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Author Topic: Advice on Antidepressants  (Read 9034 times)


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #75 on: August 09, 2021, 09:00:16 PM »

Hi Michelle,
If you can't sleep, I would try get up and crack on with the day?
I have early waking and pounding  heart (low oestrogen still I think!) but if I lie there, tossing and turning, it drives me mad! Today i have the heavy body and feeling out of sorts, but I know it is due lack of restorative sleep.

I also have propranalol for anxiety, but have perfect blood pressure, so not touching it now I ve decided!

What are your plans for today Michelle?
Has the bleed descended yet?

CBD oil? Ever given it a thought for anxiety? Maybe a low strength one to start with?
Or those CBD sweets? Decent quality are also meant to be good for anxiety and sleep issues?
CBD tea can be good for relaxation, day or night?

Hope today isn't too bad for you.

Hi Nas
Sorry onli just see this
I did get up and just cracked on and sat down when I felt like I was gonna pass out
The bleed is heavy but not as crampy as it was past few months so that’s a good thing

Today I went and actually see GP to do with the burning ribs and stomach
They have prescribed Rintadine to see if that helps
And also having more bloods and stool samples took
then will have camera down , because she concerned with the weight loss and me always feeling nausea dry heaving and gagging almost choking on food. I dont eat as much as I normally do as I can’t face it sometimes and I force myself to eat due to lack of appetite since this burning started & It’s been going on since June but I always put it down to hormones lol I’ve been taking omperzole for it but comes back and acid in throat.
She told me not to take the antidepressants yet as they could cause extra nausea , stomach problems and need to sort this one first
Said because I’m on warfarin she don’t want the stomach to become too tender and bleed as the tablets can increase bleeding.
She did say the proponol as a side effect of insomnia , but I can stop them as I hadn’t taken them for that long and was on smallest dose 
She said insomnia can also trigger off aniexty said so it’s always like a viscous circle
I was so shaky & nervous when I got to the GP just as I was other day going to hospital , but I pushed myself in and told them I’m having a moment & I went in waiting room calmed myself down and I felt bit better before seeing GP :) still shaky but not as bad as when I arrived
After I left I was ok madness lol 😂
So from a slow start & it was a productive finish ..

I’m now retired to bed & hope tonight I sleep ..

Hope your ok and have had a good day today :)
Thanks for replying xxx



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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #76 on: August 10, 2021, 06:21:19 PM »

Hi Michelle,
how're you doing today? Good to hear that the GP took your concerns seriously and you'll be thoroughly examined.
Are you going to wait now with the beta blocker and AD until the stomach issues are solved?

At my end things pretty stable, certainly not feeling great, but also not as bad as I did during the worst times, so I guess that's progress and I"m grateful even for smallest steps forward.

I have a weird thing going on with sleep now, I sleep super well every other night and then the other one I can't sleep almost at all.  ::) So its like one night with 9 hours deep sleep and the following with 1 hour. Just so weird and I don't know what's causing this, so just trying to relax the best I can.

Take care of yourself and let us know how you get on! xxx


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #77 on: August 10, 2021, 08:29:05 PM »

Hi Michelle,
how're you doing today? Good to hear that the GP took your concerns seriously and you'll be thoroughly examined.
Are you going to wait now with the beta blocker and AD until the stomach issues are solved?

At my end things pretty stable, certainly not feeling great, but also not as bad as I did during the worst times, so I guess that's progress and I"m grateful even for smallest steps forward.

I have a weird thing going on with sleep now, I sleep super well every other night and then the other one I can't sleep almost at all.  ::) So its like one night with 9 hours deep sleep and the following with 1 hour. Just so weird and I don't know what's causing this, so just trying to relax the best I can.

Take care of yourself and let us know how you get on! xxx
Hi EllaAurora
Yes Gp advised not to take antidepressants until this issue is resolved as could cause more stomach issues with nausea etc
I haven’t taken the aniexty tablet since Sunday and slept well last night .. 11.20 to 6.45 & think I woke up just once
I don’t usually sleep fantastic but last weekend was so bad with no sleep.

Today I’ve been ok not so jittery but I think it’s because I know my stomach is more acid than anything kinda puts mind at ease .. only because of the symptoms they all add up to GERD kinda thing
The tablets the GP prescribed are not on the Market anymore so Waiting for another prescription but still taking Omperzole
I have bloods tomorrow at GP surgery
And then it’s basically go from there

Im happy you feeling a bit more settled the sleep thing is annoying isn’t it .. because the no sleep days make the next day a lot worse in more ways than one.

I’ve still on 1st bleed since coming off patches
 so it’s like all is going on with me at minute.. but I’ve gotta stay focused and positive things can only get better right ??

All small steps are positive :) hopefully we soon have big steps

Hopefully things start to even out better for us both soon & we finally feel human again

Thanks for replying EllaAurora xxx 


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #78 on: August 11, 2021, 09:38:47 AM »

Hi Michelle,
If you can't sleep, I would try get up and crack on with the day?
I have early waking and pounding  heart (low oestrogen still I think!) but if I lie there, tossing and turning, it drives me mad! Today i have the heavy body and feeling out of sorts, but I know it is due lack of restorative sleep.

I also have propranalol for anxiety, but have perfect blood pressure, so not touching it now I ve decided!

What are your plans for today Michelle?
Has the bleed descended yet?

CBD oil? Ever given it a thought for anxiety? Maybe a low strength one to start with?
Or those CBD sweets? Decent quality are also meant to be good for anxiety and sleep issues?
CBD tea can be good for relaxation, day or night?

Hope today isn't too bad for you.

Hey Nas
How you feeling today ?
Hope your ok

CBD oil or supplements have you used any ?? How do they make you feel as in woozy high etc
I’ve heard of them but know nothing about them at all …

Hope your having a good day
I have a GP appointment for bloods so as you can imagine my aniexty and panic have set in already infact since I woke up because I know I’ve gotta go out
I’m trying to relax and breath as I know I’ll be fine but the working up to it is soooooo bad

I’ve never been like this before as in this bad only past month or two as been the worse for me
I’m hoping once I get my stomach problems sorted that it will calm down a bit more as when they started this kinda got worse and maybe they interact with each other and make it worse.
Couldn’t start the new medication they prescribed as it’s been taken off the market so awaiting a new prescription to be done

I used to think all this was just hormones but I’m not sure now as I know our hormones fluctuate but can they actually cause all this fear and panic from no where
One day I will maybe understand it all ( probably not lol ) one day I will be back to my self and live a normal life.

GP said could be a number of things causing it as in Covid I had end January
March and June I had covid jabs & then hormones playing up on top of that.
Funnily after both jabs I had the worse aniexty .. 3 weeks and 2 weeks after the jab but that could be me waiting for symptoms with all the bad press in the news about how it affected people

But it deffo got worse after this burning pain .. which was 12 days after 2nd jab in June
I hope that once I have stomach under control I can then control all this better :)

Hope your having a better day & a non worry jittery day

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