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Author Topic: Acid reflux medication  (Read 6140 times)


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Acid reflux medication
« on: August 12, 2021, 10:35:51 PM »

Hi all

I started a new tablet today for acid reflux symptoms

I was taking omperzole and at first it helped but then it seemed it didn’t ( which It probably was but my burning got worse )

Anyway the GP prescribe H2 Blocker
I was like yayyyyy might be able to eat somthing as I’ve lost appetite due to this and I make myself eat but never enjoy it

The tablet is Famotidine 20mg morning
20 mg evening

I took this morning as prescribed by doctor at 07.45 with a glass of water
I felt ok then starting getting a flushed hot face & body felt hot .. didn’t think much of it
Then I started to feel slightly dizzy again I didn’t think anything of it .. then I had to run to loo
Again didn’t think anything of it as pharmist said these was the most common side effects with these tablets so it’s what I was expecting

All day I felt fatigued & warm & pain had gone slightly

Then this afternoon, my son phoned me so was around 3pm .. why I was chatting away a feeling came over me where I was like ohhhhh I don’t feel right … this sudden feeling turned in to me feeling spaced out and not myself then throat felt like it was closing up  … I phoned my pharmist to say was this normal , she said no the main side effects are as I mentioned above
She said let me look at things … she said Michelle is it your aniexty I’m like no .. I don’t feel panicked I just don’t feel right like an outer body experience
She said is it an high .. ( I’ve never experienced a high ) so I couldn’t answer
She said that what I was experiencing was a 1 in 10’000 rare side effect 🙄😢
But she reassured me that it would pass but if I was to experience hallucinations etc to get husband to call for medical
advice as these symptoms are very rare
She told me not to take the next dose ( no way I would have ) 
She said the tablet as a life span of 10-12 hours then should start to taper off
Safe to say I haven’t hallucinated
At around 8 o’clock tonight I started to feel a bit more human .. still not 100% but better than I was

The burning pain is back so can tell the tablet is working its way out
But OMG why would a tablet do that .. the tablet is awful

I’ve since looked at side effects & read reviews … If I had seen these before I woulda never took these tablets at all

I’m gonna go back to omzerpole and hope they start to work .. I’ll take it 2 x daily and hope it settles the worse symptoms because it as before

I have never felt like that before in my life & strangly enough I didn’t get aniexty or panic as normal
 think I was too out of it to panick

I don’t know if anyone else as tried these tablets but for real I will never try again

The acid pain is so more better than the side effects



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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2021, 07:56:58 AM »

That reaction sounds extreme  :o and very frightening!

It's time that this pain was investigated.  Could it be because your stomach and gut are empty, causing a wind bubble which is sore?  Have U tried over the counter "Rennies" to ease the feelings?  Does it double you over?

I don't know anything about gall stones etc.  :-\.  I swallow "omeperzole" at night to ease the cough caused by acid reflux. 


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2021, 12:08:12 PM »

They are saying it’s all to do with acid & it’s because of aniexty etc
Which I know can cause havoc on our digestive systems

Food i sometimes can’t tolerate because of the feeling of nausea but I do try my hardest to eat

This pain subsided after a week of omperzole.. that was in June and I did get my appetite back and then from there the burning came back also burning sensation in throat & this coincides with really bad aniexty … so in all fairness one is causing the other
I make my self eat which is a struggle sometimes when I’m gagging
The burning Sensation in my mouth/throat I would say as only been the past few weeks
They said it’s the acid rising

I haven’t tried anything only Omperzole which I’ve been on since June … and that tablet yesturday which I will never ever ever ever try again

I can feel burning in throat now not too bad but I’m aware it’s there ,  I have had breakfast this morning & I’ve just eaten an apple and banana
I cut coffee down to one a day and I drink water
And I’m gonna make myself a sandwich now just to make sure I’ve eaten .. I don’t like this losing weight with it all

