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Author Topic: Why won’t my Doctor help me?  (Read 2507 times)


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Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« on: September 01, 2021, 06:04:24 PM »

This is my first post and as I write I am in tears. I have no life anymore. I’m constantly exhausted to the point of being breathless, I can’t cope with day to day life as small things overwhelm me. I never look forward to anything for the fear of being exhausted. I can’t concentrate, I swing from anger to tears in the matter of minutes. My bones ache all the time and I basically don’t see the point in anything anymore! I have had blood tests(all negative) and am on anti anxiety medication (slight improvement but not great) and my Doctor point blank has refused to test me for menopause!
Has anyone else experienced this? Do you think it is the Menopause? I’m sorry for rambling on but I’m desperate. Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me. Lesley xx


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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2021, 06:18:39 PM »

Hi Lesley there’s lots of lovely people here to help. You’ve come to the right place.

Can you give us some more information? How old you are ? Where are you in this menopause journey ? What are your periods doing ? What are your symptoms ? All these answers will help us to give you some help . x


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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2021, 06:43:07 PM »


I’m almost 51.
I’ve not even been tested for menopause as when I broached it with my Doctor she said that the test wasn’t accurate so a waste of time.
As I am on the mini pill I have not had a period in over ten years so no clues there.
My symptoms are extreme fatigue. Low mood, mood swings, extreme anger at what seems to be nothing, crippling anxiety. A feeling of hopelessness. Difficulty concentrating. Feeling extremes in temperature really cold to really warm in a matter of minutes- I could go on but I think that’s the main points  :-\
The reason I think it may be menopause is because talking to friends and family of the same age - they seem to have had similar experiences.

I wanted to speak to all you lovely people on here to see what your opinions were and to ensure I am not going mad! ::)



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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2021, 07:02:47 PM »

Change your GP?

She is correct in that hormonal blood tests are reliably unreliable.  However, she should have arranged for U to have routine blood tests for: low VitD levels, anaemia, thyroid function, although I understand that blood testing in some parts of England is in short supply.

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use to chart progress.  Is there Nurse Practitioner or a GP with interest in women's health at your Practice? 

U R not going mad!  Peri-menopause begins 10 years prior to the last monthly period, literally, menopause.  My periods waxed and waned for several years.  I was already on ADs and anti-anxiety medications which helped (from 1988).  I had various itchy spots, the main being my insteps. I would take off my socks at night B4 stepping in2 the bath and my feet would itch++.  I sometimes wake with one heel scratching the other! 

As oestrogen levels drop off the body may become dry: inside and out; skin, scalp, eyes, deep in the ears, vagina ....... and muscles may become lax = aches and pains. 

Browse round.  Make notes.  Most of what you describe has been discussed here over the years.


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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2021, 07:52:52 PM »

Thanks for the replies guys.

Not sure if there are any clinics I can be referred to I’ll look into that. My plan is to speak to the practice nurse next time I’m in for bloods as she is far more approachable than the GP.  >:(

I have a follow up consultation with the Doctor regarding my anxiety meds next week and not sure if I should mention the possibility of meno again. My meds have been chopping & changing for 3 or 4 months now and I’m terrified she tries to change them again and it makes things worse.


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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2021, 09:13:43 PM »

I would develop hot flushes. Far too many don't recognise meno unless you have flushes and irregular periods. Perhaps print off a list of symptoms and highlight all the ones you have. Seeing a different gp might be the best option.


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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2021, 06:45:54 AM »

U can say 'no, I haven't given this medication engouh time to feel any benefit'. 

GPs can be a bit slow in joining the dots  ::)

Shell babes

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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2021, 02:52:29 PM »

Lesley- sounds like text book menopause symptoms, I agree with all that’s been said. You need HRT. As the ladies suggest, a different GP? It shouldn’t be so hard to get the correct help. What about the Newson Clinic, I think they do phone appointments. x

Shell babes

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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2021, 02:56:47 PM »

Lesley- as Sheila99 suggested, if you say that you’re having hot flushes, the GP will then join the dots and realise that it is menopause. Some of them don’t recognise other symptoms, it’s ridiculous. Just as Davina said on her documentary, there is a distinct lack of training in this area. x

Shell babes

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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2021, 02:59:34 PM »

The average age for women in the uk for menopause is 51, surely that should be a clue to the GP. Let us know how you get on. Sending big hugs to you. You’re definitely not going mad. X


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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2021, 03:14:39 PM »

The average age for women in the uk for menopause is 51, surely that should be a clue to the GP.
Hah! Some just don't work it out. Similar experience, 2 different GPS, aged 56 and 57 when I saw them. No hot flushes so it can't be meno...


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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2021, 04:47:00 PM »

Thank you all! I am overwhelmed by your support and actually feel better just having confirmation it”s not “All in my mind”
I will be speaking to the Doc next week and you have given me the strength to be more assertive! I may also “fib” about hot flushes  ;D

Shell babes

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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2021, 05:36:59 PM »

Great news - please let us know how you get on. You’ve got this.



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Re: Why won’t my Doctor help me?
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2021, 08:24:33 PM »

Hi Lesley,

I tried one GP and got nowhere, so armed myself with information (including NICE guidelines for menopause) and said that I wanted to try HRT. My mood was the biggest concern as I had developed very bad cyclical depression (around days 25-28 of my cycle, even with missed periods).

I asked for Oestrogel and Utrogestan as I wanted to try transdermal oestrogen (I get migraines so that’s preferable for me).

The doctor discussed all symptoms, how bad the depression was and when it happened. Said he agreed that a trial of HRT was a good idea. He prescribed the HRT for three months then a review (which I’ve just had).

It’s helped, some tweaks needed but up to now definitely glad I went on it.

Best of luck xx
« Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 08:41:30 PM by Wannabewell »