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Author Topic: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium  (Read 2148 times)


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evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« on: December 16, 2021, 09:51:46 AM »

Hi everyone - I have sort of mentioned this before but things have moved on so I wondered if anyone has experienced this - long story short - I have a thickening of the endometrium which was found after a trans vaginal scan (along with what they think is a polyp) - I am 57 so CONSIDERED post meno.  Because I had intermittent bleeding they switched HRT from the evoral sequai to conti (also because of my age and I didnt need the breakthrough bleed - but I wasnt really happy about this) - fast forward two months - Had an appointment last week at the hospital and the consultant said that because I havent had children and due to my extremely high levels of anxiety - a biopsy at this point is out of the question since It would be too painful and I would have found it too traumatic - instead he suggested I come of HRT for 6 weeks to see if that settles things down (I have one more patch to take) - BUT since last week I have had cramping - due to my anxiety this is now much worse since I tend to 'tense up' - but I am wondering if its the Conti that is causing the discomfort (having been on this particular HRT for just 6 weeks) - has anyone else had this?  I am off the scale scared with all of this - My GP is phoning me next week but that's a few days away yet


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2021, 09:47:47 AM »

Hi Helenc,
I am sorry that I am not sure about what caused the thickening but I just wanted to say that I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I also feel anxious even thinking about health issues and therefore have been putting off starting HRT again after being unwell first time.
Just to tell you how I had a bleeding one year after my last period and had to go to hospital for an ultrasound. At that point they realised that my cervix was a bit thicker - blood could not pass through easily, called stenosis. They gave me a local anaesthetic and took a little biopsy, everything was OK with uterus. I can imagine how you must feel with all of this, but even if you have to go for a biopsy, it's not as bad as we imagine it to be. But it's normal to feel scared.
I had panic attacks in the past and anxiety still occurs, mostly as ruminating thoughts, but I got a lot out of CBT and lots of reading. I am meditating every day and keeping an eye on my thoughts and feelings and being so much kinder to myself.  It's also good to do a body scan and deep breathing when tense. There a lot of good resources on internet.
I hope some of the ladies here will have knowledge of your issue regarding conti and I hope that the GP will be able to give you good advice. This too shall pass and you will feel better soon  :)


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2021, 02:33:46 PM »

Hi, sorry to hear about the anxiety, it's the worst. Just wanted to mention that my endometrium thickness was 6.5mm and UCLH deemed this "appropriate for this women's hormone replacement therapy." I worried initially as had read here and there that it should be quite a bit lower but not according to UCL.

It's also worth checking the day you had the TV scan because my hopeless GPs never told me to book the scan for just after my monthly bleed (HRT induced) so I had the scan one day before my bleed when the endometrium was at its thickest (so my original scan had my endometrium at nearly 10 and the second one at UCL done after my period was 6.5)

So hopefully your 7.5 is nothing to worry about.
I can't advise on the conti because I have not yet transitioned to it myself.
Meditation is brilliant for anxiety and just about everything else.


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2021, 02:37:59 PM »

I used Evorel Conti for 12 mths and unfortunately I don't think I absorbed the progesterone component of it well enough, as I too had a womb build up (endometrial thickening).

They changed me to utrogestan PV 100mg at night, plus Lenzetto, and within 3 months it was back to a normal level

Some heavy bleeding occurred at the beginning, but i think that was the lining thinning out again.

All has remained well a year on, i stayed with utrogestan and lenzetto xxx


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2021, 03:09:13 PM »

I wouldn't be surprised if you're not meno yet. I started on evorel sequi aged 57 and mostly regular. I have a natural 6 week cycle and this regime resulted in bleeding at any time of the month because my own cycle was stronger than the hrt one. This may have happened to you if the cycles were out of step. If you have a polyp that can cause bleeding too though and messing about with hrt won't make any difference to that. Can you tell when your own cycle is functioning? Does the bleeding appear to be a period or something else? If you can tell when you ovulate you could try gel/utro so can keep the cycles in step. I don't think the assumption that everyone is meno by 54 helps those who aren't as treatment may not be appropriate. I had 3 natural periods aged 60 so if you're still peri you're not alone. Could the cramping be because you're about to bleed? If you're not meno I belive this thickness is well within normal limits if they took it before a bleed.


