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Author Topic: Advice on Antidepressants  (Read 9032 times)


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Advice on Antidepressants
« on: August 06, 2021, 07:29:01 AM »

Hi ladies
As you all know I’ve been struggling bad with aniexty
I was on HRT but symptoms for me came worse so I’ve been off HRT for 10 days now
Generally feel better in my self on most things but the ANIEXTY as taken over my life

I don’t feel low as in depressed but I feel like ohhhh another day like this due to anxiety..
yesturday I took my first anti anxiety med as it got to much
I’m not a tablet person as in I hate taking things because I don’t like not feeling me
( although feeling like me is like not good lol )
So I’m a worried about taking new meds
The anti anxiety tab did make me feel calm I must admit
But I’m not sure if I should try antidepressants
As anyone taken for aniexty & have they helped ??
Also how was the first few weeks going on them side effect wise ( I would like you to be brutally honest so I know what to expect )

I’ve been suffering this since May Day in day out almost & I know it’s got too much for me now
That surely must be more to life than sitting indoors

I do try and make myself go out when the aniexty isn’t at it highest but that also as been a problem lately
Yesturday was just too much for me from no where it springs as you know
I’ve literally had enough

So any truthful input & experiences would be great
I need me back .. I need to go out and about and stop being in this awful bubble of aniexty & fear

I’ve never been against antidepressants but I never wanted to go that route & then I’m like how is it gonna stop aniexty

Thanks in advance

Today so far I feel ok in myself but it’s on my brain to ask and see what you all think :)


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2021, 07:36:15 AM »

My honest opinion. I went on venlafaxine in 2004 for mild anxiety when it was the new drug on the block and it was awful. Its an SNRI and now really only prescribed for drug resistant depression. Start up effects were flu symptoms amd feeling off the planet. I piled weight on but the anxiety went. Withdrawals were horrendous. I tried sertraline (SSRI) and couldn't tolerate the increased start up anxiety. What really helped me was reading Dr Claire weekes books amd following the DARE Response. Both work on not reacting to the symptoms and sensations which effectively gets you into a loop. I still use it now if it pops up! I also stopped drinking alcohol, reduced caffeine, increased h20 and am working on exercise and diet.  Its a personal decision and obviously quality of life is paramount.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2021, 07:40:49 AM by jorainbow »


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2021, 07:52:15 AM »

My honest opinion. I went on venlafaxine in 2004 for mild anxiety when it was the new drug on the block and it was awful. Its an SNRI and now really only prescribed for drug resistant depression. Start up effects were flu symptoms amd feeling off the planet. I piled weight on but the anxiety went. Withdrawals were horrendous. I tried sertraline (SSRI) and couldn't tolerate the increased start up anxiety. What really helped me was reading Dr Claire weekes books amd following the DARE Response. Both work on not reacting to the symptoms and sensations which effectively gets you into a loop. I still use it now if it pops up! I also stopped drinking alcohol, reduced caffeine, increased h20 and am working on exercise and diet.  Its a personal decision and obviously quality of life is paramount.
Hi jotainbow
Thankyou for replying

Oh I have to look into the DARE response never heard of it to be honest

When I read about antidepressants and read aniexty/panic gets worse that petrifies me as surely I can’t get any worse than now ( although I probably can lol )
It’s a SSRI they will offer me and I’m sure it was Steraline ( prob spelt it wrong ) I didn’t speak to them to long about it as I was like no I don’t want it .. and dismissed it completely but this aniexty is not going away ..
I want to know why it came lol

I have CBT therapy booked in on 16th first session but I don’t know if that would work as you know when aniexty kicks in I can’t think straight never mind try and remember to do things

Awful thing is aniexty

Thankyou for replying :)

Ms Peak

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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2021, 07:57:23 AM »

Hi there. floored by anxiety about 7 years ago. No choice than to look at an AD to get my life back on track.

I take Citralopam and in the first few weeks of starting fpund it hard but I held on in there.

My life is brilliant and the med holds its place

Hope it helps

Ms Peaks


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2021, 07:59:48 AM »

Anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications are designed for different purposes.  I take escitalopram: 10mg at night, 5mg at breakfast.  Propranolol to stop the early morning surges helped a lot for over 10 years.

So a dedicated anti-anxiety medication can help enormously.  Without mine, (since 1989) I wouldn't be sitting here.  Several friends have had success with Setraline ? sp ? - it can take time for these meds to give relief so do persevere. 

Take care of you !  If you can't do something, then step back.  Don't push yourself until you begin to feel benefit from which A anxiety is prescribed.  Stop trying to please others which was my fault from a very early age.  I put 1-5 on the calendar if necessary 2 C how I got through each week.

I never found Claire Weekes any good, it was written as though she had never suffered.  It was too clinical at a time when I was clinging to the bed in desperation. 

