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Author Topic: Feeling low and wobbly  (Read 6993 times)


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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #45 on: August 15, 2021, 01:29:16 PM »

Hi Michelle7474,

Thanks for your reply.

I felt weepy this morning and cried a bit.  I woke up feeling anxious this morning and I think the cortisol plays a part when it comes to anxiety.  I don't feel wobbly but I sometimes get internal shaking.  When I startted peri, which I think was in October 2016 when I first missed a period, things seemed fine.  Then from 2017 to 2018 I would have a period every 2 months.  This was still ok, as I didn't mind not having periods anymore but in March 2018 I started feeling very strange.  It started with stomach issues.  I first got the impression I couldn't swallow my food  and I had a bit of reflux.  Then in May of that year other symptoms started cropping up   I started feeling horribly dizzy on an almost daily basis and, from time to time, my nose and ears would get blocked.  I really didn't think of the menopause because I was still having my periods at the time. Nobody told me that meno can cause these symptoms.  I became increasingly worried, not knowing what was happening to me and I thought that there was something medically wrong with me.  I had all the tests under the sun but the docs couldn't find anything wrong with me.  In 2019, apart from having 3 periods, in a row, my periods spaced out even more and in January 2020, I had the very last one.  I haven't had a bleed since and I am in early postmeno.  I do hope that my symptoms will tail off,  especialy, the psychological ones.  There is no way this can go on indefinitely.   


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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #46 on: August 15, 2021, 02:37:28 PM »

Hi Michelle7474,

Thanks for your reply.

I felt weepy this morning and cried a bit.  I woke up feeling anxious this morning and I think the cortisol plays a part when it comes to anxiety.  I don't feel wobbly but I sometimes get internal shaking.  When I startted peri, which I think was in October 2016 when I first missed a period, things seemed fine.  Then from 2017 to 2018 I would have a period every 2 months.  This was still ok, as I didn't mind not having periods anymore but in March 2018 I started feeling very strange.  It started with stomach issues.  I first got the impression I couldn't swallow my food  and I had a bit of reflux.  Then in May of that year other symptoms started cropping up   I started feeling horribly dizzy on an almost daily basis and, from time to time, my nose and ears would get blocked.  I really didn't think of the menopause because I was still having my periods at the time. Nobody told me that meno can cause these symptoms.  I became increasingly worried, not knowing what was happening to me and I thought that there was something medically wrong with me.  I had all the tests under the sun but the docs couldn't find anything wrong with me.  In 2019, apart from having 3 periods, in a row, my periods spaced out even more and in January 2020, I had the very last one.  I haven't had a bleed since and I am in early postmeno.  I do hope that my symptoms will tail off,  especialy, the psychological ones.  There is no way this can go on indefinitely.

Hi again Karine

It’s awful when you wake up feeling anxious and especially when the feeling stays longer and lingers about , I do hope your ok and I send a massive hug to you ❤️

I get interal shakes I could never work them out & thought I had some nerve problem … when they first came it was like what the hell is this ??
I’ve never missed a period (yet)  & all
These things are happening
I’ve had close together periods & that’s what prompted me to go on HRT .. along with usual aches and pains .. palpitations, headaches , body feeling hot ( wasn’t so much a flush ) had gained weight .. which now I’m thinking wasn’t a bad thing
And I had aniexty ..once and few odd weird days 
I’ve never been the best sleeper so to me that was normal.

But I do believe that maybe the HRT made everything worse for me.. I’ll never know but after struggling for 3.5 months ( although first week was great symptoms went & felt normal ) but they came back but I was determined to give it the whole 3 months & pray it worked.
In this time my palpitations came back , the heat came back , the shakes came back , everything came back and also aniexty on a day to day basis
But I still kinda managed to get out and about at first  .. then it came stronger which stops me going out alone ( although I have done a few walks alone )
But I never  understand how this all happened & always doubted it would be hormones
My pharmist said to me tht I would be best off stopping the patch or lowering it as she said it seemed my body was having too much hormone , ( when maybe it didn’t need it so much )as mine was fluctuating  which could have been the case
I stopped it 27th July and instantly felt relief in myself for taking it off.
But I have to say the aniexty etc is still lingering , she also informed me that it would take a while for my own system to settle when finishing the patch as it’s been used to getting more added .. now it as to get used to getting nothing added and she said then finally would be back to normal ( whatever that will be ) 
I’ve read a lot of people have come off and although have bad days generally felt better in time , so im hoping for same but still early days for me.

