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Author Topic: Question -applying gel always on the same area  (Read 1283 times)


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Question -applying gel always on the same area
« on: September 28, 2021, 06:42:09 AM »

Hi ladies,
I'm sure this question has been discussed before but couldn't find in old threads.
Does anyone know, is it possible that if one keeps applying Estrogel always on the same area, absorption may be decreased?
In other words, should the location be circulated every now and then? With patches I know it is advised not to apply to the same location twice on a row, but there is not such guidance for gel in the product leaflets.

I'm asking as I'm applying Estrogel to inner and mid thighs, trying to keep the area exactly the same for dose control, but have noticed during recent days feeling like I am getting less oestrogen than before. It's possible of course that it's just my own hormones again dropping in the background, but it occurred to me that what if the absorption is decreased over time if the skin area is always the same.. can it somehow become 'saturated'?

Thanks so much for advice! xxx


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Re: Question -applying gel always on the same area
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2021, 07:55:02 AM »

I asked my mono doctor because I was applying gel twice daily and she said it doesn’t matter you can apply to the same area.  Splitting the dose can give more dose wise also.  With all HRT you never get the same amount as the first dose when applying more of anything hence spitting the dose.  I do 3 x daily to try and maximise what goes in which is very little with me. 


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Re: Question -applying gel always on the same area
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2021, 08:59:37 AM »

I asked my mono doctor because I was applying gel twice daily and she said it doesn’t matter you can apply to the same area.  Splitting the dose can give more dose wise also.  With all HRT you never get the same amount as the first dose when applying more of anything hence spitting the dose.  I do 3 x daily to try and maximise what goes in which is very little with me.

Hi Floo, this is interesting. So you mean that by splitting the dose one gets more out of the same amount of Estrogel, right?
I'd like to split too, but unfortunately the morning dose did not really work for me, so I moved back to applying only once in the evening. I don't know why, but when I tried applying in the morning, I got fast heart rate and a feeling of 'rush', like a boost but not in a good way. I'm wondering if it has something to do with cortisol, as that's also peaking in the morning and probably is on the high side for me anyway because of all the meno-related stress..

I've had the nagging feeling for a couple of days now that my oestrogen is lower and it just doesn't make sense. I'm applying the same way and actually have even increased the dose slightly over the past few days. I'm starting to get really frustrated with the situation and the fact that I'm just not finding a balance no matter what I do.  :'( In terms of physical symptoms, I've improved hugely over the past months and my heart feels normal and calm, I can sleep most nights pretty ok, stomach and bowel related symptoms have eased, even the dry patches on my skin are fading away gradually.. but my mood is just not good. I no longer have the overwhelming crippling anxiety, but the anxiety is still on the background all the time, and I have a feeling that something is a bit 'off'. I'm not quite myself, but rather a more nervous, anxious version of myself and I'm just so very tired of feeling like this.  :( Sigh. Just hoping to feel 'normal'..with the usual good days and bad days.

Thanks for 'listening', just needed to let it out. xxx


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Re: Question -applying gel always on the same area
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2021, 12:41:12 PM »

My dr was adamant to use the same site and not rotate, that there was a study showing better absorption using the same site. Of course I have no reference to that study.

Are you towards the end of your package? Several of us have noted being more symptomatic near the end, that the dose is affected as the pump gets low.


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Re: Question -applying gel always on the same area
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2021, 01:14:35 PM »

My dr was adamant to use the same site and not rotate, that there was a study showing better absorption using the same site. Of course I have no reference to that study.

Are you towards the end of your package? Several of us have noted being more symptomatic near the end, that the dose is affected as the pump gets low.

Thanks Shannonplussed, it is quite reassuring to hear this!

I'm actually weighing my dose  :P (sounds crazy but I wanted to be 100% sure I'm keeping the dose stable, exactly for the reason you mention). I'm taking now 3.2grams/day, which is ca 2.5 pumps. Started with 2.5 g first, then upped to 3g and now have added the extra 0.2g. It really shouldn't be this difficult, I know, but I find I'm so sensitive to fluctuations that at least I'm trying to do everything I can to avoid any caused by dose irregularity. Also trying to apply exactly the same way every day. So I guess the only explanation here is that its my own hormones again doing something in the background.  ??? I'm wondering how long can this continue and how long can my own levels still decrease?! I had very low oestrogen already a year ago before I started HRT so I would have assumed it cannot go any lower but apparently it still can.  ::)


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Re: Question -applying gel always on the same area
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2021, 07:16:15 AM »

Ella my Estrogen has been going sometimes wildly up and down for the last 2 1/2 years, I think I’m improving then bang back down again.  From what you are saying and based on my own 40 odd symptoms and experience you need more Estrogen.  It took me a while to realise that i need to keep going until I’m well again, I increased again yesterday and each time I hope and pray that it will be the last increase but I’m thinking not because I haven’t even got rid of flushes yet let alone anxiety and getting any sleep back.


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Re: Question -applying gel always on the same area
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2021, 07:56:46 AM »

Ella my Estrogen has been going sometimes wildly up and down for the last 2 1/2 years, I think I’m improving then bang back down again.  From what you are saying and based on my own 40 odd symptoms and experience you need more Estrogen.  It took me a while to realise that i need to keep going until I’m well again, I increased again yesterday and each time I hope and pray that it will be the last increase but I’m thinking not because I haven’t even got rid of flushes yet let alone anxiety and getting any sleep back.

Hi Floo, you're probably right. I've now increased really small amount a few days ago and will add another small amount in 2 weeks time again if this doesn't help.

May I ask, when you are increasing, how long will you give each dose to work before upping again? I've tried to keep the dose stable for 2-3 weeks so that I will see the impact, but I'm wondering if that is the right time. I've noticed that any improvement seems to be really slow and taking several weeks at least.


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Re: Question -applying gel always on the same area
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2021, 12:52:58 PM »

I’m increasing every 2 weeks at the moment but I still have hot flushes which is what I’m measuring against initially, once the flushes have gone I will see what is left then tweak if need be, it’s too slow a process after being very ill so far for 2 1/2 years but since 2013 with symptoms I didn’t realise were peri.  We are all so different though in how we respond. Got to go with what you are happy with.


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Re: Question -applying gel always on the same area
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2021, 07:29:07 AM »

I’m increasing every 2 weeks at the moment but I still have hot flushes which is what I’m measuring against initially, once the flushes have gone I will see what is left then tweak if need be, it’s too slow a process after being very ill so far for 2 1/2 years but since 2013 with symptoms I didn’t realise were peri.  We are all so different though in how we respond. Got to go with what you are happy with.

Hi Floo, 2.5 years is a long time, hopefully you're now almost there!! Increase every 2 weeks seems like a reasonable approach.

Interesting to hear that you've also realised only later on that you've been peri much earlier than you knew at that time. I've had exactly the same thoughts. I realised I'm approaching meno last year, but actually, when I think about it now with all the knowledge that I have about the symptoms, I've probably been peri since 2016, just didn't realise it.

Hope you will have a good day, take care!xxx


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Re: Question -applying gel always on the same area
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2021, 06:40:53 AM »

Thanks Ella.  We will get there, even the best menopause doctor has found me challenging to treat and it took a long time for her to realise what was going on with me.  As long  as we get there in the end.  I can’t wait to feel better and be in a better place to help others going through the same.