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Author Topic: New member  (Read 1206 times)


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New member
« on: October 14, 2021, 11:23:29 AM »

Hi folks, my gp directed me here. I’m 49 years old, was on Cerazette until earlier this year but decided to come off it as I was worried about my blood pressure and getting a doctors appt was a nightmare in the pandemic. Since coming off it I had 2 periods, the last one at the start of May. I’m generally cold blooded but found myself going hot (which was actually not unpleasant, I barely have to wear a coat which is a novelty). I started peeing more at night, my sleeping patterns are terrible and constantly throwing the covers on and off. Then there were the aches, joints aching, stiffness. I have developed plantar fasciitis (which I can’t seem to shake despite orthotics and visits to a podiatrist) which means I can’t run which was a huge stress reliever for me. I work in a hospital and I have been working throughout the pandemic with barely a break and I found I was more and more unable to cope with the demands of it. So much so that I am looking at lower paid jobs. I had a stress meltdown at work two weeks ago which was so bad that I’ve been signed off for a month. For months (even now on sick leave) I wake up with the alarm, shaking with anxiety. I just feel unable to cope a lot of the time, everything gets on top of me and I don’t feel myself, I’m generally a happy person. Initially I thought it was the pandemic, but now I think, having read about it, I’m in the menopause. I mean I’m thinking of leaving my job of 22 years and I don’t know if that’s because things are terrible (no staff, my team of 5 when I had the meltdown was just me and had been all week) or if it’s a menopausal reaction that I will come to regret. Does this make sense to people? Nobody seems to talk about the menopause and I thought there was something seriously wrong with me. I did some yoga the other day and my body literally creaked!!!

Sorry for the word vomit…hi, nice to meet you!!  :)


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Re: New member
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2021, 03:14:43 PM »

You sound like you need some hrt. Welcome to the forum btw. Is your GP receptive to giving out HRT? As well as looking around on here you could download the Balance app so that you can record your symptoms and then print off ready to take to surgery. Knowledge is power! Another good place to look for info is Louise Newsons website. Menopause UK. It's something like that, so if you search you will find it. On lots of her podcasts she talks about women just like you who felt they had to leave their job when really what they needed was to be given their hormones back. Good luck on your journey, we are here to help you!


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Re: New member
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2021, 03:27:57 PM »

Sounds like you have been really struggling…. And you’ve had a lot on your plate!

Would you consider HRT?
Did all your symptoms start when you came off the pill?

Anxiety has been my biggest struggle, it’s something no one prepared me for.

I’m glad you found the forum, it’s been a godsend to me! Xx


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Re: New member
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2021, 03:31:39 PM »

Hi and welcome

All your symptoms point to peri menopause..
why did you stop the pill , was there a problem with your BP ?
I was told that when hormones are fluctuating to use Progesterone only pill as it helps to keep hormones level
And to use hrt when the night sweats etc become a daily problem.
That’s why I was asking about coming off the pill …. Your symptoms do seem to be peri menopause but could also be withdrawal from the pill.
I came off pill when I was 40 and the withdrawal lasted 3 months but I didn’t get aniexty ..
but in peri ( I’m only at beginning) I have aniexty as do most on here. And the shakes .. jitters most days
I tried HRT and it didn’t suit me and now 11 weeks withdrawing from that
But HRT works wonders for some and soon as you get the right regime I’ve read that lady’s all got back to themselves.

I got signed off work sick & then I gave up job , this was in May when it all started ( with how I was I wouldn’t of been able to aniexty was horrendous)

Have you had blood tests done to rule out other things ?



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Re: New member
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2021, 03:33:13 PM »

 :welcomemm:  we know that essential services have been over whelmed for years, made worse by the pandemic.  Stress builds until something 'pops'. Start taking care of U!

As oestrogen levels drop off muscles may become lax = aches and pains.  Also the body may become dry: inside and out - do read the 'bladder issues' and 'vaginal atrophy' threads on the Forum.  Make notes ;-)

Lack of support in any job situation can be difficult, so if U feel now is the time for a change of occupation, print out your CV 2 C what your skill base is.  ....... and breath!

