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Author Topic: New to Vagifem  (Read 1989 times)


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New to Vagifem
« on: November 04, 2021, 03:06:33 PM »

I'm new to Vagifem and hope that some of you may be able to offer some advice. There's a bit of a back story to all of this so apologies for the long post.

3 years ago when I was 47 I had a UTI, went to GP who did a dip test which was positive and prescribed a 3 day course of ABs. Urine not sent to lab for culture. No change in symptoms so went back and GP did another dip test which was now negative but was prescribed a 7 day course of ABS. Urine not sent to lab for culture.

No change after 7 days so back to GP again. Dip test was negative and GP prescribed another 7 day course of ABs. Urine not sent to lab for culture (see the pattern here!). I voiced my concern about taking so many ABs but GP said it was protocol.

Again no change so back to GP. Dip test negative and I begged her to send the urine to the lab for culture before being prescribed more ABs. She reluctantly agreed. Lab results back, negative for infection so GP referred by for a pelvic ultrasound which showed nothing.

I asked if there was a possibility this was all related to menopause as my periods were erratic and had been for the past year and I was also having lots of night sweats and difficulty sleeping, but she shrugged her shoulders and said it was unlikely and would instead refer me for a cystoscopy. Cystoscopy showed nothing, all was well.

Throughout all of this I had the constant feeling of needing to pee all the time even though I didn't and a tickle/burning in my urethra, all very uncomfortable and just like a urine infection.

Back to GP and again I asked if this could be menopause related. She did a blood test which came back normal. I resigned myself to the fact that this was just something I'd have to live with as I couldn't face going back to the GP only to be prescribed more ABs. After about 5 months of this my symptoms finally subsided and although I still needed frequent loo runs, I got on with life.

I am now 50 and I had my last period in June 2020. Last week I had classic urine infection symptoms so called my GP surgery (a new one as I moved 2 years ago so in a different catchment area). The nurse I spoke to asked me to hand in a urine sample so that it could be sent to the lab for culture and asked if I was happy to wait 48 hours until it came back as she didn't want to prescribe ABs unnecessarily. No problem. She called after 48 hours, urine culture tested positive for E-coli and she prescribed a 7 day course of ABs.

Now here's the biggie! She said she had looked at my records and suggested I may have Vaginal Atrophy. After chatting for 5 minutes she said she would prescribe me Vagifem as it would help bigtime.

5 minutes!! A freaking 5 minute chat and I got more information than I ever did after multiple trips to my previous FEMALE GP, not to mention the painful cystoscopy!! I just couldn't thank the nurse enough. She asked me to start the Vagifem immediately every night for 2 weeks and then reduce and see how I get on.

I took the first one last night and for the first time the urine infection symptoms I'd been having feel so much better than they were. Now this is probably down to the AB but could one shot of Vagifem make a difference? Also, can anyone recommend any else that I should be doing in addition to the Vagifem?

If you've made it this far thank you so much for reading. Obviously I'm new to Vaginal Atrophy and Vagifem so if you have any advice I'd really appreciate it.  :)


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2021, 04:14:14 PM »

Hello Peanutbuttercup ( I love that username). I am very sorry to hear of all you have been through. I have a similar story to you. Constant UTI symptoms with nothing showing on urine tests. I mentioned atrophy to the GP only to be told I did not have the symptoms! I ended up buying vagifem myself and noticed it helped a lot. After taking it for a month my skin was no longer sunken. I still have annoying UTI symptoms but they are better then before. I use YES moisturiser to help the outer skin too. I hope that is of some help to you.


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2021, 04:49:10 PM »

Such an interesting story that is very similar to mine, I read your first few sentences and immediately thought Virginal Atrophy.

I am now 12 weeks into using Vagifem, I've researched it well and apparently it can take 18 weeks to be fully effective. When I first started to use the pessary I felt immediate relief and I went a good while before suffering another UTI. Now, however my symptoms are returning and I feel the dose is not enough for me or I need to try something else. I am awaiting a phone call from my doctor next week to hopefully get more advice.


