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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?  (Read 2439 times)


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anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« on: October 04, 2021, 11:10:40 AM »

Good afternoon ladies

I was just wondering if anyone else feels like me? I am struggling to believe that menopause (or peri menopause in my case) can cause so many symptoms.  I've read about 5 different books on the subject and i know that all of my symptoms can be related to the peri menopause, but seriously I have virtually every symptom in the book  :(
the worse part for me is the constant feeling of anxiety/panic. I feel wretched everyday and get can't myself out of it.  I'm so tense that a slight noise literally has me jumping out of my skin and I feel like a tightly wound spring.  Constantly feel like crying  :'(. As a result my head and neck are so tight that I keep having spasms, jaw pain, ear blocked/fullness.
I honestly feel like I can't carry on like this for much longer.  I'm on day 2 of trying estrogel again and I'm praying it helps.  My dr has said that I can try antidepressants but I don't like taking medication.
Has anyone felt like this and have any advice? It would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much x


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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2021, 11:52:59 AM »

If you feel so ill you should listen to your GP.  I resisted anti-depressant medication but lost 12 months of my Life  :-\.  My depression is cyclical so a low maintenance dose of ADs keeps me well.  Without I wouldn't get out of bed  :'(

Some can manage without ADs.  However, some require ADs as well as HRT.  Medication is that, why would you choose HRT but not ADs. 

Hormone replacement therapy can help but can also be Trial and Error to find something that eases symptoms.  ADs the same, there are some that relieve anxiety too.  Has your GP considered an as necessary anti-anxiety drug?

Remember - you don't have to take anything for ever.  But if medication is available and you feel ill, what's to lose? Once 1 feels the benefits 1 can be objective about the next stage. It's The Change, does what it says on the tin!  By this time you would have felt better but without medical input?  If you are hungry, do you not eat? 

How is your diet overall, keeping hydrated and eating regularly can ease anxiety surges.  Do U have a 'worse time' of day, mine was anytime after 3.30 a.m.  :'(


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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2021, 12:36:25 PM »

Hi JoannFran.

I'm with you on this one. Funny, I literally just had a call with my sister and said the same thing. I'm still questioning it 5 months down the line!

Mine came out of the blue, almost ALL the symptoms switched on over a period of 2 weeks, the worse being anxiety and panic attacks. I changed over night... didn't know myself, or did my family. I had no idea, I honestly thought I had something serious. After countless trips to the GP and A&E with symptoms and all test showing fine I was at a loss. Never had a panic attack before, I had no idea of the physical symptoms of panic / anxiety.  I was offered AD's by my GP but too scared to take them due to side effects of being more anxious before getting better - my anxiety became health anxiety and it was gripping me. I did have beta blockers which did help, but I wanted to get to the bottom of it, this came from nowhere. Nobody mentioned menopause!

From my own research, believing the doctors had missed something I kept stumbling on menopause.. here I am. I went private in the end and Estrogen levels showed low - yay. At least this was something to build on!.  The more research I did and speaking to other sufferers on forums, I was reassured it really is this bad for some.  It effected my life, job.. everything.

I've been on HRT for a just over 3 months. I've had ups and downs as I'm trying to get the method and dose right but I'm functioning now and I'm having days when I feel normal and energized. I've picked up tips from the lovely ladies on here as well as other forums. I'm not against AD's and some lades need both AD's and HRT, even the odd BB on some days but I now know AD's wouldn't not have helped and I'd now be trying to ween off. I wasn't depressed at all, I have hormone induced anxiety. Anxiety and other debilitating symptoms have been so much better since starting HRT (week 7 was a turning point). I haven't used the BB's since week 2 of starting HRT, but I always have them close by in my handbag for comfort :-) I'm still tweaking my HRT, and expect to for a number of months. I do get bad days (today isn't great), but so much milder than before and I am able to manage through it.

Hang in there!
Terri x


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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2021, 12:38:45 PM »

Hi CLKD. Thanks for your reply.

I'm just back from seeing my dr today and she prescribed sertraline.  I'm not sure if i'm going to take it because I have a hernia and GERD and it can mess up the lining of your stomach.  I'd need to take another medication along side it for my stomach and that causes me side effects too.  So unfortunately it's not straight forward for me  :(

As for eating, my diet is non existent at the moment.  I've hardly been eating as no appetite, which isn't helping.  Dr said my body is under extra stress when I'm hungry, so I'm making a determined effort today to eat little an often to build my appetite back up.  My worse time of day is all day!  But sheer panic at bedtime.  I'm starting CBT and yoga next week, I'm hoping that helps.

Just wondered if anyone feels/felt like this too so I know I'm not going mad  :-\. I feel so alone at the moment.  None of my friends seem to be suffering this much.



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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2021, 12:45:50 PM »

Thanks Terri.

It's so reassuring to read that someone else feels the same.  You sound exactly like I do (i too have health anxiety).  Literally blows my mind that hormones can have this effect on us.  I had no idea!  I'm on day 2 of estrogel and doing a long cycle, so 2 months just estrogen and one month adding the utrogestan.  I've also been prescribed BB's (Beta Blockers)?  So going to try the month of those and hope that helps along with the HRT.
I'm determined that today is the start of me getting better.  I'm so tired of feeling so bad.
So glad that the HRT is gradually working for you and hope you find the right dose soon!
Thanks so much for your reply.  Made me feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one xxx


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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2021, 01:29:50 PM »

U R not going mad.  What R U taking for the hernia - which is common due to loss of oestrogen causing laxity of muscles ? 

