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Author Topic: Newson Clinic  (Read 2896 times)


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Re: Newson Clinic
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2021, 11:46:25 AM »

Hello ladies.

I am also with Newson Health and they seem to be big fans of Androfeme /testosterone.

I have been on testosterone now since April but I am not sure how much difference it is making. My Dr keeps saying that it takes at least six weeks to notice a difference and she has recently increased my dose to 0.75ml a day.

I am post meno so I assume my blood tests are reliable because I do not have the fluctuations of peri to contend with. I had a test recently and when my Dr emailed me she didn't give any details and just said that my levels were now good so hopefully I should be feeling better soon. I am quite disappointed with this response tbh but I will wait until my follow appointment in October to find out more.

I too have noticed many women saying that testosterone was fabulous for them and I wish I could say the same lol.  However, as we know, we are all different so there is always hope.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Newson Clinic
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2021, 02:52:33 PM »

That’s so disappointing to hear! I feel I have to balance out the pros and cons of it all! I suppose If I don’t go with what they say it will be a waste of time (and money) but on the other hand 3 months is a long time and then may have to change something else! Oh I just don’t know ! Very confused and fed up with it all !!


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Re: Newson Clinic
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2021, 03:10:58 PM »

That’s so disappointing to hear! I feel I have to balance out the pros and cons of it all! I suppose If I don’t go with what they say it will be a waste of time (and money) but on the other hand 3 months is a long time and then may have to change something else! Oh I just don’t know ! Very confused and fed up with it all !!

Hi Flan,
Do you have a feeling that during the HRT review with the doctor you were able to describe your symptoms and how you feel, and the doctor listened and understood? If yes, then I'd just go with what she prescribed at least for a month or two. After all, she's the expert and that's why you wanted to see her in the first place.

If you have a feeling that you forgot to tell something or the doctor didn't perhaps fully understand your situation, then I'd try to reach her again and clarify if she suggests the same treatment even after hearing the missing parts.

Is there a possibility to contact the doctor after, say, 1-2 months time, in case you don't feel any benefit? 3 months is a long time to wait if there is no benefit.

Hope you'll get on well with the adjusted regime. Keep us posted! xxx



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Re: Newson Clinic
« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2021, 03:17:09 PM »

Hello Flan 747.

I am so sorry if I have caused you any confusion, that wasn't my intention.

 Many ladies have great success with testosterone and you may be one of them if you give it a try!

I know what you mean about deciding whether to follow advice or not. I am in a similar position where I feel I can't change anything until my next  appointment in October and even that feels a long way off!

Perhaps you could give the Androfeme a try for six weeks and if you are not happy with it use one of your emails to ask for some advice. Dr Boden increased my dose at one stage after looking at my blood test results and she said that if my recent tests were not satisfactory she would tell me to increase it again.

I hope you find a solution that you are happy with. Anxiety and tearfulness are my constant companions of late and I completely sympathise with you and what you are going through.

Wishing you well and sending hugs.



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Re: Newson Clinic
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2021, 03:54:50 PM »

Ahh Kathleen please don’t apologise! I expect different stories as we are all so different ! I think it’s a great idea to give it a go for 6 weeks then email if I don’t feel better! I have a feeling the testosterone alone will not do the trick that’s why I am so confused by the addition of it without changing the dose! Will keep you posted and thank you! Hopefully someone else will jump on with a positive experience 


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Re: Newson Clinic
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2021, 04:06:55 PM »

Hello again Flan 747.

Several times  I have been told that testosterone takes  six weeks to notice a difference so you will definitely have more information by then.

Davina McCall and Nadia Sawalha have said that the addition of testosterone made all the difference and ladies on this site have said the same so it clearly helps many. Perhaps do a search of previous posts? I definitely remember Annie0710 posting about her positive experiences but she hasn't been von MM for quite a while.

Take care.




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Re: Newson Clinic
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2021, 04:49:56 PM »

 I thought testosterone took 3 months to get going and for some 6 months. But I can't remember where I read this. Perhaps someone can clarify. So please don't give up if it takes a while to kick in.


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Re: Newson Clinic
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2021, 04:57:49 PM »

Thanks Kathleen going to do a search now!


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Re: Newson Clinic
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2021, 07:39:23 AM »

Androfemme didn’t do anything for me after 7 months because my Estrogen wasn’t right, it takes time to work it all out, but it does work for some, my testosterone didn’t register but then it may have been that I don’t absorb that either. 

I really don’t like it when they say bloods are fine when you don’t know and they don’t know what your level should be to feel well, some will be well on 300 but them some of us will need to be 1000pmol that’s why they should go on symptoms.  If your Estrogen was at the right level you wouldn’t have any symptoms of low Estrogen. I wasted 2 1/2 years thinking my bloods were normal, they never were and as Kathleen says it’s more difficult to impossible getting an accurate Estrogen blood test result.  It cost me £100’s of pounds to prove it which I shouldn’t have had to. 

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