the best at controlling bleeding according to some specialists.

In truth, it’s a nightmare. I need HRT, but my uterus hates the stuff.

What about the coil for the progesterone part of your HRT?

Best of luck for Wednesday.

Take care xxx


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Re: 20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2021, 01:04:28 AM »

I feel for you all.  I am just having awful heavy bleeds. I don’t know why after so many years on the same dosage that I have suddenly started to bleed heavily on EVOREL and UTROGESAN. Maybe because I am now 55 and my natural periods have stopped? What dose of evorel do you take. I am taking 2 x 100 evorel and one UTROGESAN per day.  I was taking 2 evorel on days 12-26 but switched to try it daily but bleeding is just the same. I had a scan and the lining was within normal range.


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Re: 20mm endometrium need Hysteroscopy
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2021, 08:32:55 AM »

Sorry you are experiencing the same Michelle.
You are on a large Oestrogen dose with a normal lining, so the utrogestan must be working for you?

It’s a minefield to me.

Perhaps your periods are stopping as you say?