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Author Topic: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety  (Read 10032 times)


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2021, 04:56:24 PM »

Oh Nas I wish I could help ,
I hate to read your struggling and low as you was always one to try pick me up when I felt over whelmed with it all.

It’s exhausting finding somthing that suits .. I hope things get better for you I really do .. it’s a emotional rollercoaster.. could it be you need to give spray a while and see how it goes .. .. you will know before the 3 months if it’s gonna help or not as you know the signs

I was offered and have sertraline in my draw but as you know I never took them as I was almost certain was the HRT making mine worse.
But they are there .. I know a lot of people it as helped & also a few that it hadn’t helped as we are all different

Whatever you do I hope your ok .. you can do this Nas xxx


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2021, 05:04:25 PM »

Thanks Michelle, your post has cheered me up a little  :)
It’s so very hard as you say and maybe I do need to give the spray a chance.

It’s a combination of lots of things I expect, job, house, life in general it seems.

The feeling of doom scares me. The whole ‘ what am I doing with life’  conversation. I haven’t felt this bad in a long while.

Is this really hormonal? Can it do this to a person?  I guess so.



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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #62 on: September 12, 2021, 06:20:34 PM »

I’m so sorry you’re having such a tough time Nas.  You’re not alone feeling like this, and it WILL get better.

Is it really hormonal? ….. yes!!  I was going about my life, happy as Larry, had to stop HRT, a week or so later, I felt the only way out was to end it all. I’ve never ever had suicidal thoughts before in my life. But here I was.
Hormones are very powerful. They go about their work quietly, and in harmony…. Until they don’t! The effects for some women are drastic. Unfortunately we are those women…. But we won’t always be!

Maybe think about the ad’s in the drawer. Sometimes we need a little help to lift the heavy fog that’s come to hang over us…. Just until your dr has helped you find the best HRT combination for you xx

We are all here for you xxx


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #63 on: September 12, 2021, 06:31:19 PM »

Nas I am thinking of you too. I have felt how you are feeling and it’s really difficult. My heart goes out to you xxx


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #64 on: September 12, 2021, 06:32:51 PM »

I dont think i can do it Suzy. The dark thoughts are taking over in the fog. There is no way out of this hell!  :'(


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #65 on: September 12, 2021, 07:09:33 PM »

If your estrogen levels are that low no wonder you are feeling so awful. It's unbelievable just had powerful hormones are.

Was it your first day of Lenzetto today and how many sprays did you use? This is after going from how much of another product? Every one is of course different but the Lenzetto has been a real success story for me when nothing else was, so don't lose hope - it is possible.

I wouldn't like to tell you whether to take medication or not but what I can say is that in my own experience Sertraline has been a gigantic help for me. It didn't stop the hormonal problems but it did turn down the volume on the resulting anxiety. Before starting it I would be physically vomiting the anxiety was so bad, where as now if I have issues it's uncomfortable and unpleasant but it's a whole world away from what it was before. The only thing to be aware of is that the first 2 or 3 weeks starting any anti depressant can be a bit icky.... it takes a while to kick in and side effects can be a bit rough (but pass pretty quickly). If you do decide to take it you might consider starting at half a tablet (25mg) as this is easier to tolerate and you could then work up. Do you think you could speak to a doctor tomorrow to discuss it?

We are all here for you Nas x


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #66 on: September 12, 2021, 07:19:38 PM »

Yes you can Nas. If I can do it, you can do it. You feel this wretched now, but you won’t soon. I know exactly how you are feeling, I was rock bottom a week or so ago… it will pass I promise. Please think about taking your medication , like Gilla said, maybe start on half a tablet, and maybe ring your dr tomorrow. Explain how your feeling super anxious and that your HRT dose just doesn’t seem right. Keep telling yourself it’s all down to hormones, it’s not you doing anything wrong.

Big hugs xx


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #67 on: September 12, 2021, 07:58:35 PM »

I cant Suzy, it wont go away  :'(
There is no point to anything any longer.


