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Author Topic: What have you found is the best Weight loss plan since hitting peri/menopause?  (Read 12623 times)


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Hi groundhog, lovely that you have a wedding to look forward to but sorry to hear about your challenges. The programme doesn’t tell you what to eat at all and will fit any restriction. My resting heart rate, BP and blood sugar have all improved since losing weight and eating better. The sugar is very difficult to kick, I understand, and ended up on sweet and salty popcorn when I needed some sugar, or ice cream in small tubs, which is lower in calories than cakes and sweets. I feel so much better though, less irritable, fewer aches and pains and no headaches. I was on the cusp of prediabetic but am now comfortably back in the healthy blood sugar zone.

It’s not a cure-all and ideally I would lose another 10 lbs, but it feels good to have dropped some excess. My elder daughter got married this summer and my younger daughter is getting married summer 2023, so it’s good to have events to spur us on.

Good luck and let me know how you get on:)


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This is a really interesting thread. I really struggle to lose weight now despite going to the gym 5 times a week and eating a fairly healthy diet, with lots of veg.

I'm toying with trying the 5-2 diet, as I find it difficult to follow a really strict regime due to socialising etc ( I rarely drink alcohol and try to make healthy choices).

Hi @groundhog,  if you do try noom, could you let us know how you go? I keep getting emails from them offering me a deal, but just not sure.

I need to lose about 10 pounds (but not off my boobs, please  ;D)

« Last Edit: September 12, 2021, 12:57:04 PM by Dougalina »

Ju Ju

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If only we could push unwanted fat to other parts of the body! I would push tummy fat down to my skinny legs and boney bottom! ( Just been sitting on a hard stool for 2 hours. I really needed some cushioning!) And I shall donate a couple of cup sizes to Dougalina!


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Hi ladies,
Great thread!
I’ve had to watch my weight for as long as I can remember and am concerned that it’s getting harder as I age. I couldn’t be trusted with 10 bars of anything sweet so daren’t try Ju Ju’s recommendation! I don’t have a ‘STOP’ button!
I’m maintaining OK weight by being very organised and eating 4 medium meals a day. I try to not eat anything processed, eat my favourite fruit and veg and binned booze.
Unfortunately somebody showed me how to make a cake in the microwave in 60 seconds so the microwave is being rehomed :'(

If you find a magic way of getting into exercise please share.

A friend has an ongoing fight with Noom over card debits she wasn’t expecting, £200.00 but I don’t know the in’s & out’s. Trust Pilot reviews are worth reading before committing.

Take care.


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I already do eat healthily and did leading up to Peri menopause which is why I was so frustrated when I put on weight despite no change to my diet.  Recent test results reveal some areas where supplementation is required and it is these imbalances that are impacting my ability to lose weight.  I don't quite understand it yet but hopefully it will become clearer once I get the full details.  Bottom line is that I will need to have a gluten free approach to eating and a shed load of supplements to take too. 


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LadyCC, I’m taking the Gluten approach too as I think it’s going to get better results. I’m learning about it and it sounds pretty simple. I’ve made some really fresh and zingy meals and am on the look out for more recipes. My grocery bill has reduced drastically too!


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LadyCC, I’m taking the Gluten approach too as I think it’s going to get better results. I’m learning about it and it sounds pretty simple. I’ve made some really fresh and zingy meals and am on the look out for more recipes. My grocery bill has reduced drastically too!

Let me know how you get on Victory V

In the meantime anyone heard of these guys...

Some really good testimonials on their website and targeted to women over 40


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Brief update:-

So having spent several hundred pounds over the last few months and being poked and prodded only to find out what I already knew about my hormones - they are all over the place and on the overwhelming side re oestrogen, I was recently advised on what foods I should be eating.  Now, I was suspicious at the beginning that this was just another generic plan and although I think they have tailored it somewhat, whatever it is isnt having good results so far as I already have gained 1.6kg and am eating less food.

This is not a great sign and also, I am having a re-currence of cramping which I cant understand. 

I have invested in a lot of food stuffs to give this programme a go,  I will give it several more days but im not hopeful.  Ive been here before and in the end only a structured and tailored specific programme has worked and made the shift.  I can 'feel' that there is not any change physically.  :-\


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I am a bit sceptical about advice from anyone who wants to flog you something. The diet industry is worth billions and many people are unable to keep the weight off when they've lost it. Hormones really don't help as when you feel lousy you move less so it makes everything worse.
Could you go back to basics on the diet? You know which foods are high in calories and should be avoided. I try to avoid processed food and keep a stock of veggies that can be eaten raw for when I get hungry. They say they're good because it takes more energy to digest them than cooked food and I find they fill me up.


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I am a bit sceptical about advice from anyone who wants to flog you something. The diet industry is worth billions and many people are unable to keep the weight off when they've lost it. Hormones really don't help as when you feel lousy you move less so it makes everything worse.
Could you go back to basics on the diet? You know which foods are high in calories and should be avoided. I try to avoid processed food and keep a stock of veggies that can be eaten raw for when I get hungry. They say they're good because it takes more energy to digest them than cooked food and I find they fill me up.

Hey sheila99, this isnt a diet as such - it is a meal plan which incorporates some interesting recipe ideas that are all natural, whole and healthy.  Nothing wrong with the food as such but if my body was responding to conventional weight loss methods I wouldnt have engaged the services of the nutritionist in the first place.  I was expecting different/more from them and at the beginning they seemed to be on the same page but it seems all the build up and a healthy but generic plan.

