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Author Topic: Covid anxiety  (Read 5552 times)


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2021, 09:06:30 PM »

Israel have been giving boosters and it has greatly reduced the incidence of serious illness several fold. Even comparing to those who had two jabs. Although the waters are slightly muddied because they only had three weeks between first and second vaccines. So could argue their waning efficacy was greater than ours.


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2021, 08:20:32 AM »

Petrified at the thought of the booster.  It's giving me so much anxiety.  Have had continual palpitations since first one back in April, and wont take a third 'til someone gets to the bottom of my problems.  What I would like to know is that will our vaccine certification  (which stands at the moment from having the two shots) be null and void if we refuse the third.  I feel like I am being blackmailed into taking it so that I can have liberties.  And then, I would also like to know that if the vaccines we have had already start to wain after six months, then what happens six months after the booster?  Another booster?  Just watching Dr Hilary on tv this morning about ongoing plans going into winter and I really want to punch his face!  He's prattling on about bloody facemasks again which I hate.  They have given me the biggest anxiety of anything Covid related.  Nobody, anywhere, is giving me any faith at all that this will ever end.  (I know it probably wont), I feel like it's Groundhog Day.  Lorraine is now saying we 'will all just have to learn to live with it' with an accepting wee smirk and giggle!  How can we ever learn to live with something and try to feel even a teeny bit of normality when the doom and gloom of it all is forced upon us daily from the media and press, telling us the number of cases, number of deaths etc.  No wonder anxiety and mental health issues are on the rise.  But them, if this is your problem, don't expect to see a doctor, anytime soon, as the NHS is under so much pressure!
Rant of the day over!!  Off to do my breathing exercises!


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2021, 08:52:55 AM »

We don't have to show 'certificates' any more.  I think that they should have been made like Passports 4 us to carry when necessary as too much is reliant on modern technology.  I will not be buying a smart phone as I rarely need to show that I have been vaccinated.  Europeans are used to carrying ID on a daily basis, something that the UK never took up even though many wanted to remain over there ;-)

If you are having palpiataionts it's unlikely to be the effects of the vaccine holidaylover - more likely to be peri-menopause .  Many complain of it even prior to C-19. 

Facemasks kept the UK safe along with isolation.  Because we simply didn't mix.  It is what it is.  Many have to wear Burkas or worse .......... How about sourcing a transparent face shield rather than a mask, 1 that you can see/be seen in ?  I love my masks.

I saw our GP within 8 days recently.  If U don't ask, U won't get!


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2021, 11:07:18 AM »

Well I wont be buying a smartphone either.  And nope, I hate any kind of mask/facecovering, plastic or material.  Causes me way to much anxiety so I just don't go out anywhere they are needed.  Never been in a shop since last July, cafe or restaurant, bank or post office, so I rely on others to do things for me.  It's a nightmare.   I detest Nicola Sturgeon with a passion and what she is doing.  She will never acheive zero Covid in Scotland and we simply cannot be expected to live the rest of our lives covered by masks for evermore, well that is unless you are seated in a busy restaurant or are attending a big football match, or writhing up against a hundred strangers in a nightclub.  But I cant make it from the front door of the restaurant to the table.
 None of it makes sense to me and makes me furious that there seem rules for some and not for others.  If I need to move away for Scotland I may have to for my own sanity and to simply live my life.  I exist at the moment, that's all.   I am in Scotland, so the passports will be needed, but how they will be policed is another issue.  I don'believe masks should be legally mandated now, I feel it should be up to the individual to make their own decision.  For example, why shouldn't I be able to go into my local supermarket when hardly anyone is in and none of the store workers are wearing masks now.  I manage, in saying that, to get my haircut, a brief in and out with already wet hair, to be dried at home.  Absolutely nothing is a pleasure right now. 


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2021, 12:38:28 PM »

Whereas many of our shops still ask for masks 2 B worn, as well as staff using them  :-\.  It's about protecting everyone.

What I hate is 'them' changing their minds almost every hour  >:(


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2021, 08:20:50 PM »

I hated the masks at first but now I feel really strange without one on! They used to make me feel claustrophobic and breathless but I found if I sucked a mint or boiled sweet it got rid of the feeling. Sounds daft but worked for me. I help support a neighbour with dementia and sometimes I am in her house for three hours at a time so it was difficult to tolerate the mask at first.

Sorry you are feeling so anxious over having to wear a mask holidaylover and the idea of a booster.
It is still a terribly stressful time but unfortunately it does appear that this virus will be around for a while yet.  :hug:


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2021, 04:19:26 PM »

I am no fan of sturgeon (that's an understatement) but I'd rather have her for health secretary than javid. The 'lets pretend it doesn't exist' attitude didn't work out well last time.


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2021, 05:13:26 PM »

We have to live with any virus, why is this 1 any different at this stage?  I haven't heard of many getting D&V or the 'common' cold though I did have the snuffles for 3 days with a dry through in May 2020.

Every germ is carried, person to person.  It's about building immunity now, surely?  Continue with hand washing, masks when necessary: I forgot mine earlier and felt naked  :o !


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2021, 05:25:14 PM »

All the people i know that have had covid after 2 jabs have had AZ. We knew it wasn't has effective as the Pfizer but at least they havent ended up in hospital or worse dead. I will be having the booster as its Pfizer and hopefully after having covid plus 2 AZ jabs and a Pfizer booster i will be able to get back to some sort of normality, i will still wear a mask in crowded places it feels like a comfort blanket now. My daughters friend who was terrified of needles and had no jabs has just died of covid age 39, was fit and well and left a wife and 2 young children, this is still here and we still need to protect ourselves. I know the side effects are not nice, I've just stopped having night sweats since June, never had before even through menopause but its not had bad as covid..


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #39 on: September 19, 2021, 08:32:43 AM »

Several people with a fear of needles have sadly, died.  Because this fear isn't unusual the medical profession should have given it some thought and arranged support.  So sad ............

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