Bach rescue remedy mouth spray has worked for me too.  As is eating every 3 hours 2 keep that awful nausea which triggers anxiety 4 me. 


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2021, 08:01:18 AM »

Hi there. floored by anxiety about 7 years ago. No choice than to look at an AD to get my life back on track.

I take Citralopam and in the first few weeks of starting found it hard but I held on in there.

My life is brilliant and the med holds its place

Hope it helps

Ms Peaks
Hi Ms peaks
Thankyou for replying
These are the things I like to read hahaha

Initial side effects was they totally bad ??
I’m so glad you have your life back that’s what I need .. I know I’m not myself .. I know I need help it’s just pushing myself to get it kind of thing

I’m awaiting a call from GP as I know it’s now time to sort it .. Ive tried and tried

How long before you felt better ??
Sorry for so many questions

Thankyou for replying


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2021, 08:11:28 AM »

Anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications are designed for different purposes.  I take escitalopram: 10mg at night, 5mg at breakfast.  Propranolol to stop the early morning surges helped a lot for over 10 years.

So a dedicated anti-anxiety medication can help enormously.  Without mine, (since 1989) I wouldn't be sitting here.  Several friends have had success with Setraline ? sp ? - it can take time for these meds to give relief so do persevere. 

Take care of you !  If you can't do something, then step back.  Don't push yourself until you begin to feel benefit from which A anxiety is prescribed.  Stop trying to please others which was my fault from a very early age.  I put 1-5 on the calendar if necessary 2 C how I got through each week.

I never found Claire Weekes any good, it was written as though she had never suffered.  It was too clinical at a time when I was clinging to the bed in desperation. 

Bach rescue remedy mouth spray has worked for me too.  As is eating every 3 hours 2 keep that awful nausea which triggers anxiety 4 me.

Thanks for replying ..
Ive used Bach’s spray initially it calmed me but when I have these stronger attacks it don’t although I use it

Yesturday I took anti aniexty tab for first time which for me was a big step and it did make me feel calmer but I was waiting on side effects which was making my brain go in to over drive
Didn’t really have much side effect to be honest just lightheaded/ wooziness & nausea feeling
( I’m dry heaving so tht at the moment don’t help ) I’m not sure if that’s to do with aniexty as could well be .. I’ll be speaking with doc about that today as it’s happening regular )

I don’t please no one lol 😂 I try and feel myself and I don’t .. I hate feeling this way
I remember you saying you was floored with it ..
I heard many good things about antidepressants and I know it’s helped a few of my friends who have been telling me since this started to try as they know I have change
But the initial side effects is what bothers me as most time I’ll be indoors alone as my husband will be working

One of my friends said she only got a dry mouth , the other one said she had nausea but the 3rd one said she had stomach problems increased panick and aniexty and just felt rough
Then you hear of people have suicidal  thoughts.. 😱
I know all of our bodies are equipped differently to these things 

I need to take control of this aniexty.. I need to let it leave my body I know that & I don’t think I can fight it alone I’ve tried and tried ..

Thanks CLKD xxx


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2021, 08:17:28 AM »

I can never fight it.  It floors me.  Within seconds.  The emergency drug helps: either knocks me out and when I wake up I feel better, or it enables me.  Years ago I would wait to see if the anxiety left on it's own, now if it hits I swallow the tablet at once.  Otherwise my head starts.

When I had Valium (1990s) I would take 5mg the night B4 an event, knowing that I had another to take if necessary the next day: I never required it.

There R no triggers for me, it happens.  U now know that the tablet works, the side effects are usual.  Knowing that the fight/flight response is the reason has never helped me deal with the physicality.  Hence the need for a pill to knock those feelings out.

Remember: a dedicated anti-anxiety medication is important rather than an AD which may work on depression as well as a side effect on anxiety. 


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2021, 08:27:48 AM »

Hi Michele and CLKD
What are the anti anxiety tabs you take, I did have some diazepam for bad anxiety which did work a little but could not use them for long. Have tried sertraline and citrilopram (2 years apart)but both only for 3 days each as the anxiety and total insomnia frightened me. I think now I would be better at accepting the side effects, now I understand them a bit more, but not sure.
Am thinking I may need to go down that route as anxiety is getting worse am on week 4 of femseven conti and 6 years post menopause.
My anxiety seems to lessen in the evenings for some reason.


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2021, 08:36:11 AM »

U would need to discuss appropriate medication with your GP.  Some will prescribe 'valium' - mine knew how much I needed and what 4.  I had reviews every 3 months.  Some GPs are so scared that patients will become addicted - the knowledge that it will work lessens the chance that someone will take an 'extra in case'.  I found that I took the Valium at night, it enabled sleep prior to the event which was causing anxiety surges.  I never had to reach for the 'extra' dose.

