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Author Topic: Severe anxiety  (Read 16588 times)


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #90 on: December 07, 2021, 10:28:24 AM »

I had the psychologist today and I asked her if she thinks I'll get better. Her reply was - yes, if you believe you will.
I don't believe I will!!

Not much of a "psychologist". It's not 'if you believe' anything.
Stop believing you can't.
As Bowie said "don't deceive with belief", when you get rid of belief, which after all is just your imagination, then you'll return to your natural, original state - the real you, and you'll find your default state is peace.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #91 on: December 07, 2021, 12:26:53 PM »

I cringe at these so called professionals who make such comments  >:(. I have walked from many sessions from similar 'advice'!

Depression and guilt go hand in hand sadly.  It's a female default to!  Because we think that others expect ........ which they do, so we get drawn into the "I must do" rather than "I can't at the moment". 

Stop worrying about taking 'valium'.  It's a sure fire relaxant, used appropriately you won't become addicted.  I used it for years, never had problems as I knew it worked.  Yep.  It makes one sleep, which is why it's often used as a pre-med prior to surgical intervention.  It's also used to relax patients with severe back pain.  Successfully.

At least you are getting out, when I was ill I couldn't leave my bed  :'(.  If the dog wanted to go into the garden I would crawl down stairs, let her out, lay on the floor until she came back then crawl back to bed.   :-\.  My brain wanted me to feel better now but drugs have to be given time to work.  Add anxiety on top ........

I did find that making a list of chores each evening helped.  Ticking off made me see what I had achieved, rather than what I hadn't managed to do.  How much pressure do you get from those around you?  Delegate?

I had the psychologist today and I asked her if she thinks I'll get better. Her reply was - yes, if you believe you will.
. She needs to get another job!  For me anxiety begins in the gut, instantly causing me incredible symptoms.  If my gut isn't involved I can take on the World!  I found that eating little and often, to avoid that sudden hunger surge = anxiety spikes, really helped.  I too thought that I would never be well, with a good GP, proper medication and a loving husband: still here.  Get out of the thought pattern that  I know I am the only one who can get myself out of this.

If coping and recovering were that easy so called 'experts' would be out of a job!  Be kind to you.  Take time for yourself, let the 'valium' do it's job.  Delegate!!  Let us know how you get on. 


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #92 on: December 07, 2021, 03:15:52 PM »

Lida, no matter what you feel about not getting better, you absolutely will. I was just like you. I couldn’t leave the house without my husband, even then I had panic attacks. I was in an absolute mess. Physically sick, physically shaking, not eating or sleeping…. Words just can’t describe the depths of depression and anxiety I was in. I had absolutely no belief that I could ever get myself out of that dark pit… but after changing from citalopram to venlafaxine and some time, I have virtually gone back to my old self again.

Just remind yourself, things are bad because you are tapering off your meds, they will get better once you are on the new ones. You just have to go with how you are feeling for now, take the pressure off yourself to be there for everyone else, and just focus on yourself and everything you can do to relax yourself and take it easy.

It will be rough for a while, but the storm will break and the sun will come back out xxx


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #93 on: December 07, 2021, 04:44:27 PM »

Tnx for your update Suzysheep  :foryou:


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #94 on: December 08, 2021, 05:16:57 AM »

Thank you all for your words of encouragement.
I'm just going to keep going the way in am. Taking the dog out with friend, walking trying to do a bit of housework. I'm also trying to control the guilt that I am  not there for my kids in the way I should be. That's the hardest thing and also feeling I've lost myself. CLKD and Suzy, you seem to have supportive husbands, mine is not really. He takes care of the kids but has no time for me and my problems, he doesn't want to talk about it and if he does he is unhelpful and tells me I need to come off the medication and stop talking about it all the time. My GP is not that great either. He says he is  not an expert on the medication I've been prescribed and wont see me in person.
As I've said before, it's good to know others have come out the other side. Please continue to post and encourage me.
Thank you.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #95 on: December 09, 2021, 04:29:19 AM »

I'm up as usual at silly o'clock. Worst time of the day as I have hours,to occupy before anyone else gets up. Just me and the dog, alone with my thoughts. Desperately hoping things will get better for me soon.
I've been sleeping a lot in the afternoon which I know is not helpful but I just need to switch off my racing thoughts.
I feel like the worst mum, and a really weak pathetic person which I know is the depression talking.  :-\
Encouraging words would really help.
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #96 on: December 09, 2021, 08:05:04 AM »

