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Author Topic: help - testosterone  (Read 1326 times)


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help - testosterone
« on: August 12, 2020, 10:14:22 AM »

Hi all,

Prior to my previous post: I wonder if anyone could give me feedback on my testosterone levels as my doc says normal range but I think they are low.
serum testosterone: 0.5
Sex hormone-binding goblin: 43
Free testosterone:  7
My estrogen levels are good - around 450. I currently take 0.5 sandrena gel (any more and I feel anxious). In fact, as I approach the time to start taking utrogestan tablet, I feel increasingly anxious and I skip the Sandrena for a few days as it feels like my estrogen is too high.
I want to try testosterone because I am tired all the time, despite sleeping well every night. I have also gained 2 stone since starting HRT and I'm finding exercise really hard as I am so tired.

I am considering buying Testim gel online as I feel so desperate to feel better. For those who use it - can you tell me the dose you use?

Thank you for reading xxx


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Re: help - testosterone
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2020, 08:51:23 AM »

Hi Moz

Looks like your post got missed - probably because it's August!

If you look at this document - it gives you the nornal ranges for (total) T and SHBG from which the Female Androen Index (FAI) can be calculated:

FAI is Total T/shbg x 100. Lab ranges do vary, and the total T and SHBG must be in the same units - so if both of these in your case are in n mol/l then your FAI is 1.16

The above link gives T range as 0.5-3, SHBG as 18-144 and FAI as 0.5-6.5 %

So - yes from these results you are within normal range (but total T pretty low) but what does this mean? Firstly T tests for women come at the lower end of the range in a test designed for T at higher levels for men, so is inaccurate - so can only be used as a guide before starting tesosterone and many gynaes don't measure it. After starting testosterone though it is important to monitor the level because as T rsies the tests may be a little more accurate and it is important to maintain T within the ref range for women for obvious reasons.

Without knowing the units I can;t comment on the free T which is not normally measured in UK so maybe you are not from here?

The other thing is - just because your levels are within range does not mean you don't experience symptoms. The most obvious symptom of low T is lack of libido/response so this will tell you initially whether T replacement might be beneficial and especially if your levels do appear low.

You should also talk to your doctor about other reasons for your tiredness and weight gain. This can indicate a thyroid problem and these can be notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat on NHS if you don't fall into the standard category (raised TSH). I see you are on a low dose of oestrogen so that tells me that you are probably peri-menopausal if you achieve levels that high? Also if you are still peri then your oestrogen levels will vary according to when in the month the blood sample was taken - in relation to whatever your natural cycle is doing (which you probably don't know).

You might like to have a look at this link from BMS which gives the lowdown on T replacement in women.

I really wouldn't buy T online not least because it needs to be monitored after you start taking it, and buying any medication online is dubious.

Can you ask for a referral to a menopause specialist through NHS if there is one near you?

In the meantime do ask for more blood tests to investigate reasons for your tiredness, if you haven't done so already. Low dose oestrogen is unlikely to be the cause of 2 stone weight gain and maybe have a closer look at your diet - which I am sure you are doing. If we can help with that do start another post?

Hope this helps?

Hurdity x


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Re: help - testosterone
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2021, 08:16:15 PM »

Bump for the testosterone testing crowd :)

Hurdity x