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Author Topic: Can vagifem cause thrush?  (Read 1746 times)


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Can vagifem cause thrush?
« on: November 10, 2021, 10:55:48 AM »

Started vagifem loading a week ago and today have intense itch and slight thick discharge so definitely thrush.
Am 51 and perimenopausal. Not taking hrt but have appointment with specialist end of this month. Have had on and off itch in vulva/perimium since early Sept and tried variously diflucan, canestan and  daktacort. Asked my GP in desperation if I could try vagifem as I didn't have any discharge so suspected it wasn't thrush. Been using vagifem daily for a week, and lo and behold, today had itch in vulva and noticed a little  thrush discharge. Apparently vagifem can cause this(listed as common side effect?).  My question is, is it safer to try more diflucan( already taken 3 tablets in past 2 months) or canestan( have used a steroid cream twice a day for 14 days in total in same time period). So it's potential liver damage Vs thinning skin, what a choice 🤣. So annoyed as the itch had gone for the past week and was sure the vagifem was the solution . Do I continue with the vagifem? Not sure if it was thrush all along and if this is just a flare up , but this time with discharge


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2021, 01:00:18 PM »

I have never had a discharge with thrush  :-\.  This needs a swab sent to a lab. for a diagnosis.  4 me the itching is too high up in the vagina to reach  :o

I would not use 'canastan'. Ever.  The 1 time I tried I sat in a cool bath after for hours due to intense burning !  Where does the idea of 'liver damage' come in  :-\
Continue with the 'vagifem' or ask for 'ovestin'.  It may be that you are sensitive to the fillers or packaging in the first product. 

The vagina cleanses itself when healthy.  When the skin dries due to the loss of oestrogen, the area maybe itchy, skin thins etc.. 

Let us know how you get on?  The need for a Very Good Scratch takes a while to go away  ::)


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2021, 01:21:32 PM »

Thanks clkd. I'm pretty sure it's thrush I have today as a little cottage cheese discharge.
Diflucan tablet which is often prescribed for thrush can cause liver damage apparently. But maybe that's if take 100s of tablets long term.
I'm going to stick with the vagifem as maybe I just need to adapt. Apparently hrt can trigger thrush at start too. I have to treat the thrush somehow don't it? I can't just ignore and hope goes away? So that's why was wondering if the diflucan tablets are a better bet than the canesten


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2021, 04:22:43 PM »

I had thrush the first time after stopping the contraceptive Pill.  The 2nd time was after emergency surgery.  I can't remember what the Gynae Registrar gave me the first time, it was a pessary and 'don't scratch' instructions  ::)

I have found that LIVE yoghurt eaten and applied helps.  Cleanses the gut from top to bottom.  Also inserted into the vagina is at least soothing and won't do any harm.  If I have elective surgery I swallow it 5 days prior to going into hospital.

Thrush of course thrives on sugars.  It lives in the back passage and can be transferred back to front = aggravation in the vagina.  Who designed women this way  :bang: needs a  :kick:


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2021, 04:27:54 PM »

Like you I started Vagifem a week ago today and all is well so far I'm pleased to say.

I did notice a creamy discharge on my panty liner the day after I started using it. I haven't experienced any itching. This has continued for the week but I've been reassured by the lovely ladies on here that it's perfectly normal.

Good luck!


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2021, 04:53:26 PM »

Like you I started Vagifem a week ago today and all is well so far I'm pleased to say.

I did notice a creamy discharge on my panty liner the day after I started using it. I haven't experienced any itching. This has continued for the week but I've been reassured by the lovely ladies on here that it's perfectly normal.

Good luck!
Interesting. My discharge was towards the front of the vulva so don't think it was from the vagifem fillers (unless they've learned to crawl). The itch is insane today, hopefully passed. I asked pharmacy and she said the canesten HC has steroids whereas the OTC one only has anti fungal so safe to use . So I'll try that for a week and see what happens. Also have alot of bloating and gained a lb since started the vagifem. I'll see what happens when I move to the twice weekly regime. I'm going to ask to switch to ovestin anyway when all the vagifem used as hate the applicator wastage. I'm so sick of it now,.the nether regions really been acting up for over 2 months now and the last straw really.


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2021, 07:49:42 PM »

Hello Bungo,  just to add on that I find application of vagisil externally help to reduce itching from VA because it has local anaesthetic. I mixed it with a small amount of vagisan cream and put some onto the panty liner too, if it is bad. Nothing rubs.

Live probiotic capsules for women is excellent to prevent thrush,  take before meals as instructions, but live culture yoghurt is very good as well.
Keep up with the oestrogen application.

Best wishes it heals very soon.


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2021, 09:35:46 AM »

Hello Bungo,  just to add on that I find application of vagisil externally help to reduce itching from VA because it has local anaesthetic. I mixed it with a small amount of vagisan cream and put some onto the panty liner too, if it is bad. Nothing rubs.

Live probiotic capsules for women is excellent to prevent thrush,  take before meals as instructions, but live culture yoghurt is very good as well.
Keep up with the oestrogen application.

Best wishes it heals very soon.
Used canesten 2%  cream twice yesterday and a pessary and the difference today is unbelievable. Slept last night which was worried about with the itch.  I'll keep using for the 7 days. Wondering now if thrush was the issue all along and not VA after all..I'll stick with the vagifem until have used it all anyway and decide after that.


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2021, 05:59:35 PM »

Update. The canestan cleared the itch and discharge.  Finished the 2 week loading period of vagifem and canestan at same time(last Tuesday)..This morning used vagifem again(after 4 days) and this evening I have thrush discharge and itch again.. Is it coincidence or could vagifem this am have affected me so quickly and caused  thrush flare up ? Don't know what to do now, should I switch to ovestin as milder ?


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2021, 07:59:01 PM »

I would stop for 3 nights.  Give the vagina a rest.  Have you tried eating LIVE yoghurt to clear the digestive tract from top to bottom?

Is it ithcy?  Itchy even  ::).  It may be the package and/or fillers that are aggravating the area.  Try the 'ovestin' to see if it's more gentle.


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2021, 08:34:40 PM »

Yeah it's itchy. I'm not due to use for another 3 days anyway ( twice a week maintenance since loading ended on Tuesday). Am vegan so no yogurt I'm afraid 🥺. I've searched here and others over the years have had similar from vagifem. It's listed as one of side effects. Annoyed as definitely felt admit better "down there " since started using . More moisture for sure. Also had some spotting past few days( happens now and then with cerazette) so maybe that triggered it


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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2021, 08:46:52 PM »

KY Jelly for the vagina if you avoid dairy.  Anything to keep the area from drying out?



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Re: Can vagifem cause thrush?
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2021, 07:58:16 AM »

Lactobacillus is in a healthy vagina. Could your extreme diet need a tweak to reset?