I think my stomach issues are all caused by maybe the aniexty/hormones too as I’ve never suffered before
Since I’m back on the omperzole 2daily & eating better for past 3 days it’s not been so bad as in burning as subsided & the nauseous feeling don’t seem as bad as it was, that to me is a relief

I want to wake up everyday and feel Bck to normal but I think thts a long way off .. I plod on through my day .. sometimes sad , frustrated & still asking HOW

The dizziness lightheadedness I don’t like .. but thts far less now than it was on patches although it’s still around
It’s like someone as taken my body and I want it back 😂😂

I could handle it without the aniexty as I’m more aware now , I’m more educated from this site

I always thought it was something else causing it .. surely couldn’t be hormones making me feel this way .. but all bloods come back fine and is no suggestion of anything else .. I had CT in April and that was fine ( that was before aniexty )

I did think oh was it covid , was it the jabs because I couldn’t get my head  hormones doing this to me.
But look how many of us are suffering
I hope for the day that my hormones maybe settle where this aniexty isn’t a daily chore to live with

I feel calm now but jittery it’s like your waiting for it to happen as it’s happened so many times before
I’m sitting on my balcony getting fresh air & maybe later I will go for a drive with husband 

Did you get aniexty a lot when you was in peri stage after missing periods etc

Strange how something else that’s happening like your nose/ ears / throat / stomach could all be menopause.. I always sit and think HOW ?

I’m not even gonna try any new meds or anything now as I think sometimes they help in certain ways but create another problem
I tried proponol 10mg once a day and although I was calm I couldn’t function .. so I haven’t had that now for a week
Also H2 blocker i tried once for this stomach acid and had awful side effects & I think that should be out my system now so back to basics and just waiting for these pesky hormones of mine to get to normal as in before HRT

Us women deal with such an awful lot
And yet some don’t ( lucky )
I didn’t expect any of this .. 4.5 months ago I was still out and about , working , laughing , joking and living life with aches and pains
wish I was back there now lol ..

I do hope your days get better & I hope mine do too
And I certainly hope this can’t be forever


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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #47 on: August 15, 2021, 03:17:51 PM »


Thanks very much for your post.

I would say I am a sensitive person and I tend to worry about things in general.
I used to get low mood and anxiety during my reproductive years   This would happen during or around my periods so it's not really new to me but it would only last a day or two each month and I would be fine ourtside this time.  I never used to get as anxious as frequently as this.  I am not taking HRT because I want to be able to see what my natural hormones are doing.  I guess HRT can mess things up. The hormones in our body are probably trying to balance themselves out so HRT has the potential to upset that.  I had a blood test for the oestradiol level and I will have another one to see if my level of 586pmol has dropped further.  I'm guessing my hormones are no longer fluctuating as I am in postmeno but they must still be lowering otherwise I would be free of symptoms.

The annoying thing is not knowing how much longer this nonsense is going to last.

I do hope things will improve for you sooner rather than later.

Take care




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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #48 on: August 15, 2021, 06:21:50 PM »

Michelle7474,  I forgot to say that when the psychological/emotioal issues kick in I can feel the following:

Butterflies in the stomach
Racng heart
Feeling overwhelmed as if things are too much to cope with
Feeling vulnerable, sensitive and scared
Feeling low and sometimes wanting to cry
Negative thinking

These are horrible feelings.

Have you experienced them before?




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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2021, 06:46:35 PM »

Michelle7474,  I forgot to say that when the psychological/emotioal issues kick in I can feel the following:

Butterflies in the stomach
Racng heart
Feeling overwhelmed as if things are too much to cope with
Feeling vulnerable, sensitive and scared
Feeling low and sometimes wanting to cry
Negative thinking

These are horrible feelings.

Have you experienced them before?



Hi Karine

Only since April I had first experience of the above …not so much crying although I do occasionally when I feel it’s too much & thinking this is rest of my life .. that’s the only negative thinking really
was very few occasions i would feel the above intense , I would just feel like that but was kinda off feeling maybe wasn’t as full blown as the first one  .. since June they been constant & some very intense
I didn’t start HRT till May so the first one I couldn’t blame on that but it happened a day before I was due a period but also 3 weeks after covid jab
And second worse one in June .. was on the day of a period and also 12 days after my 2nd jab
So I’ve always thought it’s something  to do with both

But then I woulda thought it’s been 10 weeks since last jab
& 19 days since last time I had the patch on..

Strange old thing and I doubt I’ll ever know the answer to what set this off

I do know a lot of people on here had aniexty so I was more going towards hormone related ..
it’s awful & im sorry you had to experience it too .. I feel for every one that as suffered this awful thing

I could handle it once or twice a month even though I wouldn’t want too but it would be easier than most days



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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #50 on: August 15, 2021, 08:44:07 PM »

Hi Michelle

Been pretty bad today energy wise and fatigue, pain etc. Rested as best I can (I have ME so with additional menopause symptoms it’s a nightmare).