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2021, 05:23:35 PM »


How awful that we have to go through this with unsympathetic GP'S who don't know what they are doing - or don't care.

yes Liz Earle had UTI's which subsided with HRT and local estrogen after a year. 

What AB did you get prescribed Peanutbuttercup? I was wondering if it was different to the usual 2 they prescribe- Trimethoprim or nitro.

You could also ask for the estrogen cream to pop on the outside to strengthen the tissues there.

Urine tests or cultures do not always show infections and 7 days should be the minimum for a course of antibiotics to kill the bugs.

I hope you continue to get relief.



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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2021, 05:42:45 PM »

ALL urine tests should go for culture, it is very rare that if there are bugs present, they don't grow on the Petri dish.  GPs really need their heads banging together on this one  :bang:  A dip test shows nowt! and certainly should never be used for possible UTIs.

Thank goodness for the nurse with knowledge.   :medal:  keep up with the 'vagifem', nightly for 2-3 weeks then every 4th/5th and 7th8/th night though some need it nightly.  If I get the urge to pee I swallow 2 'nurofen' capsules 3 times a day to ease the nip as the spincter cuts off the urine flow.

 :welcomemm:  ......... I have never yet completed a course of ABs due to intense sickness.  Let us know how you get on!

U could take that GP a copy of "Me and My Menopausal Vagina" ;-) written by a Forum Member and should be read by every medical practitioner and pharmacist.  We have threads on 'bladder issues' and 'Vaginal Atrophy'.


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2021, 05:47:28 PM »

A similar story to mine, back and forth to the GP, antibiotics etc.  Vagifem has helped me. A 4 week loading dose initially, as my VA had got so bad, and then every 3 nights since, although I sometimes use an extra one if needed.  During the past year I have done two additional load ups of 2 weeks as well.  I use ovestin externally every other night.  I also use Olive and Bee moisturiser and hydromol.  Yes and Sylk, and many other moisturisers I tried, made me more irritated.  I take the supplement sea buckthorn oil.

I wash with hydromol in the shower, only use water to wash my vaginal area, and make sure when I wash my hair that no shampoo ends up down there!    It’s a case of trial and error to find what suits you, and also battling away with Doctors until they listen to you, although at least your nurse seems on the ball. Good luck with it all.


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2021, 03:30:56 PM »

Thanks so much for the advice everyone!

Forgot to ask, is it normal to have a bit of discharge after starting Vagifem?


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2021, 05:25:18 PM »

Yep.  What goes up .......... when do U insert it?   The vagina cleanses itself until peri sets in  ::)


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2021, 08:22:14 PM »

That's reassuring thanks!

I insert in the evening before bed. Only started it on Wed so had 2 doses but noticed some creamy discharge on my panty liner this afternoon which is unusual for me.


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2021, 03:13:59 PM »

Hi peanut...:  the discharge is relatively normal.  It's the fillers in vagifem.  Your body takes what it needs and sloughs off the rest.  I do find it somewhat irritating and there are days when there is quite a bit and other days zero.  Ah the joys....


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2021, 04:09:25 PM »

Hi Peanutbuttercup


Just to add that it may take longer than two weeks for the loading dose to take effect if you have been developing vaginal atrophy for some time - in fact I have read some docs suggest longer before going to the twice weekly dose.

Yes I always get the white creamy stuff in nix after use....

All the best and hope it works for you

Hurdity x



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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2021, 01:53:25 PM »

An update on my use of Vagifem. Using it for 13 weeks!

Spoke to my GP today who is a gynaecologist informing her that although I am getting on very well with using vagifem I feel the dose (2 tabs a week) is not enough. Virginal Atrophy symptoms have eased but still feeling uncomfortable down there.
She immediately said use one daily, I do, the dose is so low!

Well I know I heard it on here first but very glad to get confirmation from my GP on the way forward  :)


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Re: New to Vagifem
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2021, 03:09:13 PM »

Hang onto that one  ;D  :medal:   some require two occasionally 1 in the afternoon and another at night.

Tnx for the update!