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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Does peri cause digestive issues?  (Read 5168 times)

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2022, 03:49:17 PM »


Tyvm for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it.

I've had bloods done and a stool sample. No referal yet as my rubbish gp just said take probiotics and ring me in 6 weeks  ::)

It's difficult to get to hospital appointments etc as I have M.E and bedbound/housebound alot so I'm loathed to go through lots of tests that usually come back normal.

I've not had covid.

I don't know if I had food poisoning last September when I was vomiting etc? I definitely did though in 2017 but fully recovered.

Does this sound perimenopausal? I'm so new to all this but do have a zillion other perimenopausal symptoms. Does it improve?

« Last Edit: March 09, 2022, 04:11:48 PM by Dorothy Gale »


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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2022, 04:19:59 PM »

I’ve had IBS since I was 26 and over the years I had good and bad weeks with it but it was never daily.
However, since hitting my mid 40’s (I am now 48) my digestive systems gives me grief virtually every day. I have regular bloating, a very noisy gut with gurgling and growling, I get acid, I suffer awful, awful nausea, burping non stop sometimes (today I burped on/off from 8am-2pm), alternative between constipation and looser and lots of farting in the evenings. I feel,like a huge bag of grumbling gas.
In 2019 I had a gastroscope, a colonoscopy, an ultra sound and ct scan, nothing found other than uterine polyps which I have had for 5 years and a small ovarian cyst which I have scanned every 3-4 months.
I have tried everything I can think of to tackle it, lots of meds which haven’t helped, I am on the low fodmap diet, dairy free, gluten free, no fizzy drinks, no alcohol, no tea or coffee, very little fatty food (basically no life atm!). I listen to gut directed hypnotherapy.
The doctors and gastroenterologists are no help at all. Say it’s ‘just’ IBS and leave me to it.
It’s the absolute worst of all the symptoms I have. If my digestive symptom was calm I could put up with the excessive anxiety, the restless nights, the low libido (although my husband may disagree lol), the achy muscles and joints, the tinnitus, the tiredness and general craziness but I can’t tolerate these daily digestive woes.
Anyone else out there suffering too? Is it a peri thing? No medical person has said it is but I don’t know what else other than my up and down hormones could be causing this?

Yes I sympathise with you. I’m having this issue again now.
 Before I started HRT I had acid indigestion, bloating, gas for no reason. Once I begun HRT for a for weeks it settled. I’ve read and been told by a few doctors (private, gp, dietician) that lack of oestrogen slows down your digestion causing annoying issues like these. Wish you well with getting it sorted.

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2022, 04:24:07 PM »

Thank you Louise (and all who have replied) I'm so grateful to you 🙏

Yes I've read lots on perimenopause and digestive issues and why it occurs.

It's just difficult to know where to turn and scary.



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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2022, 04:30:40 PM »

I have been through my kitchen looking at my go-to safe foods.  This includes dry toast; oxo cube crumbled into hot water, sometimes I cook rice to add to the mug; Bovril the same, in hot water.  Soothing to hold if nowt else!  Marmite thinly on toast.   ;) though sometimes, the smell causes nausea  :'(

Slow release foods: i.e. bananas, porridge. 

Your GP is remiss and not listening!  What does he think probiotics will do  :-\ and why six weeks? fobbing you off?

Is there an M.E. support group? 

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2022, 04:55:07 PM »

So kind of you to help.
I've been obvs researching perimenopause and the diet you're 'supposed' to have which is quite overwhelming basically no junk and a very clean it was nice to see you recommend the foods I currently eat rather than saying I need fermented this, and whole foods that  ;D

Yeh my gp is annoying. I used to have a truly wonderful lady gp but since covid she's vanished and I'm stuck with a load of random gps.

Ik, 6 weeks lol he said it takes 6 weeks for probiotics to work....he doesn't think it's perimenopause (typical bloke blinkered gp) and is just thinking it's a unsettled tummy coz of the vomiting I had last year. But who knows...just seems very perimenopausal to me plus I'm really in the thick of 40+ other symptoms.

I've had M.E for 30 years sadly so I'm totally sorted for support. Xx

« Last Edit: March 09, 2022, 05:03:33 PM by Dorothy Gale »


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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2022, 05:30:25 PM »

As a recovering anorexic I eat what I fancy.  If that's junk then it's what has kept me alive.  From age 3 my Mum fed me chocolate buttons or those buttons with 100s/1000s on  ;D.  Chocolate is good for us! 

