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Author Topic: Is anybody really there?  (Read 830 times)


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Is anybody really there?
« on: November 10, 2021, 02:31:50 PM »

Definitely having a really bad day. Feeling so down and alone. Hubby just upsets me all the time, says he understands but when it comes down to it he's never there for me just winds me up even more. Teenage daughter just constantly moans about everything and winds me up its just a living hell 😒 all I seem to do is pickup, clean up after everybody else never get any help, feel like I'm just going to explode!  Trying not to feel so sorry for myself but it's hard, it's beating me today. Period not even due for 2 weeks can't take this much longer. Anybody else get days like this?


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Re: Is anybody really there?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2021, 03:22:11 PM »

Oh yes,my lovely,think a lot of us get this way,feeling unappreciated etc,same here,some days I could strangle my OH,the way he'll take off a jumper then just leave it where it lies,then almost assume it's MY job to pick it up but on rational days, I know this isn't the case and focus on how everything he does is for me/us. Remember it's hard for husbands to REALLY understand what we're going through,we change and sometimes not for the better but it's really not our fault,do you think he would read the thread for husbands? It explains fully what all the symptoms of meno are etc.Are you peri menopause? On HRT?


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Re: Is anybody really there?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2021, 03:35:05 PM »

Hi, thanks for your reply. I'm just having an extremely bad day! He probably won't read the section for husbands no but I could give it a try. I'm perimenopause and tried HRTtwice  but the side effects for me were just too much, I felt suicidal on them so ended up ripping patch off, so very much at a bit of a loose end as where to go from here. I don't even know where my cycle is anymore, sometimes 2 in a month, last time 2 weeks late it's awful :o


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Re: Is anybody really there?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2021, 04:19:33 PM »

Hi print it off and hand over. 1 copy for the daughter and a copy for the husband.  Sometimes men simply don't know how to react with our changes in temperament etc..  They are not mind readers so should be treated as such ;-). "This will get worse B4 it gets better!"

Delegate.  If ever I moaned my mother would find me things to do, usually dusting my bedroom. 

If she has time to moan she has time to muck in.  MayB sit down with her and ask what she really wants.  Perhaps she doesn't feel 'heard'?  With teens and menopause in the same household, it's a receipe for arguments!



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Re: Is anybody really there?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2021, 04:29:09 PM »

Yep,teenage daughter = hormones,mum,peri menopausal = hormones please don't beat yourself up over it all,you WILL get through it all,most of us on here have been through it,the same as you,yes,it is awful but there is help out there,have you looked at Dr Newsons videos on YouTube? Have a look and see if there is anything there to help,I'm not on HRT but I know it can sometimes be difficult to find the right combination,so don't give up hope


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Re: Is anybody really there?
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2021, 04:33:06 PM »

Awwwwww Slinks.....I feel for you. I'm ten years post menopausal now but I remember my peri-menopause as being awful. At the time I was fortunately(?) single but I had my three adult sons at home. At times  I could have quite cheerfully strung them from a lamp post! I figured they were mature enough to hear about my difficulties so I sat them down and explained my situation. Luckily I have a very close relationship with them and they understood as best as the male species can. Whenever I felt especially blah I would have a nice long bath, a good cry and listen to some soothing music. The boys called it my "menopause CD" and would stay clear. :)

I also had the weird cycles and some awful bleeds. If you have a sympathetic GP perhaps it's time to have another chat? You shouldn't have to suffer like this. I was lucky in that the first HRT I tried was really successful but I remember the doctor telling me it can be a bit of trial and error in finding the right one. Perhaps there could be another one which would work for you? I was also tried with the Mirena coil at first for the heavy and irregular bleeds....unfortunately I had problems with it ( dislodged) but many women I know swear by it.
I'm sorry I can't give better constructive advice but I just wanted to offer virtual support.

Jean x