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Author Topic: 48 peri menopausal, Estragel (2pumps and utrogestan day15-28 (disaster)  (Read 1825 times)


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hello everyone.. hope you are all doing ok today  :)

so my story is that i am 48 peri menopausal. I have been having irregular periods for 3 years now. 1 year ago lots of hot flushes and night sweats/ anxiety through the roof, emotional, erratic :'( :'( moods, weight, brain fog so i decided to try HRT. I was given the gel ( 2 pumps a day, and on day 15-28 utrogeston.

i have to say i was sooo hopeful and excited to start my hrt BUT the side affects for me were horrendous. I was literally spaced out, going around lie a zombie, afraid to drive the car with the kids in it. literally falling asleep in the daytime, (not me at all). Night time was great, i slept like a baby but the daytime was a nightmare. i spoke to my consultant and she said reduce the dose to 1 pump, but no difference.
I use to get pains in my arms or legs where ever i rubbed the estragel on. On day 10 I decided i just couldnt function anymore so stopped.

Strangely everything settled back down to regular cycles and the hot flushes stopped until I got my phfizer vac 2 months ago.
 I spotted for a full 10 days immediately after the vac then had a period like a miscarriage, literally gushing blood and awful clots..i had this for 8 days and now no period but severe flushes, up to 3 an hour :'(

I am so fed up and feel like in not in control of my body and i just don't know what to do.

my consultant said oh try the Zoely pill after that i cant do anything else.  My aunt died of breast cancer so i think she is weary of putting me on other hrt.

i didn't try the pill as having been on it through my teens for acne and my twenties and thirties it really dosen't suit me and causes my mood to drop so low and cant do it again.

Any help or suggestions girls much appreciated.

as of today, i have stopped my can of zero coke, cut my tea back to just 2 cups a day, and stopping food after 6 to help not alone with weight but the flushes.

I have also started Starflower oil 2000mgs as of today. I will keep you informed as to how that goes for me.

Its so nice to read the stories and know you are not alone. most of my friends are not close to menopause or maybe just in denial but dont want to talk about it. :o

molly x


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Re: 48 peri menopausal, Estragel (2pumps and utrogestan day15-28 (disaster)
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2021, 04:50:10 PM »

Utrogeston is well known for making you dopey, it does it to me too. I think you would have been better to stay on the 2 pumps and change to taking utro on a sequi regime (200mg x 12 days, days 15-26). This way you will know if utr is the problem and you can then decide if you can put up with it or try a different prog. As you head towards meno you can use a long cycle (6 weeks) to give you more 'good' time.

I know the AZ jab can mess up your cycles, not sure about Pfizer but it may well do the same.


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Re: 48 peri menopausal, Estragel (2pumps and utrogestan day15-28 (disaster)
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2021, 09:21:01 AM »

Thanks for your reply sheila  ;) . Can i ask what reason would you have a higher dose of the gel? I know some people have 4/5 pumps?


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Re: 48 peri menopausal, Estragel (2pumps and utrogestan day15-28 (disaster)
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2021, 11:23:46 AM »

I started on 2 pumps in peri but as my own supply packed up I increased to 3 and then to 4 because symptoms returned. It isn't unusual to need more as you produce less yourself. The right dose for an individual is the lowest dose that controls your symptoms, for some people it's 1 pump, for others it's 6. For me the AZ jab seems to make my oestrogen less effective and I had a mild return of symptoms for about a month. Perhaps you could try a patch?


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Re: 48 peri menopausal, Estragel (2pumps and utrogestan day15-28 (disaster)
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2021, 01:01:17 PM »

thanks sheila,

interesting you ssay that about the jab as it was same for me...threw me straight back into all my symptoms.

I have started patch, estradot, so fingers crossed it will work.

hope you are doing well  :)

Can i ask you do you sleep well?