May I give your GP a  :kick: (oh I do love these .........  ;D )

Which probiotics have been suggested, his thinking may be to line the digestive system?  Did he suggest why?  I use milk of magnesia liquid occaiosnally as well as 'omeprazlol' as reflux can become problematic as muscles become lax  :o

Chicken curry - not hot - is soothing.  As is chicken soup: a Jewish recipe to heal all ills.  Apparently.  MayB look it up on the internet, there are certain 'properties' in chicken that can help.  However, again, when nauseous  :-X

When I think of what my Grand parents ate: lots of stooge, bread with dripping, meat and 3 veg with gravy; suet puds.  They worked it off, unlike our sedentary life style where those types of foods may sit on the waist line  ;D.  Lots of spuds.  Fresh fruits and veg as everyone had a garden in the countryside, which was taken to towns weekly.  Seasonal too. 

Have you thought of trying baby food which may be less 'smelly'.  Or protein shakes a few times a week?  It's about getting anything inside you to line the gut, so if you wake in the early hours hungry: then eat ;-).

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2022, 05:55:29 PM »

Thank you so much for your help and support. It's hugely appreciated.

He didn't specify which probiotics. Just to ' get some'. I found a company called 'just for tummies' that makes live bacteria capsules so I ordered them....just not brave enough to try as I react badly to supplements tummy wise and didn't want to make matters worse....but I gave read they help alot in perimenopause and with IBS etc.

I've always had a very healthy appetite and food was something that gave me joy as being so ill with M.E and bedbound alot, food was something I could enjoy and did. I really hope my appetite comes back and even if I maybe have to not eat anything spicy or greasy, I can at least get back to being able to eat proper meals rather than everything I eat making my tummy hell and surviving on a banana and toast every day.

I've tried the chicken broth. Even that now makes me bloat and my tummy hates it...its so weird! Couldn't even contemplate a curry at moment as snell makes me heave.

I'll just gave to hope it improves. Thank you kindly 🙏


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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2022, 06:14:36 PM »

Nowt wrong with a banana on toast. 

Sometimes people are sensitive to the fillers and packaging of food stuffs.  Try 1 capsule and see what happens?  Can you open the capsule and drink the contents, avoiding the 'packaging'?  It's hard ain't it.   :-\


Dorothy Gale

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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2022, 06:19:09 PM »

Yes banana n toast is fine but not every day for the last 3 months  ;D

Yes the digestive specialist who makes these capsules advised I can empty contents of capsule in water which I would definitely do as those plastic shell torpedo things are horrid.

Tyvm for your replies. X


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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2022, 07:17:39 PM »

Give it go?  They are designed to help.  ;-).  I know. Scarey.  When in an anorexic state I can't face anything  :'(.  I don't cook due to that, DH is the Chef  :-*
What have you managed to get down you today?


Dorothy Gale

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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2022, 07:25:44 PM »

I will. Thank you. You've been so kind.

Please may you tell me what DH is? I see abbreviations on the forum but I don't know what it means.

I've had 2 gluten free macaroons, a pear and 2 slices if gluten free toast.

I'm only eating gluten free as it's less inclined to bloat that normal white bread....and last thing I need is more bloat lol I dunno if it helps.  ;D I'm literally just trying anything  :o


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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2022, 07:41:52 PM »

DH - Dear Husband
DD - Dear Daughter
DS - Dear Son
DGD - Dear granddaughter

OH - other half or him inside  ;D



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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2022, 08:09:39 PM »

I found pepto bismol brilliant. The best thing I’ve ever had for my stomach. And boy, did I have a bad stomach.
Now no one can get any due to some kind of manufacture problem. 😩


Dorothy Gale

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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2022, 09:13:47 PM »


Ahhh I see now. Thank you for telling me what they mean. I have an OH. He's so supportive.


Thank you for your reply. My issue is my stomach seems to now hate all food and causes terrible problems if I eat matter what I eat.
I'm sorry you can no longer get the pesto bismol.  :(


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Re: Does peri cause digestive issues?
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2022, 05:56:24 AM »

Hi, I find drinking lots of water, including a big glass before each meal, and first thing in the morning I have a tablesp of cider vinegar (the clear kind) in water and drink it straight down standing up helps my gut. I also do the low FODMAP, a very low version of it. Saying all this everyone is unique, but these things help me. Cider vinegar is supposed to help encourage healthy gut flora. Also try to stay active, go for a walk, swim. Years ago when I was going through a bad divorce an Indian friend suggested taking ginger. It did help as back then my tummy issues were anxiety related.
Also I take CBD twice a day, for anxiety.
Hope these suggestions are helpful.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2022, 06:01:20 AM by bettina »
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