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use to chart progress.  It seems that you may be in peri-menopause when the periods wax and wane = all kinds of oddities!  Ask away!

HRT will protect heart and bones.  A good diet is essential, as is a regular exercise regime.  You may find that sleep is affected which is 'normal'.  A good bed time routine may help.


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Re: New member
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2021, 06:20:07 PM »

Thanks for the welcome all. I will only consider HRT as a last resort as my granny had two identical breast cancers, one in each breast which were attributed to HRT, I also feel that HRT may only delay the onset of symptoms (maybe you can put me right on that but that’s my understanding of it). I have been on propranolol for anxiety for much of my adult life and have developed coping strategies over the years to deal with anxiety but it has definitely gone up a notch, particularly when I have a hot flush. I haven’t had a period for 6 months so i don’t feel that this is mini pill withdrawal. The gp hasn’t offered to do any tests, it’s been virtually impossible to get an appointment and these things always feel insurmountable when you’re mental health isn’t great, so I haven’t pushed for any tests, I very much feel that what I’m experiencing align with the symptoms of menopause/perimenopause. I have two questions if you don’t mind, this might not be the right place in the forum. Firstly…is the menopause literally a momentary thing where you hit 12 months since your last period and then you’re post-menopausal? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I went to a girls school and this has never been discussed! Second has any one else had problems with their gums?


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Re: New member
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2021, 06:26:55 PM »

PS sorry, I’m not used to forums, yes, I was having hot flushes before I came off the mini pill, I have always been very cold blooded so it was very apparent that something was happening…probably since this time last year. Also the aches and absolute exhaustion but I put that bit down to working the pandemic. I have been absolutely exhausted but waking up several times in the night to pee and then wide awake with no chance of getting back to sleep at around 4am. Xx

I have started to eat healthily. Through the pandemic I was eating all the carbs and I am overweight so this frightens me. I have cut right down on the carbs. I am on my feet all day at work so pretty active and I did run (slowly and badly) before I injured my foot and then exercise went out of the window really. Since I’ve been signed off I’ve swam most days or done some form of exercise. I’m terrified of the health implications of this stage of my life xx
« Last Edit: October 14, 2021, 06:30:21 PM by Ticaleur »


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Re: New member
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2021, 06:52:32 PM »

Literally menopause is the last monthly period we ever have.  However, due to periods waxing and waning we can't be sure until at least 12 months after the last bleed, to consider we are there. Peri-menopause, which can begin earlier than we realise, R the years leading up to that last bleed.  Symptoms also can wax and wane. 

Swimming is good.  Gentle walking also.  DH cooks in bulk, freezes in small amounts: usually curries, or meat mixtures with lots of veg stirred in: so be reheated and added to rice or pasta.  Would that help you to plan meals?  So that you don't reach for quick stuff when hungry?  Bananas are slow release and fruits and nuts are good too.  Don't worry about sugars in fruits, these are different to sugars in pre-prepared food stuffs, cereals etc..

No question is silly on here!  Yep, peri menopause can cause problems with teeth and gums.  As oestrogen levels drop, muscles may become lax which can include the gum line.  Eating healthy helps.  Teeth need a good base to maintain health, i.e. the jaw.  Same as with brisk walking to prevent osteoporosis.  This is why I opted for implants and not a plate, so that the jaw bone is stimulated when I talk (lots  ;D), eat, smile .......... when did U last have a dental check?

Your GP needs to do a full blood count, including thyroid function which can cause a person to feel cold and tired.  There should be a Nurse who can do the bloods, phials are back in circulation so do check your surgery web-site for their updates.  VitD levels can be checked at the same time, as low levels can cause similar symptoms. When I had it, I would weed a patch of garden for 20 mins. then sit; still; for 2 hours.  Even though it was a sunny summer!

Let us know how you get on.