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #68 on: September 12, 2021, 08:13:38 PM »

I’m so sorry you are feeling so hopeless. Please believe me, it will get better. I felt just as wretched as you are now, I really did, but it gets easier. I’ve got a way to go, but I’m not having dark thoughts anymore like I was… and you will get there too.
Have you got anyone to talk to right now? Family? A friend? Please reach out to someone…. Even the Samaritans… it really helps to talk to someone or just cry and let it all out.


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #69 on: September 13, 2021, 07:38:14 AM »

Nas, how are you feeling this morning? X


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #70 on: September 13, 2021, 08:26:51 AM »

hope you're ok, Nas- so sorry you feel like this.
80 oestradiol is very low- how recent was that reading?
it would surely account for how you're feeling- which means it's not you, it's the hormones, and you just need to find something you can absorb
i recently saw someone on here who wasn't absorbing the patch and then tried sandrena gel and it worked.
i'm not saying this will necessarily work for you- and anyway, you're trying something different right now- but it shows that there's a large element of trial and error with all this
really crossing my fingers that lenzetto works for you.
not sure if you're peri or meno?- sorry can't remember
solidarity with you- we really do understand- and we do eventually get through this.
i did use ADs to get through worst of peri- i don't like to push them but i think you can reach a point where they become necessary to getting you through.
you were prescribed some sertraline, if you're at rock bottom, do you think it might be time to try them or similar to get you through? do you have friends, family, someone to talk to in real life?
take care xx



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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #71 on: September 13, 2021, 08:55:39 AM »

and i may have been confused about the doctor precribing you sertraline? i'm a bit foggy-headed


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #72 on: September 13, 2021, 09:02:52 AM »

sorry bit more to add
i get the surges you're talking about on the patches, too
i'm not sure that i got them on estrogel- i should write stuff down- but i'm pretty sure i didnt
i tried to go back on to estrogel a month or so ago but felt awful for a week and gave up.
think i'm just saying that it's not unusual to feel crap when changing hrt even when it's back to something you thought you could tolerate
my friend ended up on various psych meds- she's had a bad time likely due to peri/meno -but is a different person now!!
 she is having a great time on her mirtazapine etc!! i do sometimes feel like asking docs for that for me and if i was much lower in mood i would. it's always there in my back pocket
the difference between you and me is that i've spent a long time coming off antideps and am so reluctant to ruin my "good work" by going back on- and i'm not sure that long term they're that great.
but i do envy my friend- there is no doubt the antideps have sorted her out- she's on fire!!
if you're not on anything (anti depressant-wise) then you might find that you don't need much of something in order for it to work. my friend has a history of antidep meds (like me)- hence why she needs 4 different and high strength!
but you're in a very different situation- you don't have a tolerance to antideps and it may just give you the energy to weather the hrt trial and error
as i say, i don't like to push this stuff- but i think you have to see the bigger picture and if psych meds get you through then so be it. you can figure out getting off them (slowly!) if you want to, somewhere else down the line.
i'm not making much sense, i know- but just want to let you know i'm here for you- feel free to PM me- i do understand x
and keep writing to us on here x


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #73 on: September 13, 2021, 09:29:09 AM »

I too take mirtazapine and it's been great. I also have four pumps of oestrogel and testosterone. Feel like I am finally where I want to be. I do think ADs can help while the anxiety is sky high. It gives you breathing space and you can use that to sort out the HRT. Mirtazapine helps almost immediately with sleep and you don't get the start up side effects of a lot of SSRIs. I wouldn't be feeling good now without the mirtazapine. And I was desperate and also couldn't see a way through. Every minute was torture. Please please speak to your doctor and get some help.


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Re: Cortisol/palpitations/ anxiety
« Reply #74 on: September 13, 2021, 10:05:29 AM »

Morning Ladies , Morning Nas

How are you today , I hope you managed to get a good sleep and I hope you are ok ..
just wanted to drop a line to say thinking of you & hoping that your ok Xx
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