Oh Lida
So sorry you are feeling so bad. You are doing so well to carry on as it is so desperately difficult. Your family are lucky to have someone who still worries about them even when they are suffering so. Don’t worry about the afternoon sleeps do what you have to.
In the hours when you are awake alone try listening to podcasts, anything from comedy to meditation, it doesn’t matter if you lose concentration just try to bring it back when you can.
Hoping things improve soon


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #97 on: December 09, 2021, 08:06:08 AM »

I'm up as usual at silly o'clock. Worst time of the day as I have hours,to occupy before anyone else gets up. Just me and the dog, alone with my thoughts. Desperately hoping things will get better for me soon.
I've been sleeping a lot in the afternoon which I know is not helpful but I just need to switch off my racing thoughts.
I feel like the worst mum, and a really weak pathetic person which I know is the depression talking.  :-\
Encouraging words would really help.
Thanks in advance.

Warm thoughts for you Lida. You are a lovely person. I do not have professional qualification but I have had depression and a little anxiety. For me it helped to find work for my body which was to find a walk that I like and can do and take literally step by step. Once a week at first.

BBC radio has a short guide to changing tiny things to help. This helps me

The series is helpful and not difficult for when we feel low.

With best of best wishes


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #98 on: December 09, 2021, 08:52:07 PM »

Thank you so much for your replies.
I've just been lying here rereading them. The thought that you have all taken the time to reach out to me is so lovely and has really lifted my spirits.
Today has been a better day and I'm thankful for that. I'm hoping not to wake so early tomorrow.
Please continue to post, your words of encouragement have made such a difference and I'm so grateful to all of you.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #99 on: December 10, 2021, 02:40:52 PM »

Hi Lida
So glad we can help a little with our words of encouragement, I remember how important they were for me when I felt as you do now.
Glad today is a little better, hang on to the fact that it shows things can improve and I’m sure will carry on doing so.
Keep posting, thinking of you


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #100 on: December 10, 2021, 03:02:21 PM »

Thankyou Helen.
I have been offered another position in the school I work in (I've been off since August with anxiety) I would start in january. It gave me a real boost that the head teacher has thought of me and making things easier for me when I return.
I feel a long way off returning at the moment, but I'd love to be in a position to return in january.
I'm so glad I discovered this forum. Thankyou again Helen for your kind words. Xxxx


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #101 on: December 13, 2021, 09:31:49 AM »

How are things going Lida? X


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #102 on: December 13, 2021, 07:33:36 PM »

Thinks are going....touch wood....slightly better!
I had a bit of an epiphany last Thursday when I went for a walk with my friend who's a pastor. She's been praying with me and sending me daily scriptures and I've been saying them to myself every day.
The new job offer has given me a real boost. Part of the reason for my breakdown was a problem with a work colleague. The new job would be in the nursery, completely separate from him, more hours and I'd get Friday off. I wasn't even contemplating going back when she phoned me but it seems like a possibility now and something to aim for.
I've actually started Christmas shopping and gor the last couple of nights have been up at 7 as opposed to 2.
I'm so hoping things continue in the right direction.
Thanks so much for asking Suzy. Xx


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #103 on: December 13, 2021, 08:48:30 PM »

If U have problems with a work colleague this needs to be addressed.  Is there an opportunity to speak with the Head of School - she/he may be aware of issues.  If not she/he needs to be told to protect other workers.  Especially if it caused you enough stress that you needed to take time off.  Menopause can layer stresses so that any little 'extra' can become problematic.

Looking forwards to a long weekend must be a bonus.  Can you ease your way back into the new job 2 days a week ...........

Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #104 on: December 13, 2021, 09:36:02 PM »

The head teacher is aware of what has happened. He is on a temporary contract and it looks like he wont be kept on next year.
It's a long story.... other colleagues have complained about him too and he's basically a lazy, manipulative, narcissistic ar**ho*e who is not very good at his job.
I'm giving myself 2 weeks to think about how best to approach my return. I might ask for a phased return. I'll see how I feel. The head teacher has been very accommodating. She's given me till the start of next term to decide.
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