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Author Topic: wearing Masks  (Read 4819 times)


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wearing Masks
« on: October 21, 2021, 02:33:25 PM »

Mention of masks is much in the news again but I am still confused.

I wore a mask religiously when in a public place or shop until a few weeks ago when it became optional.  I have low blood pressure and am a “fainter” so it wasn’t always easy and I often had to cut short my trips out so I could remove the mask. 

Since restrictions were lifted I have not worn a mask and I understand masks are not to protect the wearer but people around you.  I am double jabbed, have no symptoms of covid and take a covid test every week so why should I be a threat to anybody?

Then we are told that homemade masks are no good but if you do use them they have to be washed after each wearing.  I see cars parked up with homemade masks hanging from the mirror or gearstick and I am pretty sure they don’t get washed regularly.  Some people walk round in filthy old masks for weeks.  There  is an elderly man near us and his blue masks are disgusting so I politely reminded him that they need to be changed regularly and gave him a new pack of 10.   A few days later I saw him in his filthy old one!

I saw a woman this morning alone and driving a car with a big homemade type mask pulled right up to just below her eyes and a hat pulled down with just her eyes showing.  Why? 


Two hoots

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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2021, 03:04:54 PM »

Masks are still required in shops and on public transport here, but not everyone is wearing them  >:( If you look at the covid rates, Wales is still high so mask wearing doesn’t seem to be making any difference.  Covid passports are also required for large gatherings but this has only recently been required so its too early to see if its making a difference yet.


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2021, 04:41:40 PM »

It's always confused me seeing one person in a car with a mask on,I still wear a mask to Tesco etc,just back from Amsterdam and NOBODY was wearing masks and the city was so crowded.
I'm not sure what's going on,I thought the whole purpose of us all being vaccinated was so we could go forwards but they seem to want us to go backwards again,it all baffles me

Quite right.  Now they are saying we need a third jab! 


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2021, 06:34:50 PM »

The jab has given people a false sense of security.  It's a virus.  As with all bugs they can be passed by breathing from nose and mouth as well as via touch.  The world isn't immune yet.  It's a booster that is suggested, as well as the 'flu jabs each Autumn.

I don't agree with over stimulating the body's defences, so I will have the C-19 this side of C.mas and if available the 'flu jab after.  Otherwise I won't know if there is a reaction, which to blame! 

We have to live with viruses.  Most people in hospital have not been vaccinated.  Apparently.


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2021, 07:28:45 PM »

I’ve had both COVID booster and flu jab the same day last week… absolutely fine. I had a reaction to my first vaccine back in January, but nothing since.


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2021, 07:40:06 PM »

I am not prepared to risk it.


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2021, 07:52:15 PM »

MinL was ill with 'flu 3 times: after having the jab  :-\


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2021, 08:02:35 AM »

I've been ill ever since my first Covid jab in April with heart palpitations every single day.  I was wary to take the vaccine but did so because I foolishly thought if I did I would be able to go out without a mask.  Had a 24 heart monitor done in July and am still waiting on the results.  A backlog seemingly and according to doctor they are only on the ones done in May!!!!  In actual fact I have never yet seen a doctor face to face since April.  I was even asked to 'take my pulse' over the phone.  I will NOT have my booster.  I have anxiety which is now ruining my life.   I can't wear a facemask, probably exempt,  but neither do I want to declare to the world (or the small nosey town I live in) that I have a 'hidden disability' by wearing a lanyard round my neck.  For me masks should be optional then no one knows why you are not wearing one.   I cry about them every day, I can't go out anymore, other than a walk every now and again.  Live for me is over, I'm afraid, it's merely just an existence.  I am so bloody fed up of everyone on tv (Susannah Reid, Adil Ray this morning) almost wetting their pants about people not wearing masks.  NOBODY is stopping anyone from wearing a mask, wear one if you want, but the people that say it's easy, are not me.  It's not easy, it's ruining my life.  I'm in Scotland and we don't have a choice.  Someone has to get my shopping, I need to go to the dentist, but had to cancel, I need to go to the optician but had to cancel.  I cant go to the bank etc. my life has not changed since the first lockdown last March.  What I'd like to know (and it's a genuine question, and one I'd like to ask Susannah 'pouty' Reid), is everyone who thinks masks should be mandatory again (Plan B) happy to go into cafes and restaurants and sit maskless eating and drinking.  Does the virus not get down to table level?. Or is Covid something that just spreads in Sainsburys.  My parents friends went out for coffee a couple of weeks ago, following guidelines, and are now both in hospital with Covid, (both double jabbed).  We are all double jabbed now, boosters now being administered, we can do no more, are we going to wear masks forever more?  When will it be the right time to stop wearing them?   Honestly, are people happy to wear a mask for ever?  We are being told we will have to live with Covid, it's here to stay, if masks continue to be mandatory (forever?) then I really don't want to be here anymore.  I know this is extreme, but it's so bloody hard listening to everyone bleating on and on about them.  My husband and I drove to England last weekend so that I could go out for a meal (first time since a year past February) and it was lovely, for a day I got my life back, but I fear it will be a long long time before I can do that again.  Life is just horrid.


