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Author Topic: Help! I am falling apart!  (Read 7310 times)


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2021, 03:20:04 PM »

If possible get a referral to a dedicated menopause specialist as Gynaes often don't know nowt!  Keeping a diary is useful to discuss the ins and outs of your cycle, symptoms etc..

Antidepressants may help ease some menopause symptoms but again, as with most medication, it can be hit and miss!  HRT can take a while for the lady 2 feel any benefit from but will protect heart and bones.  If anxiety is the problem, then a dedicated anti-anxiety medication may be essential. 

MayB have a chat with that pharmacist to find out what is regularly prescribed for menopause symptoms?


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2021, 10:30:23 PM »

So my husband (who is on ADs) freaked me out a bit with going on meds. And so I spoke to the doctor today and he said as long as my good days are more than bad I can delay going on the ADs.  Last few days I have been feeling better with less anxiety (ignore dizziness and hot flashes though) so am interested to see what happens next. I havent had a period in 4 months. I am getting somewhat used to the anxiety though so maybe in future it wont freak me out as much cos I know what it involves (yeah right). And the cardiologist called and I am booked for a holter monitor, echo cardiogram and a stress test over the next month to test for heart issues.

I am keeping a journal for review with the doctor on the 29th and we will review tests at the same time and how I am feeling.  Today I feel somewhat normal although (TMI?) my discharge has some red tone to it so I wonder if I am coming on.. who knows.


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2021, 01:37:30 PM »

I am so sorry you are suffering this but you will never know how pleased I was to read this today. Your post actually stopped me having a panic attack. Thank You …..

I could have written the exact post myself. It’s all just so awful and I can feel at any time like I am having a heart attack or stroke. I can just feel so ill for no reason. Hot flushes, high blood pressure, feeling low, no energy, extreme fatigue, it’s just horrendous and the same symptoms of having something seriously wrong.

I too have had recent blood tests and they have all been ok. I am on medication for blood pressure and that has recently been adjusted. I recently had to call an ambulance and ecg etc was all ok.

I am aged 55 and have only missed 2 periods but symptoms have got worse since missing them. I feel an absolute nervous wreck and just desperately want it to stop.

Ahh to be 25 again…..


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2021, 04:39:35 PM »

Hope your ok Cadbury’s

It’s bloody awful this peri / menopause ride .. I hope you feel better knowing that majority of us are struggling & your not going mad or falling apart .. just starting this journey .. I don’t mean feel better because we suffer lol just to know your not alone in anyway at all

Just remember always rant away on here or read and you will get help and advice or just somewhere to rant and let off steam

Hope your ok

GM I hope your ok xxx



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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2021, 11:22:10 PM »

Hi Cadbury and Michelle! Its sort of nice we are in the same boat. And nice if I can help (even if I am not sure how i did!).  The menopause is a PITA Be-atch for sure. I want to hear more stories about how bad it was and then how everyone got better and life was much better afterward! Last couple have days for me have been good but I am in fear of another episode!! And no period so far. (If ever again?)

Cadburys - what a great name, chocolate always makes things better. And I know what you mean, I get anxious, my heart rate goes up (And BP i am sure) and then i get anxious cos I think I am going to have a stroke and it gets worse and worse.. and when I am in one of those modes I just think something is missed and I must be sick and they missed whatever the illness is. But I am trying to distract myself and read this forum and try and remember, its the menopause messing with my head. Its hard at the time cos it feels so real though. I am trying to develop coping mechanisms...:

My coping mechanisms:

1. Dont look at the heart rate monitor on the Apple Watch - it just freaks you out when its high. Do not test BP. Sleep on your back or right side, you can feel your heart (naturally) more if sleeping on the left, which freaks you out too.
2. Drink chamomile tea at night, meditate once a day for 20 minutes. Workout once every two days (minimum at least a brisk walk).  Drink less, eat healthier. (Should I try soy?)
3. Avoid triggers - no googling health symptoms. No Dr Google.
4. Deep breathe when anxious (even if it doesnt work most of the time)
5. Remember this is menopause and NOT another disease. Occam’s razor - in the absence of all other info, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one
6. Visit this board when anxious and read the symptoms. You are not alone!
7. Your doctor has got your back. So does your husband. And this board!
8. This is not forever. It will pass


Edit by Emma
« Last Edit: September 16, 2021, 07:10:41 AM by Emma »


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2021, 06:11:17 PM »

We’re all in this boat together ladies… all be it a rickety clapped out pirate ship!!!

Those coping tips are great gm…. I keep reminding myself of number 8 ! X


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #36 on: October 21, 2021, 01:48:52 AM »

So its been a few weeks and i was doing quite well I thought. I am mid tests..  bloodwork and ab/vag ultrasounds were normal except they showed I am in unofficial menopause (officially i need to wait 12 months no period, I am at 5 right now). Wore a holter monitor for 48 hours and had an echocardiogram yesterday. Meeting the cardiologist for a stress test and a consult Nov 3. And had minor anxiety and very few hot flashes the last couple weeks. And judging by discharge a period could be on its way. Or not.
So when I was at the cardiologists office the other week for the holter, they did an ekg first. And my heart was pounding out my chest and they decided to do a blood pressure test. Yay. So I was suspecting it would be through the roof but oddly enough she isaid t was ok 135/84. That surprised me given how I was feeling but it made me happier about the whole thing.