I wish I could make it all go away but for some reason it wants to stay with me

They did full bloods and apart from the one that was abnormal all are ok and in normal range or at highest or low rest of normal range
I’m waiting on results for stool sample and I think more blood results as she took 3 lots so I’m presuming was more to come back .. I’ve only  seen results on full blood count so far
Thyroid bloods are fine
Blood sugar are fine
So to them as it seems it’s all acid & aniexty is making it worse

Although I know a bad digestion can also set off aniexty

I don’t wanna try new things since that happening yesturday
I did try gaviscon but I ended up on loo the next day and this didn’t seem to help that’s when I was taking omperzole aswell
I took hours after each other
I’m not bent over in pain I can just feel the burning sensation under left boob and  by left ribs .. and in mouth/ throat
I will see if I can have rennies i have to be careful what I have due to warfarin

My blood test that came back abnormal was eosinophil as in lower than the normal range and no further action needed .. so no idea what happens now
But I’m not trying no more new drugs I can’t handle .. I think i need to detox my body and start a fresh lol

Then I think is it my hormones , did I over load on them when maybe I wasn’t in great need like I thought..
I’ve been off HRT 16 days .. and these aniexty episodes and Burning and loss of appetite was why I came off it as all seemed so much worse

I’m at a loss really but I’m plodding on because I have too ..


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2021, 05:21:18 PM »

Hi! I can feel background reflux burning as I've been out of 'omeprazole' for a week. Thought that I could do without  ::) , however the cough is back and I've had reflux more often.

Sleeping upright can help but then I roll over as I drop off!  Which makes DH jump  ::), then I'm awake for hours  >:(

Anxiety can cause more acid which becomes a Catch-22 situation!  (what did we say prior to Heller's book being printed?) .  I find that some food stuffs affect me but not every time, so it's difficult 4 me to find out what the trigger might be  :(

If the body is hungry we can make more acid, again it becomes self fulfilling.  I find that ginger biscuits are really good for easing nausea, though if my gut is empty = reflux!  Jacobs cream crackers are good, straight from the packet with no butter.



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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2021, 05:40:32 PM »

Hi Michelle. If you are getting the burning sensation in your throat then I really think you should push for an endoscopy referral. The lining of the oesophagus doesn't have any protection against stomach acid and can become ulcerated. Does it hurt when you swallow a hot drink?

Taz x


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2021, 06:54:37 PM »

Hi Michelle. If you are getting the burning sensation in your throat then I really think you should push for an endoscopy referral. The lining of the oesophagus doesn't have any protection against stomach acid and can become ulcerated. Does it hurt when you swallow a hot drink?

Taz x
Hi Taz
They was gonna do that next as I did a stool sample and bloods
The throat hasn’t been for that long but I can feel it and some days worse than others
But no it don’t burn when I’m drinking hot or cold & apart from the feeling of burning in ribs and below boob & awful taste in mouth & like acid rising I actually don’t get in bad pain like bent over etc thankfully as burning is enough

They did a stool sample not so long ago as last year I had burning stomach and it ended up being H pylori and I did have the meds etc
So in June they tested for it & it came back negative thankfully
So they have now done another stool sample to see if it detects any blood but not had any results back yet

In June when this started I was on Omperzole  2 x 20mg daily , it got rid of the burning & I was dropped down to 20mg x 1 a day
Then aniexty ramped up and it came back then went then back then went & then I started to feel it rise up and leave awful taste
I tried a new tablet yesterday never again
But I’ve been told to take Omperzole 40mg in morning as one dose instead 2 20mg doses spreaded across the day

So I’m hoping this helps as it did when I first started taking it in June .. I got my appitite back which was great for me .. she suggested that I do this for a month instead of a week which I was told to last time

I haven’t been eating a lot because of loss of appetite and nausea feeling but now I’m making myself eat just so I have food in there because I need this to subside plus I don’t wanna lose no more weight .. I wanna eat a big meal like I used too

I think it’s a mixture between acid and aniexty .. I don’t have black stools or I’m not  actually vomiting it’s just a feeling as you know
I took that other new tablet yesturday & the pain and taste subsided but then came the rest of the effects and that’s not for me to experience things like that

So fingers crossed the OMPERZOLE work again :)

But I’ll try omperzole 40mg in morning and hope for better eating days :)


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2021, 06:59:58 PM »

Hi! I can feel background reflux burning as I've been out of 'omeprazole' for a week. Thought that I could do without  ::) , however the cough is back and I've had reflux more often.

