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Author Topic: Introducing myself  (Read 2006 times)


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Introducing myself
« on: August 17, 2021, 03:45:05 PM »

Hi, I should have introduced myself instead of diving straight in, do forgive me.
So, hi, I'm 57, married, 2 grown up sons, I work I a supermarket.
I started with the menopause a few years ago, but the VA kicked in about 18 months ago, didn't know what the he'll had hit me, never heard of it before.
I gave up smoking about 6 years ago and along with the menopause, gained weight. I joined weight watchers and I've lost almost 3 stone, which miraculously have managed to keep off.
Pre covid I used to swim once a week and could manage 40 lengths in 50 mins.
During covid as the swimming baths were closed, I challenged myself to C2K, which I managed to do, I can't say as I enjoyed it as much as swimming tho. Hoping to go back swimming in Sept.
A friend I've had for 30+ years accompanied me on my runs (we used to meet weekly for walks) decided to fall out with me over me requesting that we go back to evening walks instead of morning (she was due back at work!) and she was adamant that we should stick to mornings, so I just said we will have to sack it off then. I explained to her that as I work at 6 am 5 morns a week, that it would be nice not to have to rush out  she messaged me and said enjoy your me time!
I've felt quite down since that episode, I still can't believe what she did.
Sorry to go on, a problem shared...
So glad to have found this forum. Thanks


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2021, 08:07:16 PM »

Sometimes friendship ends naturally.  What did she fill in your Life, or was she draining?  Some are givers, some takers ;-) but it takes a while to grieve. 

You are 4given ;-).  It really doesn't matter, jumping straight in is fine.  I think U had replies?

'weight watchers' is a good support group.  MinL lost weight and kept it off.

I enjoy meeting our till girls in our supermarket, they brighten up shopping trips and mayB the 1 person that elderly people speak too.

Join in!


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2021, 08:28:34 PM »

Thanks CLKD, yes she could be a bit draining,  she could be a bossy bitch too, I think the thing that shocked me was during covid she was very anal about everything, if anyone walked on the same side of the street as her she would freak out, then the weekend after the incident she announced on Facebook that she was going swimming! I'm like, really! I also felt betrayed as we used to swim together.
I'm not a very outgoing person, but I enjoyed going out and about with her, I think I miss that more than her. X


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2021, 09:18:53 AM »

Time will find you things to do.   This happened to me several years ago: the friend was a bit 'bossy' and full on but we had interesting times.  Then her life changed dramatically : "I think I will find a different friendship group" - I waited 4 her to say that DH and I would be in that group.  Nope.  Because by then we knew 'too much about her'; turned out she is narcissistic ............ so well out of it!  She had begun to take me 4 granted: she would go away for a few days leaving her dogs behind, then ring me hours later to ask me to 'let them out'.  Knowing full well that they would be looked after here which of course, impacted our life.

Dogs loved being here  ;D

Do U have hobbies?  Somewhere else to swim where you won't meet with her? 


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2021, 04:04:41 AM »

Hi your "friend " sounds just like mine.  I do have more friends and plan to go swimming in Sept, I think its just the way she treated me and ended the friendship that has upset me. Thankyou for your support, it means a lot xx


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2021, 09:31:24 AM »

Hi, at the end of the day its her loss,youve done nothing wrong, don't dwell on it, sounds like she has some mental health issues, I'm sure you will meet someone else thats more understanding, I've had a few in my life and it hurts, but then  I think its there loss and move on, life's too short to get upset over someone that can be bothered to be civil, have a good weekend.  😀


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2021, 02:04:26 PM »

Thanks Baz x