So given my elderly parents have high blood pressure, today I decided it would be a good idea, knowing that my BP is generally ok even when stressed, to take my BP at home so that if/when I get high blood pressure when I am older, I can share my home results knowing they are older…. BAD IDEA. I couldn’t get ie below 155/86 and afterward I had a panic attack that wont end. I shouldn’t have looked at it but I was confident that it wouldn’t be bad. That being said I could feel my stress rising as soon as I looked out the device. Now I am trying to calm down and its been 4 hours. Sigh.

FYI i never did go on meds yet. I met the doctor on the 29th and he said they ADs can wait but if i have another 3 day episode then I take the Ativan he gave me if needed and then go on ADS. I am seeing him again next week to review/discuss…


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2021, 07:18:31 AM »

This is exactly what happened to me, I took my blood pressure convinced it would be good but it was 160/90 and I flipped. Had anxiety which was hard to shift but now my blood pressure is back to normal.
I think although we think we are calm taking our blood pressure often we are anxious about it without realising.
Your reading isn't that high and everyone has higher readings sometimes.
Put the machine away it will only make you more anxious.
How I hate this health anxiety  :(


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #38 on: October 21, 2021, 12:52:13 PM »

That makes total sense! I guess by just thinking about it like that, I can raise it. So weird. Meanwhile when I was totally stressed at the doctor it was fine. I put it away. I imagine it goes up and down all day with what I am doing, its probably when its consistently high then its a problem. Makes me feel calmer knowing you had the same. Although who knows if my BP is high now just discussing it. So dumb.

I ended up going to bed and actually slept ok. Feel a bit less anxious this morning although I have a fluttery feeling inside. Trying to ignore it.


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #39 on: October 22, 2021, 11:23:04 PM »

So… I guess it wasnt over. Last night just before bed, I was feeling fine and suddenly my heart starts racing. I tried to ignore it and go to bed but it was racing like crazy and keeping me awake. So I said F that and thought I would try an Ativan (lorezapam) which my doctor gave me for anxiety episodes. I thought if its anxiety then the racing will stop and I can fall asleep. If its hormonal BS the racing will keep going but the Ativan will help me sleep anyway. And it did, i felt nice and relaxed and finally fell asleep a few hours later. But the racing took till this morning to stop.. a good 6 hours after it started. So its hormonal and not anxiety possibly. Anyone else got intermittent tachycardia like this? I didnt feel anxious but of course now I do cos I am now worried about it!!

I put my Apple Watch on at 1am and could see even after the Ativan it was up at 90/100 but dropped too 75 by 6am and by 10am it was back to mid 60s.

So, anyone else get these racing heart episodes? I am totally going to talk to the cardiologist about it.


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #40 on: October 23, 2021, 07:15:21 AM »

Yes I have the same. Started in 2016 I was already post menopause. Had cardio checks and all ok so went on HRT and it settled down. Came of HRT gradually last year (was getting some headaches, thought it could be HRT) I did it gradually and felt great for 2 months but then terrible health anxiety and palpitations started again. Had to wait until I had more cardiac test before they would put me back on HRT.
Have been back on it now for just over 3 months and I am feeling 90% better and palpitations are only very occasional.
I really can’t believe how terrible the menopause symptoms can


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #41 on: October 23, 2021, 01:03:40 PM »

I think I may need to go on HRT but I am waiting it out for now. But SURPRISE! Got my period today. Been 6 months since the last one. So much for the doctors “unofficial menopause”.. my levels are going up and down like a yo-yo i am guessing and he tested at a menopausal level. The yo-yo explains the symptoms too. Fun!


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #42 on: October 23, 2021, 01:23:10 PM »

Not ......... fun! 

Remember: BP should be measured 3 times with a 5 min gap between each, taking the best reading.  Also it should be taken at the same time B4 eating.  DH would take his at 7.00 a.m..  I don't measure on his machine, probably due to being on BBs  :D

........ and breath.  Hormonal upheaval can be awful, I felt ill throughout my menstruating years, but at least it was cyclical.  I would forget in the better days.  Then it would start all over again  >:(

Eating regularly helps ease any anxiety surges.  Low blood sugar can remain for days, if I miss eating 1 day by noon the next I feel ill and that can last for another 36 hours even when eating again.  It takes a while for me to pick up energy.  I have safe foods: dried fruits and nuts, bananas, cream crackers, grapes and dates.  Bananas help my restless leg feelings too.  Gentle exercise.  Lots of 'me' time is important.  Stop being all things to all people, learn to delegate ;-).



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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #43 on: November 03, 2021, 12:09:04 AM »

Wish me luck tomorrow, got my cardiologist appointment and stress test. I am feeling so anxious, i feel stressed enough without a stress test lol!!!!


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Re: Help! I am falling apart!
« Reply #44 on: November 03, 2021, 09:29:34 PM »

I guess nobody cares lol. Oh well I am talking to myself and I already know the results  :-\  :'(
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