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Author Topic: Advice on Antidepressants  (Read 9043 times)


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2021, 07:31:19 PM »

My anxiety is fine now, essentially gone…unless I’m off the Sertraline. There are situations still that make me anxious, social anxiety stuff, but I think that’s just a ME thing. I’m never going to be the person that wants to be in a crowded shopping mall at Christmas, and I don’t want a medication to change my personality. But the general daily stuff is gone. There are hormonal peaks and valleys still to contend with here and there. Overall manageable.


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2021, 07:41:41 PM »

My anxiety is fine now, essentially gone…unless I’m off the Sertraline. There are situations still that make me anxious, social anxiety stuff, but I think that’s just a ME thing. I’m never going to be the person that wants to be in a crowded shopping mall at Christmas, and I don’t want a medication to change my personality. But the general daily stuff is gone. There are hormonal peaks and valleys still to contend with here and there. Overall manageable.

I’m so happy and glad your aniexty is better :) gives me a bit of hope

Was your initial symptoms all day or in waves ??

I’m thinking if this helps me then maybe I will handle this peri menopause better as I’ll have the aniexty in check so to speak & maybe HRT would help at a smaller dose when it’s needed

I just wanna go out and be me .. as in the happy go lucky me who goes out to work , shopping and starts seeing people again
Instead of this bag of nerves indoors who as changed so much since this started

As in changed I mean staying in , not working , not meeting friends ( although they come to me ) going shopping for bits and bobs and in just general changed
I’m such a confident person in myself that this was a shock to my system as it is to everyone .. I wouldn’t wish it on no one.

I’ve never been a shy person and I’m still not now lol but I’m certainly a different version of me than I’m used too.
I will never understand how it was like a light bulb and someone switched it on

Thanks for your time in replying I really appreciate it so much Xx


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #47 on: August 06, 2021, 11:27:24 PM »

Hi Michelle,
I’m on day 8 of fluoxetine (Prozac).  I’ve been putting off taking them for months / years ( had serious surgical complications which changed my life).  Things got worse this year and even getting out of bed was becoming an effort with my head racing with thoughts and conversations , just a constant dialogue that went nowhere. Plus I over analysed  everything and went through all the ifs buts and maybes on every thought  and decision . Things came to a head and I started them.  No side effects so far so fingers crossed x
Good luck with everything x


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #48 on: August 06, 2021, 11:35:58 PM »

Hi Michelle,
I’m on day 8 of fluoxetine (Prozac).  I’ve been putting off taking them for months / years ( had serious surgical complications which changed my life).  Things got worse this year and even getting out of bed was becoming an effort with my head racing with thoughts and conversations , just a constant dialogue that went nowhere. Plus I over analysed  everything and went through all the ifs buts and maybes on every thought  and decision . Things came to a head and I started them.  No side effects so far so fingers crossed x
Good luck with everything x

Hi groundhog

I’m so happy you haven’t had side effects and I hope that continues and I hope the tablets kick in real soon for you and help you.
You sound like you have had it very rough.. ive known for a while I needed to do something but I’m a tit when it comes to medication & I honestly thought I could beat this aniexty without any help
But I surrender now .. I know I need help

I haven’t started yet and I was due first cycle since being off HRT so wanted to get that out way first as I couldn’t handle that plus any side effects at the same time.

Good luck groundhov , I hope you feel i a much better place soon
My friend is on the same ones she said she starting feeling better in her self by 2 weeks but really notched a difference at week 4 , which may seem far away but you have come this far and suffered for way longer so hold on in there …Xxx

Thankyou for replying I appreciate it and look forward to a update on your progress xx 


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #49 on: August 07, 2021, 11:33:14 AM »

Hiya, so many people sharing here ... And I have all the feels for you.

Slightly different take from me:  I don't take daily meds.  I've tried them in the past, but for all the reasons you identify, I just couldn't manage them.  That said, I also can't take propranolol (asthmatic) and I'm only able to take Diazepam for a max of three weeks, so there wasn't really anything to get me sufficiently over the hump.  I should also mention, Diazepam for me in a crisis phase is 30mgs (3 x 10mgs) daily or swallowing them like sweeties up to 80mgs daily - even then, they don't always prove to be successful.  In some ways, I'm lucky to have this treatment regime already established, so no arguing with the doctor, because we both know from previous experience what works for me.