Evening is better for me again, still pain and fatigue but general relaxation better.

Hope you’re day stayed okay, that’s good. I’m managing to maintain weight since starting HRT .. had barely any appetite prior to HRT and my mouth and throat was so dry food used to stick in throat.

Have a good evening xx


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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #51 on: August 15, 2021, 08:55:46 PM »

Hi Michelle

Been pretty bad today energy wise and fatigue, pain etc. Rested as best I can (I have ME so with additional menopause symptoms it’s a nightmare).

Evening is better for me again, still pain and fatigue but general relaxation better.

Hope you’re day stayed okay, that’s good. I’m managing to maintain weight since starting HRT .. had barely any appetite prior to HRT and my mouth and throat was so dry food used to stick in throat.

Have a good evening xx

Hi wanna
I’m so sorry that you have another painful day .. it’s not nice when days are like that. But I’m happy your relaxed this evening
My day as been a on off day .. this morning was a shaky start and on off all day it’s been there .. I went for a drive with husband and then to mother in laws for a quick visit & then cash point in which I could feel the panic come on .. but I breathed through it & got back in the car .. so I’ve been out today .. just not how i used too .. but small steps make better changes eh
A lot of people have said they suffered with stomach or throat problems bizzare
Let’s hope tomorrow is better days for us both , infact for everyone
I hope your evening gets more relaxed for you .. xxxx

Shell babes

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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #52 on: August 16, 2021, 07:03:12 AM »

Hello lovely ladies - hope you are managing to get through the day.

Karina T - I can completely relate to all that you say regarding anxiety especially the bit about feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope and feeling vulnerable, sensitive and scared. I feel like this most of the time. It’s like I’m almost scared of myself. How ridiculous is that x


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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #53 on: August 16, 2021, 09:59:18 AM »

Just thinking of you all and sending big warm hugs. I wish I could wrap us all up in a blanket until we feel safe, nourished and ourselves again. In the meantime, take care xxx


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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #54 on: August 16, 2021, 10:05:11 AM »

Just thinking of you all and sending big warm hugs. I wish I could wrap us all up in a blanket until we feel safe, nourished and ourselves again. In the meantime, take care xxx
How are you doing now mindfulmoomins
I hope you feel better :)
How’s you shell babes & Karine

I wish I could get in that blanket too
Hope today is a better day for all xx

Shell babes

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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #55 on: August 16, 2021, 12:23:41 PM »

I will happily get in that blanket. Feeling the usual nerves and internal shaking. Can’t seem to escape although I slept ok. How are you all doing? x


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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #56 on: August 16, 2021, 12:34:01 PM »

I will happily get in that blanket. Feeling the usual nerves and internal shaking. Can’t seem to escape although I slept ok. How are you all doing? x
Hi shell
I’m feeling same as you today , can’t shift it not matter what ..
But hopefully the day gets better gonna make myself a sarnie now and see if that helps in some way ( wishful thinking )

Hope your day gets better
I’ve been put on waiting key for CBT so hopefully that’s soon

We will survive this :)

Shell babes

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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #57 on: August 16, 2021, 12:52:18 PM »

Sorry you are feeling the same. It’s so consuming that I can’t think of anything else. I cant relax no matter what I do. I feel that my life has stopped yet everyone around me carries on as normal. I am trying to eat but it’s hard when you’re just not hungry. I have felt like I’m on high alert since I got up , as if some horrific event has happened but it hasn’t. If something bad does happen, I feel I can’t deal with it. I’m sure I’ve got adrenal fatigue. x

Shell babes

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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #58 on: August 16, 2021, 12:53:44 PM »

Michelle - hopefully CBT may help you x


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Re: Feeling low and wobbly
« Reply #59 on: August 16, 2021, 01:00:32 PM »

Sorry you are feeling the same. It’s so consuming that I can’t think of anything else. I cant relax no matter what I do. I feel that my life has stopped yet everyone around me carries on as normal. I am trying to eat but it’s hard when you’re just not hungry. I have felt like I’m on high alert since I got up , as if some horrific event has happened but it hasn’t. If something bad does happen, I feel I can’t deal with it. I’m sure I’ve got adrenal fatigue. x

It’s bloody awful shell
I hate it with a passion , I make myself eat because of losing the weight that sets me off more .. so I make sure I eat few times a day
I’ve been on high alert & think sake as you that every one around me is ok .. why ain’t I
It’s awful & if you was near me I would invite you for a cuppa n chat away to try and help you & me…
I pray your day gets better shell
I’ve never known what this feels like until now I’ve experienced it & it’s so draining for everyone..

If you need a chat shell you can inbox me anytime
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