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Author Topic: Digestive issues - gluten  (Read 1793 times)


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Digestive issues - gluten
« on: October 22, 2021, 12:26:48 PM »

Hi is it common to have digestive issues (bloating, tummy cramps , wind and occasional loose stools) during peri menopause? I seem to suddenly not be able to tolerate wheat/gluten!


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Re: Digestive issues - gluten
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2021, 01:31:07 PM »

Hello - just read your message and be assured YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! I am Post Menopause and I had the same kind of issues early on in the menopause - then they went away and lo and behold are rearing there head again and apparently it can go on for 10years or more :-\ :-\ :-\. I've read up on digestive issues  in the menopause and apparently they are a common issue but not that widely mentioned as obviously they aren't "attractive" side effects . When I accidentally "snack" on something with gluten in it I get an overwhelming desire to "fart" but find it difficult to release the wind  ::) ::) ::) :o ;D. I did try HRT and to be honest got fed up with the breakthrough bleeding and found it worse when I was taking them  :( Sometimes Wind Setlers work - sometimes they dont............GROAN

Can menopause cause digestive issues?
A wide range of digestive problems can arise during menopause including excessive gas, bloating, belching, nausea, and abdominal discomfort. If you think about it, the main job of our digestive tract is to break down food, absorb nutrients, and excrete waste. Hormones play a large role in digestion.

Who would want to be a woman.....answers on a postcard!



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Re: Digestive issues - gluten
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2021, 01:59:44 PM »

You are definitely not alone!  I am post menopause and, with the benefit of hindsight, all my digestive issues linked to gluten and wheat started in peri menopause, although I did not realise the connection at the time.    I still can’t tolerate gluten, wheat and other grains.  The only grain I can tolerate is rye. 


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Re: Digestive issues - gluten
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2021, 02:32:32 PM »

Thank you ! That’s reassuring.

Ju Ju

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Re: Digestive issues - gluten
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2021, 06:34:42 PM »

My troubles with gluten started in my 40s, probably beginning peri menopause. My reaction to gluten was initially vague, feeling rough after eating, then violent. The tiniest bit of wheat flour would immediately result in in a painful oesophageal spasm, unable to swallow and vomiting. This was before foods were labelled properly. I had to learn all the terms relating to wheat and gluten. I remember having problems with IKEA’s chips. No problem I had thought. The one and only safe thing to eat. No! Chips were cooked in reused oil that was contaminated with wheat. Things have got so much better in this country with restaurants having to know what ingredients are in each dish and some restaurants offering GF menus. My reactions have become less of a problem. Accidental eating of gluten results in a mild lump in the throat now. If I keep eating the offending food again, say next day, the reaction can be more severe. Been advised to avoid gluten  for the rest of my life and consider gluten to be like the drip drip effect of small amounts of arsenic! Sometimes it’s a nuisance I suppose, but I’m so used to it 25 years on. I’m grateful that ingredient lists in food products are so clear and restaurants have gone out of their way to accommodate me. It would be easy to this for granted, but on my last visit to the USA, I found this accommodation was not universal.


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Re: Digestive issues - gluten
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2021, 06:39:00 PM »


Yep, same here, I’ve just stopped eating gluten foods, and I’ve stopped lactose too.
Had a bad experience last weekend where I passed out, stomach was soooo bad.
So all this week, without the said gluten and lactose, it’s been much better.
No bloating, no wind, no nausea, and no diarrhoea. 
I refer to the fodmap list too. It tells you the most fermentable foods to avoid.

Wishing you all the best. It’s truly horrible. xx