Sleeping upright can help but then I roll over as I drop off!  Which makes DH jump  ::), then I'm awake for hours  >:(

Anxiety can cause more acid which becomes a Catch-22 situation!  (what did we say prior to Heller's book being printed?) .  I find that some food stuffs affect me but not every time, so it's difficult 4 me to find out what the trigger might be  :(

If the body is hungry we can make more acid, again it becomes self fulfilling.  I find that ginger biscuits are really good for easing nausea, though if my gut is empty = reflux!  Jacobs cream crackers are good, straight from the packet with no butter.

I bought ginger biscuits to take the nausea away and also have crackers :)
I’ve eaten more today than normal & im gonna try do that each day
I didn’t think of the stomach being empty that could cause more .. but even tho I ate every day sometimes was only small amounts
I will start the OMPERZOLE again tomorrow on the new dose as suggested
And also start vitamin D and C ( Been told to drink the vitamin c with food )

Hopefully this works like first time :) this time I’ll be on higher dose longer


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2021, 01:01:16 PM »

Hi Michele7474

This might be totally inappropriate for your acid reflux symptoms as I don’t know how many things you’ve tried or not tried and what other health issues you have.  I was unable to take omeprazole, as it made me feel really unwell.  On the advice of a health professional I started taking 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in a mug of boiling water about 30 minutes before each meal.  Although lemon juice is obviously acidic small amounts mixed with water reduce the acid in your stomach.  I found it really helped me so thought I would pass it on. 


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2021, 01:25:59 PM »

Interesting: paternal Gran would drink barley water - any1 remember that ?  YUK!  When I had heart burn after surgery the Nurse gave me peppermint tea but kept the recipe close to her chest  ;D.  I've had a hot cup of tea a few moments ago and can feel reflux forming .........


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2021, 03:00:50 PM »

Hi Michele7474

This might be totally inappropriate for your acid reflux symptoms as I don’t know how many things you’ve tried or not tried and what other health issues you have.  I was unable to take omeprazole, as it made me feel really unwell.  On the advice of a health professional I started taking 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in a mug of boiling water about 30 minutes before each meal.  Although lemon juice is obviously acidic small amounts mixed with water reduce the acid in your stomach.  I found it really helped me so thought I would pass it on.
Hi Haydo

What symptoms did you get with Omeprazole?


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2021, 03:29:07 PM »

Hi DeeMarie

A really bad headache, dizziness and generally feeling unwell.   I had the same reaction to lansoprazole. 


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2021, 05:12:04 PM »

Hi DeeMarie

A really bad headache, dizziness and generally feeling unwell.   I had the same reaction to lansoprazole.

I get headaches but they’re not too bad and also feel rubbish especially nausea and struggle to eat sometimes  :'(


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2021, 06:07:53 PM »

Perhaps try the lemon water to see if it helps at all, you’ve got nothing to lose.  It took a while to make a difference, and I avoid the foods I know that trigger it, but I now don’t need to take any medication for the acid reflux, just the occasional dose of gaviscon when needed.


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2021, 08:39:13 PM »

Perhaps try the lemon water to see if it helps at all, you’ve got nothing to lose.  It took a while to make a difference, and I avoid the foods I know that trigger it, but I now don’t need to take any medication for the acid reflux, just the occasional dose of gaviscon when needed.
Thanks I’ll give it a go, will try anything! Was so ill over the weekend and need to call my gp regarding my symptoms as the omeprazole is due to run out soon. Was it freshly squeezed lemon juice or from a bottle?


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Re: Acid reflux medication
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2021, 06:01:56 AM »

I used freshly squeezed lemon juice.  I hope it helps you, even if it’s just a little bit.
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