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Author Topic: Trapped wind left side - only at night  (Read 3845 times)


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Trapped wind left side - only at night
« on: September 28, 2021, 07:17:25 AM »

I found an old 2016 thread posted by Urbanchick who had similar symptoms but there was no resolution and she is no longer active under that name.

Basically in the early hours, every night  for the last 12 weeks, I am woken with sharp pain under left side of my ribs.. it feels like trapped bubbly wind but nothing moves it (windeeze, windmill arms, massage). It can travel round to my back but I am awake until it seems to resolve itself 2-3 hours after getting up in the morning.  (I stay in bed as have a house full and OH I don't want to disturb).

I have no other digestion symptoms, no reflux, no unusual bowels etc and am not bothered by it during the day.  I swim and do spin classes twice a week without problems, so did not think it was heart related, although it feels that high at times. Nothing changed lifestyle wise 12 weeks ago. 

Only managed telephone appt with GP.  Poo sample clear for ulcer.  Given omeprezole which made things worse, felt like a burning brick in my chest, gave me diarrhoea and bleeding bum.. Explained this on my next GP call two weeks later, she sent me to A&E, I imagine because the pain is high on the left side. Still had not physically seen me.

All clear heart and bloods at A&E no idea about gastro issues, suggested may be spasm or reflux.  Given amatriptolene to try, if not then Gaviscon.  Neither worked.
Indigestion seems like such a minor thing to bother the medical services about, but it's the lack of sleep that is so knackering. I'm constantly exhausted. 

I have other existing meno related issues since the meno train ploughed through my life, mainly joint pain, but insomnia was not generally one of them.  I'm 54, have been on HRT for 4 years, currently Mirena and 75mcg Estradot patch, which I have had for a couple of years.. 

I didn't have health anxiety until this started.. but there is nothing much else to do at 3am but hit Google..  :o. Help !!



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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2021, 07:50:01 AM »

Hi Moanybreeks. Funnily enough I've had similar symptoms. I'm on omeprazole for reflux but felt that it was no longer working due to burning in tummy and occasional high up left side pain. Had telephone consultation with GP where I breezily explained I felt it was an ulcer but he asked many questions and called me in for bloods straightaway (blood taken by him) as he feels there is early pancreatic involvement. Also referred to gastro enterology. I hadn't considered pancreas I must admit. Do you know if your tests included specific pancreatic ones? The moving round to your back is typical.  On the plus side I haven't lost weight though do feel tired and below par - which I put down to low mood following pandemic stuff.

Taz  :hug:



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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2021, 08:51:03 AM »

Hi Taz2

Just bog standard blood tests, liver kidney function etc... I had the stomach ulcer poo sample test but that was negative.  No other specific tests or referrals.. I find with my GP, if their first tests don't solve the issue, you just get left.  Possibly for the symptoms to get worse and easier to diagnose.. thanks for replying. I'd be interested in hearing what they find for you. 


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2021, 09:23:04 AM »

Morning.  I thought that the poo sample was for the colon and below  :-\.   The stomach is on the left side behind the ribs I think ......... 🤔  sharp pain could be muscular ? but examination is important so I would push for a face2face with your GP - too many patients are clogging up A&E due to GPs not doing what they are paid to do, i.e. seeing patients as the 1st line of defence.  A&E are not trained in all matters, so if they were worried they could have referred you to a Consultant though they don't like being disturbed at night  >:( 

Omeparazoloe can cause it's own problems if taken for too long, in that it can destroy the natural acids - Dr James le Fanu of The Telegraph writes about this there mayB articles on his website to review. 

Do let us know how you get on. 


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2021, 12:23:12 PM »

Hi CLKD - apparently they can detect a particular stomach ulcer using poo, which if present is treated with anti-biotics. I only took the omeprezole for two days as the symptoms worsened and the side effects horrendous.  I really did not want to go to A&E and fortunately after heart check was moved to a different assessment unit run by GP's.  They did bloods and hands on feeling for abnormalities - all normal. The two treatments that they offered have not eased the symptoms.  The hospital GP was going to follow up but hasn't managed as yet. 

I know I need to go back to the GP again but I hate the thought of persuading them again that something is not right and that I don't believe it is only 'indigestion'.  Up until 3 months ago I have never had any digestion issues and these are all in the exact same place, same time of night..

It is a shame that it feels like such a fight, especially when I am totally exhausted.   :(


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2021, 02:50:04 PM »

We shouldn't have to map out that we feel unwell, presenting at the Surgery should be enough to trigger concerns, sympathy and investigations if required.

Do U keep a mood/food/symptom diary? 


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2021, 02:51:52 PM »

Was this what the poo sample was for?

How do I know if I have Helicobacter pylori?

The H. pylori infection can be detected by submitting a stool sample (stool antigen test) or by using a device to measure breath samples after swallowing a urea pill (urea breath test).

MayB ring the hospital GP and explain that the suggestions haven't eased symptoms and to see if an appt. is forthcoming?  U could ask which dept and mayB ring, especially if you can take a cancellation appt. at short notice. 


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2021, 03:32:46 PM »

CLKD -  yes I'm sure that was what the test was for..   no food, mood diary.  I take it you found keeping one very useful?   I have a meno diary but that's about it.  I will try and make contact with the hospital GP as she was the most positive about resolving the issue.

Thank you for your reply.



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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2021, 03:40:59 PM »

Do let us know how you get on.  Did U wake last night?

It's the not knowing! 


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2021, 04:44:51 PM »

Yes, I woke up at 3.25am with the pain.  After a bit of moving around, I got up and took some windeeze type tablets.. they didn't ease it however and I could still feel the pain up until about 9 ish this morning.

I will try and make some progress tomorrow and will update when I know anything..  :)

Hopefully Taz2 will make some progress as well.



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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2021, 05:29:12 PM »

Buscopan worked for my dog. He would get trapped wind which made him howl - like he had twisted his gut.  After Buscopan he would give a huge burp and run round wagging his tail, happy again.  He always laid down to eat like a dog would in the wild. 


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2021, 05:47:43 PM »

 I might try that and maybe I'll feel up to wagging my tail again.  ;)


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2021, 06:14:54 PM »

Thanks for the good wishes Moanybreeks.  I'm waiting to hear about an appointment but feeling better this week so fingers crossed things are not as bad as GP feared. Having lost three friends to pancreatic cancer I know that early symptoms of any pancreatic inflammation have to be followed up quickly.

I hope you manage to get your GP to listen properly to your concerns.

Taz x


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2021, 06:45:58 PM »

I will definitely be contacting them tomorrow.. I have GP envy, if it even exists..  ::)

Take care. MB


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Re: Trapped wind left side - only at night
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2021, 07:12:23 AM »

A wee update... spoke with a different GP. He put me on Lanzoprazole which I have been taking in the morning for the last 10 days, together with a glug of Gaviscon at night.   Have not had the awful side effects of the Omeprezole, but still not made a huge difference to my symptoms.  Still have left side pain waking me in the early hours. He did suggest an ultrasound scan if the Lanzaprazonal didn't work after a couple of weeks.  Only difference now is the pain starts later around 4am and lasts until mid morning.

Taz2 how did you get on with your Dr's appointment?
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