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Author Topic: Severe anxiety  (Read 16559 times)


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2021, 03:24:13 PM »

Hello Lisa, I am so sorry you are going through such a hellish time. I would have hoped that the anti depressants would have started to have had some effect by now if they were going to be the right ones for you. Am I right in thinking you have been taking them now for three months or have I misunderstood? My understanding was that with ADs you should be feeling pretty good benefits by week 4 to 6. Have you had other antidepressants in the past which have worked better for you? If not and these are your first, maybe it's time to talk to your doctor and have a think about some other options. I realise you are hoping too for benefits from hrt but equally you deserve to be getting some benefit from the ADs. Sending hugs.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2021, 03:30:46 PM »

Thanks Gnatty.
I'm at a loss really. Just hoping that something will make a difference because I cant take this much longer. :'( :'(


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2021, 03:51:39 PM »

Do tell your GP how you feel.  There are lots of options on the market for depression, anxiety and hormonal upheaval .  When it all hits at the same time it really impacts! 


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2021, 07:19:52 PM »

Hi Lida, so sorry to hear that you have such a rough time. Anxiety is very common symptom and many of us have suffered/are suffering from it.

For me, HRT seems to be helping finally, but it has taken several months to find the right dose and I needed to increase Estrogel very very slowly over couple of months. I'm now almost 3 pumps a day, plus continuous utrogestan. I hope the positive effects of HRT will kick in faster for you, but just wanted to say that don't be disappointed if you won't feel a big difference right away.

Did you already speak to your GP? I am not a doctor but it does sound that you need something for the anxiety that will help you now and give you some breathing space until the HRT hopefully starts to work!

Hope you will feel better soon and please let us know how you get on! xxx


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2021, 09:09:20 AM »

Thanks for your reply EllaAurora.
Spoke to GP yesterday, she's put me on beta blockers to calm my physical symptoms. My mind is still racing though. She says I shouldn't be experiencing withdrawal from diazepam because I'm coming off it so slowly and it's my underlying anxiety. I'm not so sure, she also told me HRT will not improve my anxiety so I don't think she's that clued up on the menopause.
I just want peace from it. I've been awake since 1 this morning and I'm worn out. I'm too anxious to sleep during the day. It's going to be a long day.  :'(


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2021, 09:49:48 AM »

She's correct about the Valium.  The dose isn't as high as a 'maintenance' dose.  It is anxiety driving the 'what if I don't ......... ' thought patterns. It happened to me with an AD.  Still here!

Betablockas helped me a lot.  I was prescribed 80mg 3 times a day for 3 weeks, followed by 40 mg twice then at night.  From 2002 until 2020 by which time I was on 20mg at night.

HRT may help anxiety.  Hopefully some will be along with advice.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2021, 11:09:07 AM »

I'm on 80mg at night. It helps with the physical symptoms, but my mind is racing. I'm so sick of all this and want to get back to normal.
I've been trying to do my research on ellest duet and can't seem to find a definitive answer on weather it will help settle my anxiety. I'm slightly concerned about taking the progesterone part because of the side effects.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2021, 11:53:00 AM »

The Propranolol will help with the anxiety surges.  When my mind was racing, I vented into a diary that no one knew about.  Really helped. I found too that waiting for appts. was difficult in case symptoms became worse.  They didn't, but the worry remained .


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2021, 09:41:24 AM »

Thanks for your reply.
I'm still struggling.
I'm so fed up of this. Just want my old self back.
I've been seeing a psychologist and she's told me to say to myself that I am in control when I feel out of control, which is most of the time. I'm finding that almost impossible. Especially when I wake up and can't get back to sleep again.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2021, 10:20:16 AM »

The psychologist is  :-X

If it were that easy to regain any sense of control, they would all be out of work!

Try deep breathing.  When you wake try to focus the mind on your toes: clench, hold, relax.  All the way up the muscle groups to the upper arms.  Concentrate on that. breathing, not many breath correctly which will increase the risk of anxiety.

The Change - does what it says on the tin.  Some adaptation is required which isn't easy. 

When do you speak with your GP next?


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2021, 10:45:10 AM »

Thanks for your reply.
The psychologist has left the practice, so I'm getting a new one. Hoping she will be better.
I have the psychiatrist on Monday. I'm hoping she will help, because the medication I'm on is not working!

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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #41 on: November 13, 2021, 07:12:53 PM »

Anxiety and panic attacks were my worst symptom, I ended up addicted  to Xanax (similar to valium). The only thing that worked for me was a high dose of estrogen, I had to go privately as my GP was as useful as a chocolate teapot. I hope things start to feel more normal for you soon xx.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #42 on: November 14, 2021, 06:51:12 AM »

Thanks for your reply.
I'm tapering off the diazepam and finding it really hard.
I can't seem to focus on anything else other than my anxiety, and I know that is not helpful. I know i need to work on changing my mindset and keeping busy. I wake up at 3 every morning and have got into the habit of calling breathing space (similar to samaratins available in scotland where I live) just so I have someone to talk to. Lady i spoke to this morning told me i am fixated on this and spend too much time thinking/talking about it rather than looking for practical ways to help myself. I know feel so despondent because I know I am the only person who can get myself out of this but I don't feel strong enough and if that is the case what hope is there for me? I don't recognise the person I've become and I feel like I'm losing my mind.
My GP is not that helpful either, I had to go private to get HRT and I'm just hoping that it will start making a difference soon. I'm on the waiting list for louise Newson clinic so I'm hoping that by the time I reach the top of the list that the HRT will have kicked in, or that I can get another form of HRT that works better. I'm so fed up of feeling like this I just want to feel that something is making a difference.


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #43 on: November 14, 2021, 03:46:22 PM »

She is correct.  However.  We know that!! but when scared, low and awake in the early hours, it is easy not to be able to take control.  For me it was the physicality of symptoms .

If you wake at 3.00, get out of bed.  Make a cuppa, have a bath, watch the sunrise - focus on your breathing.  Work up the body muscles from the ankles upwards; tense, relax.  it re-focuses the brain but it is hard work initially.  You are probably waking at that time to see if you are awake!  It would happen to me  :(.

The amount of 'valium' you are weaning off won't be having any effect.  It is your mind worrying itself. I also found that making a list each evening of the chores needed the next day, helped.  It allowed me to see what I have achieved rather than worrying about what I hadn't done!  Anything not completed went on the next list.  It was my way of taking back control of my mind set.  When withdrawing my mind would 'what if' - when I realised that actually I didn't die in the night, that symptoms weren't worse with each drop in dosage by the end of the 9 weeks I was OK.  Still here!

Because these types of drugs are sold as 'addictive' : and anti-depressant mediation isn't as it is short lived : one gets fixated on that word.  I have never found those essential, for me, drugs addictive.  At the time I had no option.  I wouldn't be here without.

You aren't the same person. You are going through The Change.  Make a list to take to your Psychiatrist. 


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Re: Severe anxiety
« Reply #44 on: November 14, 2021, 06:29:02 PM »

I’m sorry you were spoken to like that by the breathing space lady. I’m sure that didn’t help the way you were feeling.
Talking about something over and over is the minds way of processing, please don’t be put off calling them or Samaritans again. If you need to talk about it, you need to talk!

Have you thought about taking phenergan? It’s an antihistamine. It really helped me with sleep when I was waking at 4 with heightened anxiety.
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