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Author Topic: Lenzetto  (Read 3299 times)


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Re: Lenzetto
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2021, 10:21:33 AM »

Thank you
That is interesting to know and I also had the Pfizer jab.


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Re: Lenzetto
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2021, 01:10:38 PM »


What symptoms did you have after the jab? x


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Re: Lenzetto
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2021, 02:40:43 PM »

Initially it was headaches - and I’ve never been a head achey person - but then my body just crashed. Sledgehammer fatigue and then the palpitations started which drove me into a whole load of anxiety. I’ve been focusing on getting those checked, which took until last week to confirm that there’s nothing wrong.
I suppose there’s no way of knowing that it was definitely the jab, but even my GP said it’s not that uncommon.
I’d been thinking about going on hrt again for a while (I’d been on it for a bit 4 years ago but was then able to manage my symptoms alternatively)
So thought it might help with the fatigue. But the oestrogel just seems way too much for my severely fatigued body and I’m very sensitive anyway to any ‘drug’.


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Re: Lenzetto
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2021, 05:27:51 PM »

Appey - sounds so so similar to what I experienced and as I was cutting down n HRT at the same time I truly don't know which caused it.  However the palpitaions and tachycardia started with a bang one evening when I was watching television a few days after having had my second Covid jab.  I never felt right since the first one to be honest but the second one floored me - just like you crashing fatigue, awful headache, felt very weak and wobbly, cold sweats, insomnia and the worst anxiety and panic I have ever had in my life. My GP did think it might well have been caused by the vaccine but who knows.  This went on for many weeks and 12 weeks really before getting better from it helped by swopping off Oestrogel and going on to Lenzetto.  So so sorry you have suffered too.  Like you I am incredibly sensitive to drugs and really expected to re-act badly to Lenzetto but thankfully I haven't (well not so far anyway!!) .  Do hope you feel better soon xxx


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Re: Lenzetto
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2021, 10:14:15 AM »

Thanks Pippa
It’s reassuring to know I’m not alone or going completely bonkers! Just mulling this weekend to decide my next step. I’m a teacher and due back to work in the next couple of weeks, having taken quite a lot of time off last half term, so really don’t think I’m going to make it…. xxx


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Re: Lenzetto
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2021, 12:58:56 PM »

Appey - honestly we are not alone and you are certainly not going bonkers - there are pages and pages of people suffering adverse effects from the vaccines plus all the incidents that have been reported on the yellow card system.  Unfortunately any drug or vaccine has the potential to cause side effects - that being said the vaccines have been instrumental in helping avoid so many deaths from Covid so the balance is definitely in their favour but not so good for those of us that have been affected with side effects.   My daughter is also a teacher so I know how fast the school term is no approaching.  I do hope you start to feel better soon. Have you had advice from a Menopause consultant?  There does seem to be so many very good treatments out there now and I get totally what you are saying about being sensitive to drugs.  I am the same and only need miniscule amounts of things sometimes to get the desired effect but mostly I find I am unable to take them which is why I was so surprised when Lenzetto (so far) worked. xxx
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