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2021, 08:30:15 AM »

Aww holidaylover, I do feel for you.   I caught the tail end of the programme you mentioned that was on this morning. I missed the bit that they mentioned about a doctor being on earlier saying masks did not help and that in Scotland and Wales where mask wearing has been compulsory, rates are higher.

I have an Aunt who lives in Scotland and she is also a changed person since covid.  She used to be very outgoing, a great walker, very sociable etc now she barely goes out, is obsessed with mask wearing because that’s what everyone is telling her and she now has problems with her knees as she is not doing her usual exercise.  I can hear from talking to her on the phone that she is fed up and confused now and she used to be such a bubbly person. 


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2021, 10:31:26 AM »

holiday lover - have U contacted the surgery to see about the results?  It's a 2 week wait currently in our surgery to get to speak to a GP.  (I see now that they are threatening strike action  :-\).

Don't watch the programmes ?  We wear a mask to protect others!  If U have some1 to do your shopping you don't have to mix with others.  U can wear a lanyard when out and about - why worry what others think?  I long ago decided this is up to me not to be bothered about them. 

We wear masks out and about but 1 cannot eat/drink with one on.  But tables are spread out, the virus travels through the air as well as contact.  Most places swipe the tables but not the chairs any longer  ::) wooden tables make me wild as they don't wipe well nor do the slate tables, leaving smears: 1 can see where the swiping as been missed.  I take my own cleanser ;-).

I will be happy to wear a masks for as long as necessary.  It is assumed that people lose immunity by not being exposed in the 'usual' way but I think that more research is required on that 1.  Who else did those friends mix with, 1 doesn't always get the full story because people forget.  How ill are they?  Vaccines do not stop us contracting the virus currently doing the rounds.  We will have to live with Covid as we do with all the SARS-type viruses. 

How does your DH feel about the situation?  We can find plenty of places to go without meeting many people. 


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2021, 10:54:04 AM »

CLKD, I've been in touch with the surgery and they have said they will contact me when the results are in.  Just having to live with a pounding heart!!  I don't even like seeing other people in masks but I just wish Scotland would make it optional.  I'm an adult and I would like to be able to make my own decisions regarding the risks I take.  This is out of my hands.  DH is worried about me if I'm honest.  I cry most days and the debate about masks seems to be the most important thing at the minute and is mentioned everywhere which is making my anxiety worse.  I realise the majority of people don't find them a problem at all, but for me they have been the worse thing about the whole pandemic.  Madness I know but that's how it is.


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2021, 12:04:42 PM »

I had a thought earlier - holidaylover : how about a clear visor-type rather than a cloth close-2-the-face type?  One that can be wiped clean on both sides, enabling you 2 keep out of the way of others.  Then U and DH can take avoiding action but still go out and about. 

Those results should be in by now, I would ring the Practice Manager followed by a letter to her and your GP.  It may be on your records 'no further action'.  This happened to DH, read and filed away: OK no further action might be the result but it would have been a good idea to let him know! as it was, he continued with pain - don't know if the GP was even aware of the result!! although most come through via e-mail these days.  He made an appt with the GP and advice was given. 

You sound fed up which can lead to depression.  Loss of control can make anxiety worse , it makes me really angry !  As does the government over-all from years back, trying to be 'in control' by ignoring the advice of people working in the Labs. on the current vaccines.  Ignoring advice is never going to work!  Also the governments of Europe met, 3 times, to make provision for the next pandemic .......... but not a lot was put into place across the UK!  Which makes me angry as the tax payer funded those 'jollies'.



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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2021, 12:22:10 PM »

Sitting at a table is different to breathing over others.  Wearing a mask when going to the loo etc. should be encouraged.  What is annoying me is the lack of staff wearing masks in various places we have been this week.  However, there is a part of me that says 'let's have a large party and look after those who get poorly'.  Friends have had heavy colds but not tested +ive, a friend has had Covid 3 times: once prior to being jabbed, twice since .......... and has been really ill each time though has not required hospitalisation.



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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2021, 01:04:35 PM »

@holidaylover, have you tried one of the clear plastic visors?  I've found that if I wear a lanyard but no mask I get weird looks - they're obviously thinking 'what kind of disability has she got, she looks ok' and if I don't wear either, I get aggro for not wearing a mask, but if I wear a visor, no one comments.  You can pick them up really cheaply online (my husband got me a pack of about 5 for £7 last month) and they last for ages. 

For shorter periods, I've got a cycle gaiter, which I can just about manage for a short time as long as I don't talk and I concentrate on breathing exercises.  It's a tube of stretchy material - if my breathing's not too bad I double it up, and if I'm really puffy, I just use one layer, and when it's really bad, I pull the bottom end out with my fingers to make it easier to breathe.  Again I've not had any comments or unpleasantness while wearing this.

I know how you feel - my life has become very different since Covid, and I don't think I'll ever be able to socialise the way I did before.  But the visor and the gaiter mean I can at least do essential tasks, plus if we go to a public garden, I don't have to worry about popping inside to use the loo or order a takeaway coffee.  It's helped me keep a little bit of 'normal life', which in turn has helped me hang onto a bit of sanity in this crazy world!


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Re: wearing Masks
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2021, 02:38:31 PM »

more confusion ….you are still supposed to wear a mask with a face visor or screen.
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