Your GP will hopefully ? know ? your medication history and would not have prescribed it if she thinks that Sertraline will cause problems. Who suggested adding another medication to the mix "I need to take another medication along side ........ "  :-\.  Is that your take or did the GP prescribe something else?

If in doubt ring the Pharmacist?  What's to lose?  You have spoken to the GP who has offered a temporary solution.   :-\. U are overthinking which will increase your anxiety levels.  However, the choice is yours: whether to take or not : you R unlikely 2 improve if symptoms aren't dealt with. 

Anxiety can be caused by lack of nourishment.  Take it from me as a recovering anorexic (from age 3) who ate enough to remain upright. Occasionally I would eat 'properly'.  Otherwise I felt ill, every day, all night.  Not eating caused nausea which meant that physically I could not pass food through my lips.  I existed on chocolate which melts at body temperature; Oxo in hot water for months at lunch time, occasionally adding a spoonful of cooked rice or a piece of toast.  DH cooked the same small meal of finely chopped chicken, rice, garlic and peas for months as my evening meal. 

I had beta-blockas from 2002.  To stop the early morning anxiety surges ...... I have discussed this elsewhere.  As well as carrying an as necessary anti-anxiety tablet - which I haven't required for 3 years.  Last year of course I went nowhere so anxiety was below 0.

It can take 3-6 months B4 HRT effects are felt.  The body rarely gets where it is suddenly so it stands to reason that it will take a while to absorb and uptake replacement therapy.



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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2021, 05:51:49 PM »


I’m suffering crippling anxiety since stopping HRT. It has hit me like a brick within about a week of stopping it.
My worst time is the morning. I wake through the night, then at 5 I’m wide awake and anxious. I also have lots of sickness with mine.
I am on citalopram, but 6 weeks in I don’t feel it’s working for me. I wouldn’t hesitate to take a different anxiety med, because I’m so bad I need the help!

You are not alone, we are here… xxx


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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2021, 06:57:13 PM »

I struggle to acknowledge this is even happening. I mean, how much are hormones actually responsible for making us feel so ill? I am struggling so much with sleep and anxiety and now nerve pain in my arms and hands, yet thyroid and bloods show nothing untoward at this time. It has to be hormonal but unless you can find the winning combination of meds or Hrt, you are stuffed. Such a hard time of life.


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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2021, 07:11:05 PM »

Thanks lovely ladies.  It is such a hard time of life  :'(

CLKD, GP said I'd need to take lansoprazole along side the AD.  The lansoprazole causes terrible upset stomach for me.   :(. I think you're right about eating.  I've made sure to eat regularly today and I feel less shaky.  Sorry to hear about your anorexia, glad you are recovering.

Do you mind me asking why did you stop HRT Suzysheep?

Nas, I'm the same with nerve pain.  Mine is in my arms, hands, neck, face and up the top of my head.  Awful!  I keep waking up with numb limbs. 

I've always been anxious but this is another level totally.  Feel like I can't even breath properly, like I'm having to force it. 

Thanks for your replies it really really does help to know it's not 'all in my head'!  :o


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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2021, 07:42:55 PM »

Don't U remember how you felt B4 periods begin?  I was irritable, very nauseous B4 my 1st bleed ........ I hated it all  >:(

So yes, hormones can cause awful symptoms.  Thyroid function can be affected at peri so blood tests are important. 

If the lansoprazole is upsetting the gut then stop taking it.  Try something like milk of magnesia or Rennies ............. Domperidome is a tiny tablet?  I was advised to take 1 within the hour of eating main meals but it took 3 each time to get my bowel moving properly.  Eating also layers the digestive tract throughout from mouth downwards as will a liquid antacid.


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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2021, 07:55:29 PM »

I too have experience of the same symptoms as you, I think I counted 44.  The anxiety and panic is awful and you are not going mad it is purely our declining hormones.  If you can get back what you have lost then all can be well again unless like me you have absorption problems.



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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2021, 07:58:17 PM »

I just wasn’t getting on with them. Awful pmt symptoms, painful enlarged breasts, and a heavy painful period( after none for 2 1/2 years) dr said just to take it off.  I have suffered really bad ever since.
You mentioned sound sensitivity… I was bad with that for the first month or so, even the sound of my husband sniffing in another room would give me a panic attack… it was that bad. That has fortunately settled down now… but I was a wreck… all noises were just too loud!

Could your dr not prescribe you some anxiety meds that won’t be so bad on your stomach? Xx

Denise Didi

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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2021, 07:48:50 AM »

It's just crazy isn't it! I'm on ad' but also take propopanol for times of anxiety and they seem to help.


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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2021, 02:24:32 PM »


CLKD raises a good point that anxiety can be caused by lack of nourishment.  Low blood sugar can feel like a panic attack.  A drop in blood sugar can trigger the release of adrenalin, the fight-or-flight hormone.  Not surprising that so many women feel anxious in the morning when their blood sugar is low.  Your blood sugar does not need to drop into the officially hypoglycemic range for this to occur.

Good to hear you're trying to eat more regularly.  I hope you feel better soon.



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Re: anyone struggle to believe its all menopause?
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2021, 03:44:53 PM »

Hi JoannFran,
joining this club too. I could have written this post myself - it's exactly the question I've been asking over the past 6 months: can this REALLY be 'just menopause'? Apparently it can, as I've also had a number of different medical examinations following really scary set of symptoms and nothing was found. So I'm trying to adjust to the thought that hormones can have such a profound negative impact on our lives. Its really difficult to understand, let alone accept.

I'm on HRT and have improved gradually, still not back to 'normal' yet, but at least see some end of the tunnel.

Take care and let us know how you get on. xxx
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