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Author Topic: Gerd  (Read 3015 times)


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« on: September 12, 2021, 07:35:41 AM »

Have been suffering with Gerd for just under a year now, the pain is terrible when I have an episode.

It’s a sharp pain almost like a stabbing pain in between my right shoulder blade and spine it comes in waves, I know when it’s coming because I get a aching in my right side gums and teeth it’s weird.

I have been down A&E before when I have had an episode thinking I am having a heart attack

I was reading the side effects of vagifem and it says that the above can be one ?I am on evoril conti patches also and wondered if this can also bring on this Gerd?

I was given omeprazole to take but I don’t want to be on this medication long term

Anyone with similar issues please?
Or advice .


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Re: Gerd
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2021, 08:04:07 AM »

I have GERD caused by a hiatus hernia. If yours is bad enough to cause pain in your shoulder and jaw/teeth then I would say you definitely do need to use the omeprazole to get it under control. You should have been given dietary advice and if the omeprazole doesn't control symptoms then you do need to be referred for endoscopy to find out what's causing it. Do you use any NSAID's such as ibuprofen? Also being overweight can make a difference.

The aching in your gums and teeth is a known symptom by the way. Sometimes gall bladder problems can cause similar pain and gallstones are linked to hrt. I'm not sure what checks you have had.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Gerd
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2021, 08:14:14 PM »

Hi monalisa, I have been bothered with same off and on for a few years. Taking Omeprazole once a day now which seems to be working for me just now. I did end up at GP and had investigations to rule out anything else after having 3 days of chest pain that really worried me as it presented differently from usual. It seems to be under control for now with healthier diet & more exercise so hopefully I may be able to come off Omeprazole at some point, although not rushing. x


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Re: Gerd
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2021, 06:39:47 AM »

Thank you for your reply’s .

I have had a ultrasound and nothing was found regards gallstones.

I am not overweight I am 9.12 and 5.4 in height .

I do suffer with my sinuses and due to have a procedure in hospital soon ( that only started since the menopause )

I have not yet had an endoscopy but I will be asking my GP if this needs to be done .

What is the difference with omeprazole and Lansaprozole ?


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Re: Gerd
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2021, 04:07:00 PM »

Hi Monalisa.

Similar experience to me. I had GERD / acid reflux at the start of my peri journey. Probably brought on by extreme anxiety (from nowhere!) which was my first noticeable symptom. I didn’t realise it was acid as it wasn’t going to my throat they way it did when I was pregnant. Scary chest pain that also went to my back / shoulder blade. GP suggested acid reflux after ecg / bloods to check heart (all come back ok) and they put me on lansoprozole (same as omeprazole) once a day for 4 weeks Eased a bit and I limited my diet.. it was tough. Ate like a hamster. Did the usual tricks of no eating 4 hours before bed etc. Thought It was my HRT causing it but meno GP said it’s unlikely. I wasn’t convinced it was acid / GERD.  I now know my anxiety had triggered it. As my HRT kicked in and the anxiety eased, so did the acid and chest pain.

Long story short, A few weeks into HRT, and nearly 4 weeks on the lansoprozole and anxiety came back, chest hit bad again but different pain. Went to A&E, all test fine and they doubled my dose of lansoprozole.  Hated the side efforts of insomnia / distrusted sleep it caused and constipation, this on top of peri symptoms. Life was miserable. 3 more weeks on double dose, I went back to GP. Still had chest pain but didn’t feel acidy, pain felt different and was convinced something was wrong. They diagnosed oesophagitus and costochondritis which is the cause of 67% of people going to A&E with chest pain apparently (usually treatment for that is ibuprofen)  mine was probably caused by acid and stress. I was given H2 blocker and diazepam to relax me as I could not have ibuprofen as it cause acid on top of lansoprozole but it spaced me out. I didn’t take the diazepam. Decided to stop all tablets a few days later and used gaviscon after meals (still being sensible about foods) and hot water bottle and paracetamol for the chest pain. I didn’t feel any worse, slept great for the first time in months and slowly got better. Just had a feeling the tablets were not helping. Fingers crossed it stays that way. Likely the HRT kicked in as well and helped the digestive system. I’m still careful with certain foods but I’m eating pretty normal now with the family again. I take gaviscon before bed and other times. Still get pain, not as bad and I can manage it better. Anxiety and stress triggers it for me too. Hope you get yours sorted, it’s awful on top of everything else. X



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Re: Gerd
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2021, 09:59:25 PM »

Hi, just reading this  post after having a really uncomfortable pain in the middle of my chest all afternoon & evening.  I have had this pain on & off for a long time & like most have had all relevant tests I.e an endoscopy, ecg heart scan & 24 hr monitor all ok. My pain seems to go from my sternum area to the top of my stomach & I end up having sore ribs so I imagine its indigestion. I take Gaviscon  Advance & most times it helps get rid of this uncomfortable stomach pain. I don't eat heavy meals but do tend to eat quickly but always make sure I don't eat after 7pm

I've had a stressful day at work so I'm now wondering if overthinking has caused me to feel anxious & kicked off the chest discomfort. I'm 59 & wonder if I'll always feel like this, it's a miserable thought. I often look at other woman my age & wonder if they feel like rubbish. My fed up feeling just comes from nowhere & I feel my mood drop then I'm ok again, it's such a rollercoaster.

Let's hope one day we will feel "normal" again! I live in hope :)