I also cant rule out that the supplements that have recently been prescribed - which are costing me in the hundreds, have also antagonised something hormonally and are causing the low to medium level PMS cramps to have returned.

Back to the drawing board methinks  :(


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I wonder if they come from a different perspective? Their job is to make sure you have everything you need in your diet and much of their work will be for those who need to increase their weight. A diet by definition is where you don't have enough and perhaps it's hard to get all the vits etc without the calories. Or maybe you've been short of something in your diet for years and now you have it your body is making better use of everything else?
The hormonal link is interesting though. If you have an underweight animal getting it pregnant will usually improve it's condition - something you wouldn't expect. Whatever it is having to be a continual diet is a PITA  >:(


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Hi, I’m a bit on the sceptical side too but if your own methods haven’t worked I can understand reaching out to profs.
I feel like I’m battling to maintain weight, everything I’ve done to not put on weight/lose weight before isn’t working. I’ve got three sizes of jeans and I’m wearing the biggest now. Mentally I’ll struggle if I put on weight.
I feel this is all due to hormone changes, i was feeling like this before I started HRT so I don’t think it’s caused by HRT for me. I’ve made radical changes and the scales aren’t moving.
I feel for you LadyCC, disrupting HRT is a difficult one, do you know which supplement is responsible?


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    Hi, I’m a bit on the sceptical side too but if your own methods haven’t worked I can understand reaching out to profs.
    I feel like I’m battling to maintain weight, everything I’ve done to not put on weight/lose weight before isn’t working. I’ve got three sizes of jeans and I’m wearing the biggest now. Mentally I’ll struggle if I put on weight.
    I feel this is all due to hormone changes, i was feeling like this before I started HRT so I don’t think it’s caused by HRT for me. I’ve made radical changes and the scales aren’t moving.
    I feel for you LadyCC, disrupting HRT is a difficult one, do you know which supplement is responsible?

    Hi Sheila99 and VictoryV

    So a bit of back history - my weight issues have always been linked to my hormones as far as I understand.
    - In my mid 30s I was taken off of the combined contraceptive pill and told I had to stick to PoP.  At the time I smoked. 
    - I tried a number of different PoP including the coil which was horrendous for me.  I had a number of hormone related issues including inability to lose weight and adult acne
    - I went back to my GP who put me back on a low doseage combined pill and whilst that didnt help me with weight issues, it did eliminate my acne issues
    - In total I spent approx 6 years in the wilderness with weight and skin and other hormone related issues
    - I then tried one last ditch attempt at my weight after also spending the last 6 years trying tried and tested conventional methods amongst other off the shelf approaches with no success
    - The new approach was one that was tailored based on bloods and miracle of miracles, it worked.  I lost weight, went down to what I was in my late teens very early 20s pre kids.  I came off the combined pill and my skin just glowed.  I had lots of compliments on how well and healthy I looked and most importantly I felt it.
    - I kept that off for almost 3 years until BOOM - Peri menopause.  I initially put on around 10lbs but have added another 7lbs since trying to manage and balance hormones and weight
    - Once I had confirmation on Perimenopause but before I started on the HRT, I redid the tailored test getting new bloods done again etc and got a new eating plan but it was not successful this time round. 
    - I wonder if now that I have started tackling the hormones whether this will work for me now
    - Given my long experience with hormonal issues and managing my weight, that is why I turned to professionals [/li][/list]

    I need to do something quickly - It needs to be something that takes my hormones in to consideration and prevents my weight from escalating.
    Like you Victory V, this is having a toll on my mental health and well being.  I am looking for a new job at the moment and am at a high point in my career but I am flagging in terms of confidence and I cannot even tell you the humiliation I feel when having to purchase clothes in the largest size I have ever been to attend an interview and just feel so frumpy. 

    I sincerely hope that we find what works for us both asap and that it grows with us throughout this tumultuous hormonal journey!

    « Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 08:39:57 AM by LadyCC »


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    LadyCC - Sounds like you’ve been through the mill with hormones and know your body pretty well. I totally understand the mental health risk, that’s my biggest fear as it pulls confidence down fast. Good luck on the job front.

    I’m holding on to the weight I am now but I don’t like it and I’m struggling. I feel hungry all the time and I can’t really be because I’ve not seriously increased activity. I’m craving everything that we know piles weight on.
    I quit sugar a few weeks ago, I don’t feel good for it and I dream about guzzling jelly babies - I don’t even like jelly babies! So I’m starting on sugar again and I’m not omitting anything. I’m not counting calories but I am being careful with portion control. I don’t buy low fat stuff preferring less of full fat version.
    The only diets that have worked for me are the ones that have few rules and encourage more activity. So fresh ingredients bought and trainers on feet. My goal is to do 20,000 steps a day, cook from scratch, not eat after 7pm. I’m giving this approach 7 days and expect to lose at least 2lbs, if I don’t lose 2lbs I’ll have a re-think. I’m weighing on day 7 only.

    I’ll do C25K as it gets steps done quickly. If anybody fancies joining in please do!


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    I fancy doing C25k. Had hysterectomy in June, just waiting on pelvic floor physio to give me go ahead to start running mid October. Does the programme involve running straight away?
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