Anyway, it's a hard trot unmedicated, not always super stable or predictable.  It's taken me a very long time - years and years - to 'punch through' my anxiety and depression, and I wouldn't wish the route I had to take on my worst enemy.  It wasn't helped because my anxiety and depression were being driven by OCD arising from autism (both undiagnosed until relatively recently).  Point being, if I'd had the option to take a pill that might have helped, along with another pill until the effects of the first pill were manageable, I'd have jumped at that chance.  Most likely, I would've seen much quicker results and been able to re-establish my life on the even keel I wanted.  The alternative, which is what I've done, is a really difficult path to follow, and I completely refuse to accept the idea that mindfulness, yoga, a plant based diet, blah blah, would've made the difference I needed them to make when I was clinging on for dear life and going to hell in a handcart.  Mind you, they're quite useful now things are more stable for me.

Best of luck, and dead sorry you're going through this.



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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #50 on: August 07, 2021, 11:54:13 AM »

Hiya, so many people sharing here ... And I have all the feels for you.

Slightly different take from me:  I don't take daily meds.  I've tried them in the past, but for all the reasons you identify, I just couldn't manage them.  That said, I also can't take propranolol (asthmatic) and I'm only able to take Diazepam for a max of three weeks, so there wasn't really anything to get me sufficiently over the hump.  I should also mention, Diazepam for me in a crisis phase is 30mgs (3 x 10mgs) daily or swallowing them like sweeties up to 80mgs daily - even then, they don't always prove to be successful.  In some ways, I'm lucky to have this treatment regime already established, so no arguing with the doctor, because we both know from previous experience what works for me.

Anyway, it's a hard trot unmedicated, not always super stable or predictable.  It's taken me a very long time - years and years - to 'punch through' my anxiety and depression, and I wouldn't wish the route I had to take on my worst enemy.  It wasn't helped because my anxiety and depression were being driven by OCD arising from autism (both undiagnosed until relatively recently).  Point being, if I'd had the option to take a pill that might have helped, along with another pill until the effects of the first pill were manageable, I'd have jumped at that chance.  Most likely, I would've seen much quicker results and been able to re-establish my life on the even keel I wanted.  The alternative, which is what I've done, is a really difficult path to follow, and I completely refuse to accept the idea that mindfulness, yoga, a plant based diet, blah blah, would've made the difference I needed them to make when I was clinging on for dear life and going to hell in a handcart.  Mind you, they're quite useful now things are more stable for me.

Best of luck, and dead sorry you're going through this.


Hi Elk

Thankyou so much for taking time to reply and I’m so glad that your stable now in a way that’s better for you.

This is me now I can’t manage alone without help so I have to take the help and hope it as some positive outlook for me ..
I feel that I got to that stage I need to do something.. I need to try and get some of me back that this aniexty stole

I’m terrified about side effects but can it be any worse than how I feel daily .. I have to push through it ( I hope I can )
Proponol is new to me and I took one this morning as soon as I got it up it’s there and I can’t handle it everyday it’s too much ..
I have looked at a few apps with calming breathing excercises and although they would be easy to follow
When I’m having a full on turn I can’t think straight as I’m panicking about what is happening & I deffo can’t think of  I must do this and that .. I do when I get slightly calmer
It’s horrendous and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone and I feel for anyone going through this.
I hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel .. so many people have said it worked for them and some have said it didn’t help
We can only hope for me it’s positive

I do appreciate your reply , I’m just hoping I can do this :)

Gotta be positive in my mind that it’s gonna work …



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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #51 on: August 07, 2021, 02:19:38 PM »

If anxiety is worse in the morning, perhaps take the Propranolol at bed time for 5 nights 2 C whether it helps?  That's how it was prescribed 4 me, to lessen any sudden surges of anxiety - Cortisol the waking hormone, is the 1 to blame  >:(


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #52 on: August 07, 2021, 03:15:21 PM »

