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Author Topic: Progesterone only seems to be working  (Read 1911 times)


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Progesterone only seems to be working
« on: August 20, 2021, 07:33:36 AM »

Hi all, just wondering if anyone else has experience of taking progesterone only pills for peri as everything I see that mentions treatment seems to include estrogen?

I’ve been in peri for a few years now with no treatment but over the last few months had developed various symptoms including non stop heavy bleeding and daily flooding so my GP prescribed Norethisterone (first for 10 days which worked but the bleeding resumed when that stopped so I’m currently on a 30 day course) and I was referred for a pelvic scan.

I’ve not had the scan yet, it’s booked for the beginning of Sept, but in the meantime I actually feel so much better since I’ve been taking the progesterone. The bleeding has stopped completely, I’m sleeping a lot better, have been having less night sweats plus my skin feels much better and I’m itching less and I just feel generally a lot less ‘yuk’ than I had been.

If this is all due to the Norethisterone, I’d happily take it for the rest of my days although part of me wonders whether it’s just a coincidence as I can’t seem to find much about people taking progesterone alone. Has anyone else had experience of this?

My current prescription is due to end next week and I’m now getting worried that my previous issues may return once I stop taking the pills, although if they do I will call the GP and hope he will prescribe again.

Thanks ladies,
Best wishes, Mag x

Mary G

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Re: Progesterone only seems to be working
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2021, 10:40:39 AM »

With the benefit of hindsight, I think I would have benefited from progesterone only HRT at the onset of the menopause but I definitely needed to introduce oestrogen later on.   I now use continuous combined HRT.

I'm pretty sure Dangermouse on here was using progesterone only HRT because her oestrogen levels were too high and she needed to balance them out of suppress her oestrogen levels. She suffered badly with gastric migraines caused by spiking oestrogen I believe.

If you type dangermouse into the search box at the top you can read all her posts which are very informative.   

Hope that helps.


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Re: Progesterone only seems to be working
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2021, 01:30:17 PM »

I’ve had a similar experience with the Mirena coil. After some advice on here I’ve had another inserted and my mood is better, more energy and sleeping better. I know it’s supposed to be a local thing and many people hate it, but for me it’s worked out well. So maybe a similar experience to you just via a diffferent method!


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Re: Progesterone only seems to be working
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2021, 01:31:49 PM »

Meant to say, the Mirena is also a form of progesterone (progestin)


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Re: Progesterone only seems to be working
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2021, 03:12:50 PM »

Same here, with hindsight that would have been best for me. In fact I asked the dr for a short course of Provera when I didn’t get my period for 5 months, aiming to reset things, but they refused. I ended up getting some tests and in the end, HRT. Fast forward 2 years, and I have a Mirena and I feel like I only need the estrogel in a very small amount. I’m actually going to see how I do for a little while on just the Mirena plus a vaginal estrogen cream (when I was early peri, vaginal dryness was a big issue). If the Mirena acts only locally, and the cream only locally, and I feel well overall, this is a win! Of course I always have my estrogel to go back to if/when other symptoms start to mount.


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Re: Progesterone only seems to be working
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2021, 03:28:44 PM »

Sounds like that’s worth a try shannonplussed. I had a Mirena a few years ago and dabbled unsuccessfully a year or so later with oestrogel but felt worse.
Then 3.5 years after the first Mirena I’ve felt rubbish again. LesSmart on this forum said she had to get her Mirena changed every three years or symptoms returned. So I got mine replaced just last weekend and felt more ‘balanced’ pretty soon after.

Hormones are so confusing x