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Author Topic: Evorel 50  (Read 741 times)


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Evorel 50
« on: July 29, 2021, 11:59:23 AM »

hello Lovely ladies

I hope you are all keeping well and coping with the daily variety show that is menopause  :)
I have a question if anyone has any insight, please? I started on Evorel 50 patches earliest this year. On the whole it has been a real benefit, I was going to give up in week 6 because I felt rotten but I stuck it out and in month 3 everything seemed to settle. Proceeding with caution I asked for another 3 months to try and we're now at the end of that, moving on to month 7 next week.

My question is this; I've only had one period out of the whole 6 months which has come on time. When I say on time, I mean after stopping the progesterone bit and going back onto just oestrogen. I realise your body can take a few months to settle down, which I put Month 1 to, Month 2 was bang on time, then Month 3 I had my first Covid jab and same in Month 5. (I have read that this can mess up your cycle in some way so thought it might explain those 2 months). But I always seem to start my period on week 3, i.e. one week into the progesterone.

My GP doesn't seem phased by this at all, but I just wondered whether maybe it meant that I had got sufficient progesterone in a week to make me have a bleed or something like that. It's not a tragedy but with my previous tablets (Femoston 2/10) I knew to the day what my body would be doing, and this is a bit tricky to predict.

I'm running the gauntlet when I wear white jeans these days  ;D xx



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Re: Evorel 50
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2021, 01:42:03 PM »

This was happening to me with everol sequi .. I always had bleed before I was meant too
They call it erratic bleeding that’s my GP saying that ( sounds extreme )
But my GP wasn’t worried either said our hormones underneath can always make things unpredictable.

Hopefully you get answers you need but if your GP isn’t worried & it’s working ok for you other than that then go with it.

I recently 2 days ago stopped the sequi not because of periods because of aniexty & feeling it was worse since on HRT  .. but time will tell as again could be my own fluctuating hormones or too much more added ..

Seems it’s helping you with other symptoms so that’s a good thing .. I hope you get some advice .. I’m clueless with hormones lol 😂
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 01:45:09 PM by Michelle7474 »


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Re: Evorel 50
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2021, 03:39:15 PM »

Hi Michelle

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience too, I'm sure other ladies will have had the same as us!
I'm not unduly worried if my GP isn't, it's just a pain more than anything else not knowing "when".

Other than the early bleeding it's working well for me. I really didn't like it at first as I felt worse than when I was on the previous regime and almost threw in the towel. I actually cried when my GP said, just carry on with it another month. But I did, and it was fine, and it has made a huge difference to the almost daily headaches that plagued me and made my life a misery.

I'm sorry to hear that you are troubled by anxiety, I know it can definitely get a lot worse at this time in our lives. Was it the only HRT you tried, as it may be better on something else? I guess you will only know that by going it alone for a bit and seeing how you get on. I remember when I first started on HRT it made my heart race and gave me palpitations but after finally settling on Femoston 1/10 it calmed everything down. I started HRT in June 2019 and so of course I'm now 2 years (and a couple of different regimes) further down the joyous path haha.

I hope your trial works out for you and you start to feel less anxious in the coming days xx



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Re: Evorel 50
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2021, 08:13:41 AM »

Hi Michelle

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience too, I'm sure other ladies will have had the same as us!
I'm not unduly worried if my GP isn't, it's just a pain more than anything else not knowing "when".

Other than the early bleeding it's working well for me. I really didn't like it at first as I felt worse than when I was on the previous regime and almost threw in the towel. I actually cried when my GP said, just carry on with it another month. But I did, and it was fine, and it has made a huge difference to the almost daily headaches that plagued me and made my life a misery.

I'm sorry to hear that you are troubled by anxiety, I know it can definitely get a lot worse at this time in our lives. Was it the only HRT you tried, as it may be better on something else? I guess you will only know that by going it alone for a bit and seeing how you get on. I remember when I first started on HRT it made my heart race and gave me palpitations but after finally settling on Femoston 1/10 it calmed everything down. I started HRT in June 2019 and so of course I'm now 2 years (and a couple of different regimes) further down the joyous path haha.

I hope your trial works out for you and you start to feel less anxious in the coming days xx
Hi mogster

I understand the not knowing when to expect the bleed as you wanna plan things around these days and know what’s what.. and sometimes when it comes earlier you actually sit and think what’s this !! ( I did ) lol

Yes this was my first HRT journey I initially felt good for 2 weeks as in most things had subsided .. but then it all got worse I managed almost 4 months but I couldn’t do it any more.
I’ve never had aniexty before so was new to me as in had only a few episodes this year. Not many.
But on HRT it became daily & I was jittery and panicky which & all other symptoms. I would shake from no where ( aniexty ) and in general felt worse and lightheadedness & feeling of Gonna pass out was immense that I couldn’t go out alone with the fear I’m gonna pass out

That was my reason for stopping but maybe I had too much hormone with my own hormones raging underneath.
I didn’t want to start again until I knew if indeed that I felt better off the patch .. it’s early days for me off the patch but I’m not so jittery but I’m taking it one day at a time & hoping for a miracle
I wouldn’t rule out using HRT again
I thought I was imagining most of it but have read a few on here suffered same & that the patch ramped most things up so I know I’m not losing the plot hahaha
This site is great :)

I hope your bleeds start to regulate better for you so you can pin point your cycle day .. I’m pleased for you that your other symptoms have subsided seems it works for you.
