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Author Topic: Frozen Shoulder  (Read 2396 times)


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Frozen Shoulder
« on: August 31, 2021, 09:16:20 AM »

I'm really struggling with this.  Waiting for follow up with consultant after an mri scan but I would be so grateful to hear from anyone who has had this or is currently suffering.  It seems mine was probably caused by incorrect placement of my 2nd covid vaccination which caused inflammation.  The pain is just getting worse and ibuprofen or paracetamol doesn't touch it.  It is really bringing me down as prior to this I loved my yoga and exercise and can do very little now.  I am trying to do a couple of exercises that the consultant gave me to stop it freezing up completely but would be so grateful to hear from anyone how they coped and how long it lasted as seems to be a long term thing which is really depressing.  Did anyone have keyhole surgery as the consultant mentioned that and I am very nervous.

Thank you in advance.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2021, 09:31:35 AM »

Hi Meadowblue

I feel for you.  I suffered with a frozen shoulder following a car accident and whiplash.    What has really worked for me, initially, when it was very bad, and subsequently when I can feel a flare up coming on, is acupuncture.  It might be worth investigating. 


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2021, 09:41:20 AM »

Hi MeadowBlue

Hope your ok , I’ve not suffered with a frozen shoulder but I just wanted to reply so you know someone is always reading.

Can they not give you anything stronger to help ., or maybe something to relax the shoulder
These vaccines are all well and good to protect us but seems lots are struggling after them.
When did you have your last Jab ?
Hope you get help you need



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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2021, 12:26:54 PM »

Hi there,so sorry you're so unwell, I also had this and got a cortisol injection,it was sheer bliss,the pain went in a day,can't say the injection was bliss but worth it


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2021, 12:49:18 PM »

It is common in menopause.  As oestrogen levels drop so the body may become dry, inside and out.  Self refer to a physio 4 appropriate exercises as well as strong pain relief.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2021, 02:14:03 PM »

Thank you so much everyone.  I hadn’t thought of acupuncture but willing to try anything.  Coincidentally I have just been called for a follow up appointment and will be asking about a steroid injection and pain relief.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2021, 02:15:43 PM »

Hello MeadowBlue,
I nearly tore my rotator cuff and ended up with frozen shoulder along the way.
I tried physio and doing my ex under hot water in shower but the thing that saved me was guided steroid injection ( done in just the right spot whilst using ultrasound).
Amazing result as jaypo says.
I went back to physio after to learn how to keep the area mobile down the line.
Touch probs at all 5 years later.
Wishing you well, keep your chin's fixable!



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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2021, 02:29:42 PM »

Hi Meadowblue
I am currently coming out of the other side of a Frozen Shoulder on my left side (had the same on my right side 2 years ago).
A couple of weeks ago I had an ultrasound guided cortisone injection.  It was a little uncomfortable but the results so far do outweigh any discomfort.
The injection has given me the increased (although not complete) freedom of movement so that I can do my physio exercises and stretch it out a bit more.  And, the most wonderful thing, is that I can get a decent nights sleep now too!
I would definitely recommend the ultrasound guided injection.
Incidentally, I did have keyhole surgery on my right side, that was due to a bony growth which was impingeing the shoulder.  The surgery worked a treat but I wish the consultant (different man to the one I have now) had tried the UGI instead.  That might have helped, who knows?
All the best, I hope you get it sorted soon as I know how miserable it can be.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2021, 02:41:23 PM »

A bony spur can grow on any joint.  Think of plantar fasciitis, (sp), caused by a bony spur growing slowly until it becomes painful to walk.



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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2021, 03:30:01 PM »

FYI: A frozen shoulder can be connected to the gallbladder too. I had one recently which was triggered by a change in my HRT.

Usually you get twinges under your right ribcage but not always.

I second the acupuncture suggestion but I realise you're unlikely to get that on the NHS!



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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2021, 01:11:24 PM »

Me again! I’ve seen the consultant and he gave me steroid injection, not with ultrasound though.  Also referred me for physio and saw them on Monday who said to rest it for 7 days as still too inflamed and then will give me appropriate exercises.  Also gave me acupuncture for the pain.  Alll I can say is wow, within half an hour the pain was much reduced and stayed that way for a couple of days.  Amazing.  However pain creeping back now.  Think will ask for acupuncture again when I go next week.

Could I ask though for those of you who’ve had the steroid injection how long did it take to ease the pain?  I’ve heard anything from 2 days to 5 weeks and I’m terrified it won’t work.

Thanks so much everyone who replied, the pain really gets you down especially at night.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2021, 01:44:22 PM »

I had to have a few jabs but they don't like to give you too many but mine were quick to work,within two days I'd say.Really hope you get some relief


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2021, 03:56:59 PM »

My UGI worked within a couple of days and eased the pain enough to be able to start the physio exercises.
I think physio is key, as if you don't stretch it out, the pain will creep back in.
Keep at it, you will get there!


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2021, 09:18:56 PM »

I’ve got a frozen shoulder from my first covid jab back in March.
I have just gone through the painful phase and now it’s just stuck. I can’t lift it very high, but it’s no longer painful.
Massage your shoulder twice a day with some soothing massage oil. It really helped to speed recovery up for me.
Since I started swimming a few weeks ago I have found this helps too.

Have had to go it alone as physio is on a very long waiting list where I am.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2021, 08:15:40 AM »

October 2019 I was diagnosed with frozen shoulders both left and right
After many months of physio referral from the GP I was eventually referred to a specialist who took X rays and gave me physio exercises which didn't help much
The pain was so bad I had problems sleeping and doing normal things around the house
I was given 3 options
Do nothing
Have a cortisone injection one side only
Be referred for an operation
I chose the 2nd option which if it didn't work I would go for the op
Had the injection in my left shoulder, it wasn't too painful, and within days the shoulder was virtually pain free and mobile
There were days before the injection when I used to wonder if the pain would ever go away, but it does
There is a light at the end of the tunnel
Not long after the 1st injection the pain in the right shoulder went by itself