The currant as necessary med, which I haven't required for ages: not within 2019 and of course, through 2020 I couldn't go anywhere: Boris said so ;-).  No commitments.  No necessity 2 justify myself to others, meant that lockdown was the best year ever.  Now I am trying to pace myself.

During the 1990s there were days when I couldn't leave the house; would set out to go shopping and have to turn back ........ I never thought that I would B out and about again.  My GP has been supportive with lots of discussion around how I use the medication.  CBT did nowt. 

Once my commitments were done, by evening I was a different person - I had to learn to say 'no' if asked to do anything otherwise I would be in a curled up ball the next morning  :-\


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2021, 08:49:35 AM »

Hi Michele and CLKD
What are the anti anxiety tabs you take, I did have some diazepam for bad anxiety which did work a little but could not use them for long. Have tried sertraline and citrilopram (2 years apart)but both only for 3 days each as the anxiety and total insomnia frightened me. I think now I would be better at accepting the side effects, now I understand them a bit more, but not sure.
Am thinking I may need to go down that route as anxiety is getting worse am on week 4 of femseven conti and 6 years post menopause.
My anxiety seems to lessen in the evenings for some reason.
Hi Hbhigg

My GP prescribed propranolol to take if and when needed .. some are on them on a daily basis as a medication but mine is when required .. I’ve had them for a while in my cupboard but never wanted to take them for the fear of being not in control kinda thing & yesterday I took for first time
It calmed me down my brain was still going
But it stopped the shakes the rapid heart rate & stopped me getting worked up even more .. I felt calm but because it was first one I took maybe that’s why I was still thinking what’s this blah blah
I did initially ask my GP for diazepam 2mg as I had it years ago for my shoulder and I only ever took once as it made me relaxed enough to help my shoulder kinda thing, but she was saying no to diazepam

Maybe you could try the antidepressants again .. and knowing the side effects accept them better ( listen to me the one who isn’t on them because of thinking about the side effects )
My husband said we will ride this through together and said if I have 2 weeks of feeling crap then so be it ( if it helps after it be worth it )
Also I suppose if you got medication off your GP for aniexty then would that help you why your starting the antidepressants?? Just a thought

I’m a bit like you as in can I handle that to be honest .. so I understand where your coming from
Some of my friends said it took 2 weeks for the side effects to level off and my other one said she initially felt crap for 3 days and it all subsided so goes to show we are all different in many ways

Good luck with whatever you choose
I feel you 100%


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2021, 08:52:00 AM »

I can never fight it.  It floors me.  Within seconds.  The emergency drug helps: either knocks me out and when I wake up I feel better, or it enables me.  Years ago I would wait to see if the anxiety left on it's own, now if it hits I swallow the tablet at once.  Otherwise my head starts.

When I had Valium (1990s) I would take 5mg the night B4 an event, knowing that I had another to take if necessary the next day: I never required it.

There R no triggers for me, it happens.  U now know that the tablet works, the side effects are usual.  Knowing that the fight/flight response is the reason has never helped me deal with the physicality.  Hence the need for a pill to knock those feelings out.

Remember: a dedicated anti-anxiety medication is important rather than an AD which may work on depression as well as a side effect on anxiety.
Thanks CLKD
For you always reading and helping where possible
I appreciate it :)
I know one persons experience isn’t the next person’s experience
But to know few things would make you aware tht if these things happen it’s perfectly normal …

Thanks so much :)


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2021, 08:53:50 AM »

U R welcome. 


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2021, 09:03:42 AM »

Michelle, what happens when you try to get on with stuff day to day. Do you feel anxious? Can you go out alone? Drive a car?

These were issues I  had badly last year and the driving issue still lingers to a lesser degree. I have found  facing the anxiety head on, helps. So with the driving, I blast rescue remedy, get a sweet ready and get behind wheel. Many a time, I have pulled over to breath and regain a sense of control,  but to me, it’s better for me to face the  demon, than let it control me!

Face the anxiety head on. Befriend it almost, accept its there but try to crack on without your jobs at the same time.

I would trial your anxiety meds. You may feel much better in month or so.

It’s awful and one of the worse symptoms in my view.

Nas x


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Re: Advice on Antidepressants
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2021, 09:06:23 AM »

Hi Michelle,
so sorry to hear you continue to struggle and the anxiety is there despite coming off HRT. :( Maybe you could consider HRT again, after a few weeks, as it may have just been wrong dose or delivery method?   

In the meanwhile, it sounds you do need something to break the anxiety circle. It is horrible and traumatising to suffer like that.
Its great you talk to your GP today -perhaps also ask him/her to give you something with works now, on top of a longer run solution.
Nowadays they don't want to prescribe benzodiazepines, but having an 'emergency tablet' to take when it gets too hard sounds like something you need at the moment -to be able to start your recovery.

Let us know how you get on and take good care of yourself! xxx

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