If anxiety is worse in the morning, perhaps take the Propranolol at bed time for 5 nights 2 C whether it helps?  That's how it was prescribed 4 me, to lessen any sudden surges of anxiety - Cortisol the waking hormone, is the 1 to blame  >:(
Hi CLKD how are you today :)

I think aniexty feeling came on this morning as I haven’t slept much as it’s that time of the month & window cleaner turned up at 6am
that’s why I took tab at 8 this morning as I could feel it come on and the tablet lasted all day to be fair

I spoke to GP again as he called as he apologised as he had forgot to send my sick note over ( I hadn’t realised lol )
I spoke to him again about the tablets and he said why I’m starting the Proponol I can take it once a day so it gets in my system and then on bad days I can take it up to 3 times etc as body will get used to it daily

I get calm off it & feel woozy & lightheaded .. I’m hoping that by taking it once each day that eventually that subsides and Just calms me I only take 10mg ( so far ) but can double it if needed

I just hope that I can start feeling my usual self soon .. today I started my first cycle since taking off patches so its been one of those days where cramps on and off .. headrush feeling on and off but I’ve been quite calm through it all compared to this morning when I took the proponol
So it’s a mixture today of aniexty and just general period aches and pains & symptoms 

« Last Edit: August 07, 2021, 03:19:01 PM by Michelle7474 »


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #53 on: August 07, 2021, 03:33:07 PM »

Me - weary

I had 80mg Propranolol 3 times a day for 3 weeks the 40mg twice a day for a while: cut down to 20mg x 2 then in the evening: B4 stopping completely in March 2020.

I feel woozy all the while due to busy, involved, long dreams  >:(


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #54 on: August 07, 2021, 03:41:28 PM »

Me - weary

I had 80mg Propranolol 3 times a day for 3 weeks the 40mg twice a day for a while: cut down to 20mg x 2 then in the evening: B4 stopping completely in March 2020.

Do you feel any different side effects from the different doses ..
I was reading some of your dreams earlier actually passing time away as you do :) you have some strange ones that’s for sure

I felt nice and relaxed last night and just couldn’t drop off for love nor money
I’ve never been a great sleeper something always wakes me up then takes forever to drop off but usually before I’m due ( before patches ) I used to have few bad nights

Did you wean off them ? You done good to not have them for over a year :)
Do your other tablets keep it at bay for you ??

I hate the woozy feeling .. mad how these tablets effect people different
My mate takes 40mg up to 3 times a day if needed … then drives
I wouldn’t beable to drive with my wooziness on 10mg lol .. but maybe when it sets in and my body gets used to it then it might subside  xxxx

I feel woozy all the while due to busy, involved, long dreams  >:(
« Last Edit: August 07, 2021, 03:43:27 PM by Michelle7474 »


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2021, 03:44:20 PM »

I stopped due to having background headaches on waking and it being March 2020, needed to know ......... no problems at all.

My ADs help keep the depression under control in the day, I am deeply depressed in some of my dreams.  Being able to lay in after a bad night helps a lot, no more alarms.  I used to wake quite threatened when working regularly.  It wasn't until I retired that I realised how shocked the alarm clock made me feel!


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #56 on: August 07, 2021, 03:54:26 PM »

I stopped due to having background headaches on waking and it being March 2020, needed to know ......... no problems at all.

My ADs help keep the depression under control in the day, I am deeply depressed in some of my dreams.  Being able to lay in after a bad night helps a lot, no more alarms.  I used to wake quite threatened when working regularly.  It wasn't until I retired that I realised how shocked the alarm clock made me feel!

Madness .. it’s good you can lay in.
I can lay in now as I’m not at work but Sod’s law I’m always awake same time which why this is going on makes the days so longggg
Im glad your AD keep your depression in check

Mine used to be mornings .. I used to get up have sweating episodes but was all before I went to work .. then gradullay they came whenever they felt like it
I do speak  out about it to anyone who listens lol better out than in ( I’ve got good mates that listen )
They also feel bad they can’t help but I tell them they do by listening to me drown on .. they all have own problems , menopause problems too but they take time to listen and to me that’s priceless and I’m lucky to have them.