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2021, 02:41:36 PM »

Hi Sheila99 - thank you for your response - I am 57 though so it is considered that I am post meno - it's all very upsetting and confusing - the bleeding (since switching HRT) is about every two weeks and certainly feels like a period since when it happens I am shedding what must be the endometrium also (sorry TMI) - it happened again yesterday -- I have had enough of it all - My GP is ringing me on wednesday


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2021, 03:04:35 PM »

Hi Helenc I’m going through the same thing as you and I’m 57 too. I’ve been using continuous hrt for 4 years with no problems really. Last July I had a bleed….had all tests done and everything was fine.  In June this year the same thing happened.  All tests done and everything fine.  The consultant told me that any bleeding in the next 6 months would be ok and that I could ignore it, but after that I’d need to be seen again. I’ve been bleeding every two weeks since then just like you. I saw my GP a few weeks ago and I’ve got another phone consultation this week. I’m getting fed up with the bleeding , but don’t want to stop the hrt. I think my options are to double the Utrogestan to 200mg or move to Provera. xx


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2021, 03:32:14 PM »

Hi All - and thank you so much for taking time to respond - I honestly dont think I have ever been so fed up - so to recap - I am 57 and have never had children (I mention this because the consult was unable to to the biopsy at the time as it would have been too painful due to this reason and anxiety) - I have been bleeding around every 2 weeks and at the last trans vaginal scan about 3 weeks ago I was 7.5 mm thick (endometrium) - I was told to come off the new HRT (after christmas If I wanted to but I am waiting to talk to my GP weds) - I honestly feel so low about it all - wishing you all the very best for Christmas and I am sooooo coming back as a man xxx


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2021, 04:39:21 PM »

Hi All - and thank you so much for taking time to respond - I honestly dont think I have ever been so fed up - so to recap - I am 57 and have never had children (I mention this because the consult was unable to to the biopsy at the time as it would have been too painful due to this reason and anxiety) - I have been bleeding around every 2 weeks and at the last trans vaginal scan about 3 weeks ago I was 7.5 mm thick (endometrium) - I was told to come off the new HRT (after christmas If I wanted to but I am waiting to talk to my GP weds) - I honestly feel so low about it all - wishing you all the very best for Christmas and I am sooooo coming back as a man xxx
  I am 58 and also no kids so couldn't have a biopsy without a general anaesthetic. I was pushed into having one last year even though my lining was only 4.5 mm and I was on Evorel Conti. After the anaesthetic, I was told that they hadn't been able to even take a biopsy because my lining was 'scanty' as the doctor expressed it. This year I have had a tiny bit of bleeding (immediately after my AstraZenica jabs). I was sent for another vaginal scan and the consultant wanted me to have another hysteroscopy but I said No (based on my previous experience). I may get called back again for another scan. Fortunately no more bleeding has occurred.


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2021, 02:12:50 PM »

Thanks Kate - what on earth did he mean by 'scanty' - god it sounds a bit gung ho to me with all of this (with me I mean) - I dont blame you for not having the hysto thingy
 - sadly I may have no choice - to add another level of anxiety to the entire thing - I also have emetophobia which is a vomit phobia and I would go to any length to avoid it as it an extreme phobia so even a GA is out of the question arrrghhhhhhhhhh


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2021, 05:33:07 PM »

If you really want to avoid it you could try coming off hrt and see what happens. If you still have periods you're peri and the thickness is fine for someone still cycling so no action needed. Then you can use a sequi regime kept in step with your own cycle and have a normal monthly bleed. Hopefully  ;D. A conti regime when you're not meno is going to cause the same problems if you're 37 or 57.


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2021, 06:28:49 PM »

Thanks Kate - what on earth did he mean by 'scanty' - god it sounds a bit gung ho to me with all of this (with me I mean) - I dont blame you for not having the hysto thingy
 - sadly I may have no choice - to add another level of anxiety to the entire thing - I also have emetophobia which is a vomit phobia and I would go to any length to avoid it as it an extreme phobia so even a GA is out of the question arrrghhhhhhhhhh
By scanty she meant so thin that they couldn't get enough to do a biopsy.


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Re: evoral conti patches and thickening of endometrium
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2021, 06:50:33 PM »

I have been on conti for 5 months now. I am 55 and like you no children. Last year I had had a year without a period then had one so I was referred for a hysteroscopy - it was uncomfortable but okay. My lining was 8mm but they said it was otherwise okay, Then I had 7 months without a bleed and another period! Same process - this time I was told my sample was 'scanty' but overall they were okay with it all. I then decided that I would try some HRT and it has totally stopped the flushes and the low mood but not really done much else. Still got aches/pains etc... but that is just getting older I guess. I had only a tiny bleed after 2 months of starting conti. Fingers crossed when I go for my review next year it all be well.
I get the anxiety but I would say that nothing is as bad as the imagining beforehand,
I hope that you find the answers you need but this community is so supportive and the answers I am sure will arrive.