I don’t remember many of my dreams .. I dreamt a few times my husband left me & I’ve told him these dreams but he says no chance of that ( no one would have him lol ) jokes aside tho I would be exhausted from some of your dreams.

Do you keep to certain bed times etc as in a routine .. I pretty much get into bed around 10 but still laying awake at silly o’clock .. then I end up looking at my phone and reading things
I tried one night to not even attempt to look at phone and my goooooood was the longest night ever



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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #57 on: August 07, 2021, 07:09:19 PM »

Yep.  Like clockwork me.  Unless it's warm enough to sit by the ponds on our patio watching for the 🦔 s and moths.  Otherwise it's bath 🛀 at 9.00 p.m. with a Very Good Book 📖  and cuppa, 🍵 to take my meds with; into bed 🛌 by 10.30 and sleep.  😴 Lay in until 8.30+ unless we are due anywhere earlier.  Look at the weather B4 deciding how to spend our day.



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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #58 on: August 07, 2021, 10:19:13 PM »


Yeah, personally, if my body's flooded with adrenalin trying to deal with it via breathing exercises or listening to whale music is not only a waste of time but anxiety inducing in and of itself. However, once on a more even keel, it's a good way of maintaining a sense of well-being.

The switch won't stay flicked forever. Believe me. I'm pretty sure the adrenals can't keep pumping out the damn stuff at the rate required to live in a permanent panic attack. They had a good go with me :)

I was chatting to hubs earlier and he reminded me that when I was bad (felt like I had rats running around inside my skull and veins flooded with liquid fire) I would do repetitive tasks while trying (and often failing) to relax, e.g. cross stitch, crotchet, very intricate painting / colouring, fiddly mosaic, etc. It meant I didn't have to sit still, but could watch the telly, even if I couldn't quite follow anything due to the spiralling. I sort of learned after a bit to keep my mind busy (and distracted from the panic) by keeping my hands busy. I think this is relatively common for people with panic disorder.


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #59 on: August 08, 2021, 06:27:05 AM »

Thank you both …
I started taking the beta blocker once a day to get used to it in my system and only take the lowest dose which seems some what to help. It calms me enough for me not to get into a bigger panic
If I can stick to one a day then that’s fab but I know if I need to I can take more
At min 1 is doing me ok which I’m thankful for

I bloody hate this & how something can do this to our body

Mine always starts with a feeling of dread , stomach feels hungry pain butterflies can’t describe it .. then I get a fast heart beat ,that Feels like it’s pumping out my chest & feel like my head as a heart beat too & then body shakes start .. headrush feeling & feels like you feel a heart beat in my head pumping & internal shakes legs feel like Jelly and like someone is sitting on my shoulders , like my whole body is heavy feeling  .. all this and obviously panic sets in and makes it worse … the proponol helps with this as in I don’t panic as much ( although feels like I do still think what’s happening ) and also I don’t feel my heart feel like it’s pounding after I’ve took the tablet … eventually as you all know this stops & the tab keeps me on a even all day kinda thing so far
I feel woozy when I take the tab but I suppose once my body gets used to it then prob won’t notice it as much

I haven’t tried the antidepressant
Yet as I’m on a cylcle ( first one since I took off patch ) and I couldn’t handle side effects on top of that ..
I’m not looking forward to side effects on the antidepressants  but we will see , I can only try
I’m starting on half a tab of sertraline when I do
I hope you find somthing for you Avalon
And Elk I don’t know how you did it but I’m so happy that you got through it.

I didn’t know anything about what was happening to me when this first started I was like what the hell is this .. thinking I was on my way out kinda thing but since learnt about the aniexty
And also I know we all experience different when having these

I’m hoping in time I get some normality back , I’ve not suffered this long but long enough for me.
I wish I could Take it away for everyone but hearing peoples story’s on how people have overcome this
And how tabs help & people who have been on medication for years then don’t need it gives me that bit of hope.

Thanks all for your input I hope and wish you all the best Xx

Good luck xx
« Last Edit: August 08, 2021, 07:02:11 AM by Michelle7474 »
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